Frage von Bergerac:
I found using the search function unfortunately nothing () except Teddyfell.
I am looking for an address where I can Windfell order.
I would like to build a special microphone himself, and therefore need the windshield sizes in non-commercial.
Thanks for your answers
Antwort von nico:

Try it once here:
Antwort von Markus:
I found using the search function unfortunately nothing () except Teddyfell. What speaks against the Teddyfell?
Antwort von oliver II:

Why use only the fur?
Antwort von Markus:

Class idea, Oliver!
One of my teammates has two guinea pigs and we had great idea, what could be done with the animals when they are dead times. The result (of our imagination!) Looked so much like your above application example.
However, our idea is definitely not suitable for handheld microphones, which the interviewee will be held directly to his face. Sure, many people would feel irritated when they are stared at during the interview of a dead guinea pig. ;-)
Antwort von oliver II:

@ Markus
In guinea pigs, you only have to check that it no so-called eddy-(or rosette-takes meerschweinchen). The sound was very shaken up, and therefore unusable.
For larger mics has the unscathed Bobtail solderability.
I must contradict you, just finally got some interviews, the momentum that we hoped for when the faces of the interviewee or a guinea pig.
Antwort von Bergerac:

Danke schon mal for the answers.
Teddyfell I ordered, with the skins in the report "were compared only" optical ..
The children have always screamed when I was away from you the whole Teddy and our cat is still alive (18 years) - then I might have to wait until I get my coat.
Moreover, the leather behind the coat is not well suited to pass through the sound ...
If anyone still has an address of one Manufacturer) (the meter, I am still grateful.
Greetings from Switzerland
Antwort von Lucinda:

I recently bought a (Giant) Windfell with a vibrating basket for my Sennheiser Micro, with video Systemhaus Klaus Furtner ( or com?). There is synonymous get almost everything you need so s.Videozubehör.
Am very enthusiastic about it - is relatively expensive and somewhat unwieldy but very very effective. We often make outdoor shots at pretty much wind - 5-6 Beaufort. It may seem synonymous drauflassen indoors, if you must switch between inside and outside.
Not only fits on my Canon XM-1 (nearly twice as big), but must be kept by the interviewer.
Gruss and windgeräuschfreie shots ...