Frage von diva:
hallo leute
we have stored images on a Panasonic P2 camera on map and now want to cut the mxf files into avid pro hd.
Can anyone tell us when outdoors, how to get the files to avid? and what tools are required?
And whether the workflow runs smoothly even with you, or it can cause problems.
thanks in advance
Antwort von einem hilfebedürftigem:

hi diva! similar problem only with xdcam of sony! synonymous not find a solution to solve the avid to the story (to final cut because his Unstress, now I'm and avid pc user). mitlerweile if you've found a solution it would be great if you could here reinschreiben. I sure have to do so with some still the same problem ... or will have.
Antwort von rush:

schau mal hier:
and here:
vllt. help the next
Antwort von joecast:
hallo leute
we have stored images on a Panasonic P2 camera on map and now want to cut the mxf files into avid pro hd.
Can anyone tell us when outdoors, how to get the files to avid? and what tools are required?
And whether the workflow runs smoothly even with you, or it can cause problems.
thanks in advance Hello,
So I copy the individual files into the mxf
AvidMediaFiles> MXF> "New Folder" - renamed to a new number
open it and then select with the Avid Media Tool (under Tools) - Single hard drive, where AvidMediaFiles select folder on it is - only "master clips" box> OK and the clips into a bin --
Done! Maybe there's another solution synonymous, but the work safe ...
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Pianist:
Can anyone tell us when outdoors, how to get the files to avid? I do not work with P2, but my Avid (Media Composer current) has an extra one P2 import function. Also XDCAM and XDCAM HD can be imported easily. How then are the data organized on the P2? If only as individual clips or is there a bin?
Are only really good solution, where the camera data directly organized in a bin, you have everything in one click with Avid.