Frage von Milofan2:
I've finished editing my film and now wants to export it.
I would like of the MainConcept codec, because of this I have the best results in size kleier hope.
I have the codec and I have it installed
Unfortunately, I was able to record in the export settings are not in place.
I have Windows AVI or DV Avi and found several things unknown
Unterm reiter video (if I chose Microsoft Avi) I find the codec but not the Main Concept. In his astute synonymous Book I have found nothing and here in the forum is the codec mentioned but not solved my problem.
How can I use the MainConcept codec mpeg in Premiere mount and use, so that when I export my movie like this codec can be used?
Antwort von xracy:

you should really know -> base
file / export / adobe media encoder then format: mpeg2 select
Antwort von Milofan2:

Thanks for the tip.
That opened me again like a thousand new rendering possibilities.
Unfortunately, I have the Mpeg2 codec not found. Have all sorts of settings durchprobiert. and as already been written, I am looking for a way a new codec in Premiere involved.
Please read the full article
Antwort von GMasterB:

Premiere uses the MainConcept MPEG-2 standard already! We have nothing more to be installed.
Antwort von xracy:

Unfortunately, I have the Mpeg2 codec not found.
it may be that you have a try out version? (at the try out version are various export settings restricted)
Have all sorts of settings durchprobiert. and as already been written, I am looking for a way a new codec in Premiere involved.
idr a premiere of new codecs automatically recognized. (see eg divx codecs) or by the operating system manages. (is not quite true ... but how was the synonymous) means you have no option in Premiere's agreement to a codecs to "install".
... times kannste try the codecs folder in the adobe / MediaIO / codecs to install or clean copy. imho there are some of the premiere codecs used or offers. (is only so ne idee,'ve never even tried)
Antwort von Milofan2:

Yes it is a tryout version
shame and now I have to with his preference to other codec.
Thanks again for the tips
with which the codec in the folder I've tried unsuccessfully synonymous