Frage von Didi_Schilling:
Apparently, according to a tape sound recording errors (When output via DV - Camera disappears briefly display the "16 bit") is the sound of next Magix not recorded, although it has camera and recording other programs available.
If attempts are made, this AVI file to edit, only the part up to the obvious error.
Other players play with the Camera of Magix avi recorded. From File, however, from "Errors / Magix termination" without just TON
As I said, other programs are able to deal and create a proper DVI-File
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Markus:
Thanks in advance Uh, for what?
Antwort von Didi_Schilling:

For serious answers, synonymous s.ein new forum member
Antwort von Markus:

That was not meant ironically. You simply did not write what you want out, ie there was no question to which we respond with an answer could be.
I really should stretch my habit, such postings are just left to leave it like most other forum members do ...
Antwort von Didi_Schilling:

So, erstmal vielen Dank s.Markus.
Here the whole formulated as a question:
Apparently, according to a tape sound recording errors (When output via DV - Camera disappears briefly display the "16 bit") is the sound of next Magix not recorded, although it has in Camera and import into other programs is available.
If attempts are made, this AVI file to edit, only the part up to the obvious flaw in the timeline on ((Video "shrinks" to drag and drop)
Other players play with the Camera of Magix avi recorded. From File, however, from "Errors / Magix termination" without just TON
As I said, other programs are able to deal and create a correct avi file
What a way to Magix so that despite "soundtrack mistake" or at least next imported the import is lost?
For an answer I would be very grateful :-)
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi Didi,
in order to save the movie, it would first try to make the whole film again on another program as a single Magix (eg WinDV freeware). I do always synonymous with this free tool, as I previously Magix has some problems. Make sure you shortly before the erroneous position and terminate the import after the faulty re-start. Thus although you lose a few seconds, but that is hopefully not the drama. If you completely on the scene can waive, in which the error occurs, you can import synonymous simply pass through, as WinDV for each scene, anyway a new AVI file created. Now you have to at least the individual scenes in Magix can capture.
Does not synonymous, then the faulty import AVI into a program, at least the video track recognizes remove in processing the faulty soundtrack and re-export the movie as an AVI without sound. Now is probably at least Magix correctly identify the video. For the sound you will probably only have the opportunity to him about your analogy as wav sound card and record it in Magix again with the video together.
In the capture function of Magix can not intervene because ansich nothing else is done (or should be), as data of the camera to the hard drive to scoop.
Good luck
Gruß Jörg