Frage von Asjoker:
times I want to ask you whether some disadvantages of the Canon HV20 or Hv30 somehow improve it?
Can we, for example, the Wide Angleirgendwie expand?
Did the direct difference between the two have never seen but he is already extremely small Hv20/30 but at an additional lens (which makes it the Wide Angleaus or?) You can not close or s.die HV20/30 yet? If not is there another way?
As far as I am far is the poor Wide Angled biggest drawback to the XH-A1
otherwise there's not sooooo much * not * beat
Or the focus. The aim quite so bad to use, can be synonymous as what to do?
Or dead short: What can we all still s.der HV20 even better? What additional costs would be for all the costs?
Would be very grateful for any answer / tip
Edit from Mod: thread under the heading "Canon HV10/HV20/HV30" postponed.
Antwort von mentao:
Antwort von Asjoker:

K, s.Focusrädchen what you can do. Although I will make something else. Thanks for the link:)
What else can we improve / to buy?
Antwort von comix:

The manual controls can be about with the DIY Focus Wheel offset. This is just one point. But there are quite a few.
Shutter / Aperture just by tricks. Possibly, but not comfortable. The drawback is, until there are firmware hacks. (which is busy at work)
Otherwise, the shift in the power segment. Focus, zoom, and focal Aperture so you can completely shift - so that you almost complete control. Also a great Schärfenuntiefe what is really through the various screens an incredibly realistic look. The word "movie look like, I do not take it.
The frequency of how often 35mm adapter for HV20 used speak for themselves. Nevertheless, the software is a great Frickelei. And you get all the disadvantages of being solved. In fact, the HV20 and XH-A1 is only a small step in terms of image quality apart. Sure, the Canon HV20 in the handling vermurkst has - who would otherwise be expensive to 4x XH-A1 Buy?
Antwort von Asjoker:
Quote of comix [code: 1: d7720652d7] focus, zoom, and focal Aperture so you can completely relocate [/ code: 1: d7720652d7]
What? I can completely shift the focal? * beaming * XD
Does this mean I can with an adapter
(or Lens? N.was precisely because the difference is I believe is the front lens in front of the adapter right? What exactly does the adapter, I am quite sure yet net) Wide Angleerreichen more? If so how much to go to there? Is the picture quality or something else mean?
Thanks for the reply:)
Antwort von comix:

Front normal Still Image Lenses ran. This means that depending on which items you take, just the Focal different. 50mm is standard, but a set of 28mm, 50m and 80mm is synonymous conceivable. With Zoom Lenses Zoom is synonymous ...
Although the rule is: extremely bright Lenses use. And there are times zoom smoothly a few hundred euros expensive.
Suffering does everything with adapters. You are extremely inflexible, have a vertical problem, etc.
The lens focuses the light is roughly speaking, that is the motive, and it is projected on the screen, which is the core of the adapter is. So you see a movie on a screen. This film is of the HV20 simply shot. Done. Very roughly speaking.
Antwort von Axel:

Does this mean I can with an adapter (or Lens? N.was precisely because the difference is I believe is the front lens in front of the adapter right? What exactly does the adapter, I am quite sure yet net)
Wide Angleerreichen more? If so how much to go to there? Is the picture quality or something else mean? See
here (read and see examples). Is the picture quality? Yes. A total blur. Yet the images are always when they are not directly compare incredibly sharp. Because there is so much uncertainty, the sharp objects fall more into the eye. In
Antwort von comix:
Quote of comix
[code: 1:0825900215] focus, zoom, and focal Aperture so you can completely relocate [/ code: 1:0825900215]
What? I can completely shift the focal? * beaming * XD
Does this mean I can with an adapter (or Lens? N.was precisely because the difference is I believe is the front lens in front of the adapter right? What exactly does the adapter, I am quite sure yet net)
Wide Angleerreichen more? If so how much to go to there? Is the picture quality or something else mean?
Thanks for the reply:) Sun also provides an almost completely equipped 35mm from HV20.
The accessories and equipment is worth more than the camera.
Antwort von Asjoker:
Quote of comix [code: 1:5 cbf572006] Sun also provides an almost completely equipped 35mm from HV20. [/ code: 1:5 cbf572006]
Impressive:) to upgrade the entire camera törnt am becoming more and more ^ ^
But I want the boring part, namely the information times NEN jolt, because now I've been working days and informed s.and to synonymous garnet headway bin ...
Thus please tell me whether the following is correct:
Lens: The Focal, the Aperture as synonymous of the zoom lens are part of.
If I were a 35 mm adapter will I need an extra lens somehow arrange ...
(buy is expensive but I can just take any other lens of someone, no preference which one? What do I need to know?) + Wide Converter: ... which means I can immediately but with much Wide Angle Get?
Then I need the wide-angle converter
(WW) no more?
(The so BEFORE the lens, so the front is attached gaaanz, right?) And now, the zoom lens or not? Or. where exactly are the problems / limitations?
(Because the 35 mm adapter)
Adapters: OK, the 35 mm adapter is only a little depth to obtain good.
It swallows much light and in HDV
(like the Canon HV20), a static
(not moving) screen
(this is then filmed the Picture, which in turn is shot by the camcorder) is not enough.
That means I need a rotating or vibrating right?
Which in turn
(do not know why only some have said) are quite shit. Enlightenment please ^ ^
This adapter can be yourself.
Question: Saves you a lot of money, or they are synonymous then good enough?
Or: What should I buy and what myself?
All: How I combined the whole? Where do I combine the look out for?
Or can I just the best 35 mm adapter, the best
(possible) Lens and possibly
(if it's with the lens is not already done so) the best possible wide-angle converter and buy them together? On occasion
(if it should buy) you can mention what so synonymous adapter, or wide-angle lens converters would recommend it to me. :)
So camcorder -> Adapters -> Lens -> wide-angle converter
NEN with so few rings so synonymous everything on the respective Dingens fits.
And what do I need in total to buy everything?
So this is just me:
a micro phone - for better sound quality a 35 mm adapter - for less depth of field an extra lens - to see it s.den adapter to connect
(and possibly
by more synonymous Wide Anglezu have?) may be
a wide-angle converter - for more wide-angle (or, one lens?) holder - for more balance for the whole Camera one (more?) Additional Battery - clearly why UV Filters - For a few UV ^ ^ -> prettier pictures an ND filter (gray filter) - if
too much light More filter - no idea what else.
Antwort von Asjoker:

Oops, instead quote Edit made sry
Antwort von comix:
Quote of comix
[code: 1: bf84edf79a] Sun also provides an almost completely equipped 35mm from HV20. [/ code: 1: bf84edf79a]
Impressive:) to upgrade the entire camera törnt am becoming more and more ^ ^
But I want the boring part, namely the information times NEN jolt, because now I've been working days and informed s.and to synonymous garnet headway bin ...
please tell me whether the following is correct:
The Focal, the Aperture as synonymous of the zoom lens are part of.
If I were a 35 mm adapter will I need an extra lens somehow arrange ...
(buy is expensive but I can just take any other lens of someone, no preference which one? What do I need to know?)
There are s.Adapters lens mounts. These are optional with Nikon, Pentax or Canon available. Nikon is most common, but Canon s.günstigsten. I have Nikon.
+ Wide Converter:
... which means I can immediately but with much Wide Angle Get?
Then I need the wide-angle converter (WW) no more?
(The so BEFORE the lens, so the front is attached gaaanz, right?)
Right. The trend is 35mm adapter shots but rather less in the WW area, just noticing. This has with the leadership style to do.
And now, the zoom lens or not? Or. where exactly are the problems / limitations? (Because the 35 mm adapter)
Zoomobjekte are garbage, at any rate up to 800 ¬;)
This is really so. The aperture time is absolutely bad, it swallows much light. Lieber 2-3 Fixed focus buy a zoom. Under 2.8 you should only begin garnicht. I have a 1.4er and 1.8er. 50mm each.
OK, the 35 mm adapter is only a little depth to obtain good.
It swallows much light and in HDV (like the Canon HV20), a static (not moving) screen (this is then filmed the Picture, which in turn is shot by the camcorder) is not enough.
That means I need a rotating or vibrating right?
Which in turn (do not know why only some have said) are quite shit. Enlightenment please ^ ^
Rotating mistig are pretty, because not yet perfected. Vibrating s.besten however. And precisely these are more expensive.
This adapter can be yourself.
Question: Saves you a lot of money, or they are synonymous then good enough?
Or: What should I buy and what myself?
If static, then you can save much money. If vibrating often a worthwhile purchase. The largest DIY providers will soon no longer produce, he still takes the last orders. The run was too large.
How I combined the whole? Where do I combine the look out for?
Or can I just the best 35 mm adapter, the best (possible) Lens and possibly (if it's with the lens is not already done so) the best possible wide-angle converter and buy them together? On occasion (if it be to buy) so you can synony
Antwort von Bernd E.:
WWS ... do not work with 35mm adapters. That is not possible ... ... There are usually 28mm for WW ...
Since 28mm in this case a wide-angle focal length and many users of 35mm adapters still use shorter focal lengths, be allowed to note that wide-angle optics course s.35mm adapters work - why should they not do so synonymous? If there is only a small depth of field is, they are certainly not the first choice of home as they made a rather large field sharpness.
Gruß Bernd E.
EDIT: When you re-read I noticed that you are with "WWS" probably no wide-angle lenses, but have meant converter. Well, these are synonymous in the appropriate size - as here - in front of a lens adapter s.35mm up, but not logically between camcorders and optics 35mm adapter.
Antwort von comix:
WWS ... do not work with 35mm adapters. That is not possible ... ... There are usually 28mm for WW ...
Since 28mm in this case a wide-angle focal length and many users of 35mm adapters still use shorter focal lengths, be allowed to note that wide-angle optics course s.35mm adapters work - why should they not do so synonymous? If there is only a small depth of field is, they are certainly not the first choice of home as they made a rather large field sharpness.
Gruß Bernd E.
EDIT: When you re-read I noticed that you are with "WWS" probably no wide-angle lenses, but have meant converter. Well, these are synonymous in the appropriate size - as here - in front of a lens adapter s.35mm up, but not logically between camcorders and optics 35mm adapter.
Yes. He Converter with the terms of the game, I had the same WDH43 and Raynox in the head. The front of a 50mm to squeeze is just illogical, unproductive and poor quality. In any case, I know none of his WWS (converter) for Lenses sets. I think technically is not the synonymous solution. Just questions like threads, vignetting, transferred from. Chromate ion, etc.
Antwort von Axel:
If there is only a small depth of field, are they [ww-obkektive] certainly not the first choice of home as they made a rather large field sharpness.
The already. But you should not forget that man with the 24 x 36 Mattscheibe closer S.4: 3 as s.16: 9 anamorph is. So next with zoom in (eg) HDV. A 35mm equivalent to a 50mm. This is a moderate wide angle, and with the - not so rare - Lichstärken of F1.4 still get tired blur. Filming it with the DVX but in 4:3, you can almost use the whole surface, and can even buy 50mm F1.2, where only the nose tip is sharp. ... transferred from. Chromate ion ... Therefore, it is better than a simple Nahlinse a Achromats to take.
EDIT: I was wrong. Compared 24x36 (= 1:1,5) have 4:3 (1:1,33) and 16:9 (1:1,77) both exactly the same loss. Both need to zoom in, both show a 50mm as a light tele effect.
Antwort von Asjoker:
Thank you first for this huge extensive Help!
Ok, slowly, I see already a s.Ende light of the tunnel:)
Again on the lenses.
1. OK = only WW W W ince Inkel whether or Lens Converter you will write.
2. I thought the Canon HV20/30 already a s.sich Lens front?
I've always presented it to the adapter s.das already existing Lens and it is then still a Lens ^ ^ - is this wrong?
Because otherwise would have all 3 options:
1. Aperture (the higher the less depth of field)
2. Focal (the bigger the less depth of focus and a different forum)
3. Distance to the focused object (the higher the greater the depth of focus)
Oh no adapter available. So go now, I believe the Canon HV20/30 Lens has no s.sich. Confirmation please: P
[code: 1:1 fff373843]
(buy is expensive but I can just take any other lens of someone, no preference which one? What do I need to know?) [/ code: 1:1 fff373843]
There are s.Adapters lens mounts. These are optional with Nikon, Pentax or Canon available. Nikon is most common, but Canon s.günstigsten. I have Nikon.
Hmm ... So just as the sounds I need for the purchase of an objective thing only care that it is the right brand? Say s.jeweiligen adapter because only a certain brand Lenses drauf fit?
'm Too stupid to understand this sorry ...
Nikon synonymous possessions, etc., in conjunction with any lenses used / heard you need to buy extra or so but since I have ma gugen accurate.
But is it right that I was not on the size of the lens should look? So I can with Step-Up or Step-down rings each s.mein Lens Adapters bring correct? And it has no way or disadvantages?
That means I can only and only on the focal schaun the wants and I have purchased?
+ Wide
Hmm, I'm pretty sharp wide synonymous. Why will not normally united (low depth and WW) I do not understand. My only question: But is it right? So I get my Wide Anglezu have much but the small depth of field.
So when I HDV rotating should / must be true or?
Can you give me as a model suggest? Possessions of the proposed now there is no longer available (and nowhere else synonymous for sale) W35-VH seen. Would that be good? I do not care what I need.
DIY = Mattscheibe - or?
Do I even when expensive, vibrating with 35 mm adapters Vignetierungen expected? The zoom is pretty bad ...
1. is rather blurred and
2. goes so wide lost again ...
Wide Converter
So it only makes sense WITHOUT 35 mm adapter. So I'll never need one ....
OK, actually, you have me Already 2 tips given but otherwise it would be straightforward and Sound for me is really important, I ask nochma after. Will have the feeling that I have informed me: P
1. I do not know yet exactly what XLR (or whether ichs need), but has it? ^ ^
2. If you listen to it not for the noise of the drive Canon HV20/30?
3. I think a Tonangel werd I build myself, but what should I consider when microphones so?
4. Why are so expensive? ^ ^ We have a fairly cheap microphone inserted in foam and hear - no noise or other unpleasant details in the talk - just beautiful sound out.
Probably because I still have not deepened but what are the major differences of professional microphones?
... naja here before I set up next 1000 points informed me what the view only once. * sigh * ^ ^
Antwort von comix:
Sorry, I will not you the basics of video filming teach. You bringest terms confused, know things are not standard, and the physical principle of lenses or a 35mm adapter is just so little familiar to you. Read your time on the usual sites, synonymous Wikipedia ... especially relating to Lens.
With the knowledge which thou hast no need of one 35mm adapter. Never and never, that I promise you.
Therefore, it is better than a simple Nahlinse a Achromats to take.
I would generally never without Achromats, or equivalent strong HD macro lenses like the Opteka 10x.
There are even two ways to mount one is probably the better eliminate vignetting ...
Antwort von Asjoker:
Hmm ... yes would be too much Fragerei, ok.
Quote of comix
[code: 1:02 a8151803] With the knowledge which thou hast no need of one 35mm adapter. Never and never, that I promise you.
[/ code: 1:02 a8151803]
Sorry for the stupid question but why not? Yes I already knew what to do to the depth to regulate, so it would give me something good ... why the 3 points above the depth of influence, I know already.
Well, information is hard work but I will not press you can ... hope it does not last too long: /
Can you give me good starting points for betraying the basics? In Wikipedia, it is always very hard words, because we rarely look through.
Tips for would be very grateful
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Well, information is hard work but I will not press you can ... hope it does not last too long: /
Can you give me good starting points for betraying the basics? In Wikipedia, it is always very hard words, because we rarely look through.
Tips for would be very grateful
Gude Chefe
Did you like I do not recommend that you should make a kind of internship?
How long lasts what? - Until You Hit Movies NEN films?
Echt mal komm clear ..... everything you're here now gelehrnt did - NOTHING IS WORTH! - Because You with the wrong attitude s.die thing going, glaubs me so LEARN NOTHING MAN.
What you do here is a waste of time!
One wonders in forums after rat - it makes no EDUCATION here.
You talk of advertising, company, credit, 35mm adapters, lenses, and lots of other things are not in a crash course to teach.
I have since I'm 14 (now I'm 30) its own equipment (Still Image / Movie), I have sole responsibility for my first Canon Body 2 newspapers a half years out .... (450 DM at the time of the EOS 600 Body tasted - because my dive / swim coach at Canon worked in MG)
I've seen at least pan-a half year prison office had, because I already had stolen his father cameras to you with my first baby steps to make.
I have dozens of corporate training / visits made synonymous or simply because I am almost every day in our village PhotoStudio was classified according to me and appropriated.
And imagine I STILL LEARN.
You need to go slower s.die thing, and it is not überstuerzen. MANY books to read, you employ with ART and theater, to someday get a feeling for Whole zuu develop.
The best camera will not you bring your movies and synonymous / projects will not be better. You should see a movie so you / Still Image group / club and looking to join this or at least visit him several times.
"I know people have taken desoefteren absolutely convinced you can store any kind of art bring s.den man. But wrong. A Montana cans plus baggy pants, do not s.die Graffiti wall - as I say times the only way incidentally. "
PLEASE Asjoker - beginning of reality to live, sometime before you wake up and find everything that you've versaut.
Sorry for the harsh tones, but you can not hide you can - you have to realistically stay local, and really learn a lot. Fang with a silent image / Film Course, or you buy an old manual camera and learn how to use with your bypasses, otherwise your HV30 - XH1A just wasted his money.
Alla Jung, you let the good times go through your head and trying times now not to displace or a false statement to represent.
I / We like to help you - but come down of the "I'm going to professional" trip. The installed something you like.
B. DeKid
PS: If people ask me today, Why, How and Where I work, then I usually tell the "I" slightly Plan of the matter had, and with me as of the relevant funds have been working on. "
I am drawn to the works of me always very critical asked, and I would never even as a professional / expert / master or consider - the decision I öberlasse others ..... eg I have someone with a business administration / business Pro is that I let all my contracts and management fees, because this alone I would not be able to present my work and otherwise under price would submit - because for me it's the fun s.der work and not the money what counts. And that would be relatively little to live.
Antwort von Tuffy:
So I'm real Noob what camera technology, etc. is concerned, I really do not understand much of it (but the thickest but everyone wants?).
I'm here more as synonymous as DeKid, evaluating the work others do, not me - I make them.
I would recommend that you first with the normal means to arrange, as I said, greatest technology, you no good if you can not handle.
35mm? Gladly! But as you know the keys but then you do not, then you have miserable results, and ärgerst you. The technique was silly, not worth what you paid for it.
Whether you have a XL H1 searched or the HV20 can you say None, if the result is "crap" is. It could be anything - I have recently worked with an HF100, and the results beat me absolutely not. Why? Because I failed, directly during the recording ;-) so you take it to heart, what you care, so you can practice. I am now synonymous too lazy to be completed and do what I think.
But, now I'll learn one way or another, and also I have been using it to me, which verhunzte Recording via Postpro to improve. Works quite well as recognizes None more so that the Ikea curtain material for the screen was green, the lighting was total crap, or my Panasonic Camera of a 1998 is. That None - because some results are better than some of them with a new GS500 gets (or the pictures are sharper, more not).
@ comix
This equipment provides pointed out. Very adventurous. What is it for an adapter, self-build?
And it's a doorknob? :-D
Antwort von Asjoker:
Oh man ...
why comix now has no desire to teach me more, I understand the issue with the lens was just too hard - wanted to stop expressing my confusion because of the 3 factors on depth ...
But the comments now ... please
Citation of B. DeKid
[code: 1:4 c1d4c4f24]
Echt mal komm clear ..... everything you're here now gelehrnt did - NOTHING IS WORTH! - Because You with the wrong attitude s.die thing going, glaubs me so LEARN NOTHING MAN.
What you do here is a waste of time!
PLEASE Asjoker - beginning of reality to live, sometime before you wake up and find everything that you've versaut.
[/ code: 1:4 c1d4c4f24]
Uh, blub? Just wildly at me and say losprügeln YOU CAN garnicht?
What is reality?
I guess I've just slept when I came of MIR is the best, and I will be in 1 week and with a professional advertising agency for Coca-Cola my career.
I know that I still can not garnicht!
I know that there is a long and hard is gone!
I know that I must learn through experience!
So please tell me what is wrong s.meiner setting?
Constantly preach all this is not on technology but on the matter, what is behind / in front of the camera and now is when I try just informed by the aim to improve the wrong?
I informed me so much it's about the beginning of bigger problems. Sure it is not SOLELY a professional but it helps tremendously accelerated the lot and learn through their own experience nor to the 10xfache.
What it says to me here is basically:
Verschwende your money through the purchase offer cheaper 100 ¬ camcorder.
Get the cheapest amateur videos, like all others on YouTube are doing.
Run until thousands of times against a wall before you frägst: "How goes it?"
Fang of the front on, with stick and stone, instead of the experience and the knowledge of others to benefit and better start.
I ask: WHY?
In reality I have already addressed. What I do here is just to inform. I want the outset of vermeinden problems and the theory of the complex and expensive practice accelerate / improve.
Where would we be if all human knowledge does not pass but always of the beginning?
I know it was nice and it meant I only wanted to lay the heart is a long hard way and I myself will only gain experience.
But where is the point? I know this and do nothing wrong?
On the contrary, what you say only speaks to me even more informed, because it is hard all the way to go.
I have already synonymous older camcorder and have already filmed a lot and experimenting. Despite this, I can not find out how a lens is built or how it works accurately. But the Internet can I find bestmmt answers;)
In this sense: Thanks again for helpful information and for the well-meant warning. I was probably somehow misunderstood but I hope I was able to reassure you now. Well I will be informed next time ...
Btw. would still be very grateful if you give me some good starting points for all sorts of basics around camcorder could give. :)
So long ... be brief is really an art ... I do not
Antwort von Tuffy:
A thesis:
maybe he wants to not "yet" more to teach, because he sees that what you think, that he taught you has already backfired.
You do not waste money with a 100 ¬ camcorder - or was your first car Bugatti? It would be a waste of a XH A1 to buy.
The people on YouTube do not have the interest to become better, you know - there is potential.
It is simply impossible, of this day to the next question to internalize lens. Since there is one concern and we tried rum. As with the ¬ 100 camcorder, which already has manual settings.
It is not wrong to want to get better, it's just appallingly naive s.einem the day to want. How old are you? Even if du 20 bist, but the train is not worn. Learn takes time - or: Development takes time.
You want to avoid problems, but only by you properly learn. We can tell you what you want if you have not experienced it yourself, you realize you are only half - or, you said you "prefer to let his times", and you want to do it anyway. Perhaps because so totally different issues? There is no master of the sky fell.
The pace of what you submit has no more desire to teach you what to say because you are terse, incomplete or false aufnimmst. And a boy who yells and screams "bring me something with" no one wants to teach.
If you actually clear?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Those in front of a 50mm squeezing is simply illogical, unproductive and poor quality ...
I agree with what the end result is concerned, too. Such an adapter was used earlier when photographing still an expensive hobby and was not equal to any change of a few could afford optics / wanted, although not so rare and is of course synonymous still possible, but I would recommend that's also not. Already not the same, given the derision prices, which today as the entire Lenses Canon FD-series to get.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von comix:
... Those in front of a 50mm squeezing is simply illogical, unproductive and poor quality ...
I agree with what the end result is concerned, too. Such an adapter was used earlier when photographing still an expensive hobby and was not equal to any change of a few could afford optics / wanted, although not so rare and is of course synonymous still possible, but I would recommend that's also not. Already not the same, given the derision prices, which today as the entire Lenses Canon FD-series to get.
Gruß Bernd E.
And I use the statement in part now so no longer would. Converter now have seen footage ... and as bad as I thought it was not enough. Quite appealing. Nevertheless - a 28mm with 2.8 is now really - as you said - no high investment;)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... thought that the Canon HV20/30 already a s.sich Lens front ...
... Do I now always presented the adapter that you already existing s.das Lens and it is then still a Lens ... is this wrong? ...
No, is true, if the camcorder has festmontiertes Lens. Is it removable, but the 35mm adapter synonymous directly s.das camera body to be set.
... So I go now assume that the Canon HV20/30 Lens has no s.sich. Confirmation please ...
No confirmation, but the most important tip you but with a bit of matter to address: the answers to the questions of what a lens is and whether or not a particular has a camcorder, set really no photo provided engineering studies ... Actually would have to look at the Canon website or enough times briefly about what else should generate the Picture, which HV20/30 record?
... just the way the sounds I have in the purchase of an objective thing only care that it is the right brand? Say s.jeweiligen adapter because only a certain brand Lenses drauf fit? ...
Yes, true. Nearly every optics manufacturer (s) its own design to s.seine cameras Lenses adapter. Accordingly, there are several possibilities: you buy the 35mm adapter a connector adapter for Canon, then just adjust optics of / tuned for Canon, do you want to use Nikon Lenses, you need a adapter for Nikon.
... I can with Step-Up or Step-down rings each s.mein Lens Adapters bring true ...
Such rings would you differently for large diameter filter need. On 35mm adapter will be but how s.einer Lenses SLR camera attached - with the aforementioned brand-specific connection s.ihrer back. There are certainly viable network images / descriptions of 35mm adapters, you s.denen at least the basic structure of such a show can.
... Why will not normally united (low depth and WW), I do not ...
The "why" behind this context to explain, would lead too far and others require a basic knowledge of what the whole at the moment unnecessarily complicated. Präg you simply: Wide Angleeine tend have great depth of field (for example, are landscapes of grass in front of the camera to the mountains s.Horizont sharp), telephoto lenses, however, a small (eg, frontal portrait of a person, with sharp eyes, the ears are already blurred ). Relativised will, of course, by the other you have already known factors that influence the depth of field. A very large angle of view with a very small depth of field to connect, in any case encounter difficulties.
... do not know yet exactly what is XLR ...
Such questions are s.schnellsten by Google, among other things will take you to sites such as this leads: XLR
... but has it? ...
Filters ... werd ... I seek a package ... Question: There are no major differences in quality or ...
However, there are big differences between cheap and good filters. The former reduce your balance low and the image quality much, in the latter case it is vice versa ;-) Recommended brands include B + W or Heliopan in the field of Schraubfilter otherwise could synonymous the Cokin system interesting. A filter package is also only useful if you mean just get the filter that you need. Some compilations of such sets are unfortunately all
Antwort von B.DeKid:
@ comix
Canon Lens "EF 28mm / 1:1,8 USM 'I can recommend is a nice lens and is responsible for about 400 euro. Even with the extension tube, it is still relatively light Stark.
Antwort von comix:
@ comix
Canon Lens "EF 28mm / 1:1,8 USM 'I can recommend is a nice lens and is responsible for about 400 euro. Even with the extension tube, it is still relatively light Stark.
Huch. A little expensive? Okay, it's nice ... 1.8 What are fine;)
But for 35mm adapter go anyway no AF Obj. (as far as I know ...!) - so you can start in the old manual climes wilder. Then it will be cheaper by several factors.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Why should a USM / L IS Lens s.einem not functioning 35 mm adapter?
I get my AF so you can switch to M.
Since I do not but 35 mm adapter I have can not exactly confirm.
Antwort von comix:
Why should a USM / L IS Lens s.einem not functioning 35 mm adapter?
I get my AF so you can switch to M.
Since I do not but 35 mm adapter I have can not exactly confirm.
Well, yes. You pay but the USM / L IS and AF with, if you buy such an adapter. Since it would be useful to save some Euros.
But I am not sure whether there are now opportunities for AF 35mm there.
Antwort von Axel:
For second-hand Nikon MF I now know the realistic prices, because I long in many "occasions" windows of camera shops and sought synonymous've seen on ebay.
50mm F1.8 ~ 80 ¬
50mm F1.4 ~ 150 ¬
50mm F1.2 ~ 300 ¬ (very rare)
35mm f2.0 ~ 80 ¬
35mm F1.4 ~ 180 ¬ (rare)
28mm F2.8 ~ 80 ¬
24mm F2.8 ~ 100 ¬
24mm f2.0 ~ 200 ¬
Of course, it happens that Lenses as a "new" or "near mint" describes or that buyers simply have too much money. Then the prices can easily double, even blame, then who mitgeht.
Favorable Nikon Lenses of other manufacturers, whether they are of poor quality, I can not say.
If you want to save, it provides at the outset for a Minolta mount. Here, most photo dealers s.lichtstarken optics much choice at very reasonable prices. We encountered very often in the 55mm F1.4, which is almost always smooth it cost 50 ¬.
There are freaks who are with the special quality of the blur that are known as Bokeh
Antwort von Tuffy:
What I think of grad:
erstmal sBDeKid thanks :-)
Asjoker, among us: he is still here, always friendly. Höflich, and more competent - does not create any, I s.wenigsten ;-)
I myself am not synonymous and am sooo old but already a long time somehow, and am now a student in the same direction ( "Film and so"). My latest film is not on YouTube, but the trailer. I can tell you the happy times under four eyes send synonymous throughout the film. That is certainly not a highlight, You will surely see as rubbish. But there are years that stuck in something, and others come forward significantly makers.
Na and?
My older cases are still worse, and I like to watch it yet, so I can see how much better I am become. In three years I want my relatives still able to demonstrate a point in my own history, s.eine great time with a few friends. I will not miss it.
Did you you wondered why any parent picture of the mangy own child from the kindergarten (seriously) well find itself s.die wall? Mir is still embarrassing, if it is, it was of me. But think drüber times after, why it's so - I say this reluctantly, but must be a setting ripe en. That should be your synonymous.
Antwort von Asjoker:
Rieß thanks for the many replies:)
Quote of Tuffy
[code: 1:28716 dc3ac] maybe he does not "yet" more to teach, because he sees that what you think, that he taught you has already backfired. [/ code: 1:28716 dc3ac]
I've not yet bought me;) really started to the rear is still nothing, I was over-not synonymous, but perhaps you think the issue with the lens ...
To All:
Yes I admit it too! ^ ^ The question whether a camcorder lens has been painfully stupid. But like I said, I was just confused why you have a 35 mm adapter needs if all 3 influences on Teifenschärfe s.Lens or the subject distance. Have just considered it possibly Optics is part and then the front Lens (Camcorderbez. & Fotobez.) But I know that now the assumption was wrong.
@ B. DeKid & Tuffy
Your stories sound so nice, I say nothing on the other hand, ^ ^, you vote to fully and completely, it is a nice and proper way.
I, as I said synonymous one (a few years old but expensive) camcorder and what I had forgotten - my teammate synonymous (this is new and cost about 200 ¬). Experemtiert we have much synonymous. But many things about technology is not answered and sent me a new camcorder, Adapters, Lens, Filters, etc. yet to buy in order to experience that would be somewhat expensive. ^ ^ Hence the Fragerei ...
Thx s.dieser body with the tip in the times PHOTOGRAPHY 6 / 2008 to look.
The I of myself more than I can expect (much more) have you already noticed, I would myself with something sendereifem still occur in the ass. I'm young (18) will you s.meiner nature so synonymous have already noticed ^ ^. The stupid / beautiful is that we have now will probably soon longest vacation of our lives, in the most beautiful time of year. As you can imagine, we have made in the synonymous finally something to do. Hence the frantic and annoying information.
Since then both of us separately on each other FOS will go after it hard, so it is impossible for me to hold them gently but have you done for me;) (in spite of everything, which I expectantly s.die and optimistic thing you can go get me yes not resent, but I know how reality actually looks like, so your efforts are not s.mir vorbeigehuscht)
A kind of internship can i make synonymous. What a good fit is the internship required for the FOS:) but only after our little "Hollywood movies": P.
[code: 1:28716 dc3ac] a boy who yells and screams "bring me something with" no one wants to teach.
If you actually clear? [/ code: 1:28716 dc3ac]
Werd hold me back ^ ^
@ Bernd E. Thanks for the reply, gave me very helpful:)
As far as I know it is s.der HV20 festmontiert but I'm still not sure.
Well, as you realize I could not even inform me and the next few days are synonymous, I have no time.
But it is always useful, in an upgraded five days come back.
Until the day:)
Antwort von Tuffy:
He Asjoker,
You have me in all matters not understood, I think. But it does not matter - the view is as if synonymous only partially.
And some things are not quite Reimen - clearly you have not experimented through rum overview Lenses and Adapters etc, but do you think someone you like here is a complex explanation of a lens, or not but rather left on Wikipedia? The articles there are now not soooo difficult to understand, or if they are, I would still off a little earlier.
Shooting and shooting is all somehow with optics, and that's because, fortunately, very similar. Do you have times you taken the time, sites like movie college to visit, or Still Image beginners courses? There is much explains very simply synonymous. Just because the answers here s.dich personally addressed, it is not better, or the courses in the network will not be worse (I will not say that the answers here were incompetent, etc., absolutely not!).
I know in the forum to ask exactly what we now know, is pleasant, but many of the questions (even power, be it wide, fisheye or 35mm) have been clarified.
And do not worry, I would still not have to worry about making 35mm adapter, first make films. The live primarily in securities of great or good story - or of people to captivate. Because I would just think about Mikros make Tripods, lights and the question: what will I actually do?
I do not want to sound precocious, just because I stand synonymous.