Frage von Kujo:
I film with my VX2000 lately often live concerts. Now, these usually take place in small clubs where that experience has always quite closely and the sound left something to be desired.
Often movies I then synonymous with Wide Angle Direct s.der stage and just the monitor speakers and speakers which also leads the mercilessly overdriven sound, synonymous with manual level s.der Camera.
Now I am in search of a reason where my microphone is no longer happening.
I do not want studio quality, it must not synonymous stereo it should be avoided just that I do not get overdriven signal.
About Micros has already been asked and discussed umpteen times but now I need one is the very loud music tolerate;)
If you give me a tip that can give you I would be grateful.
Antwort von MuFim Productions:

Locking your mixer to s.das Camera. Finished need no Micro, instruments and singers all run into the mixer and are then on XLR or jack witergegeben and mostly still is what Clear your camera where you reinstöpseln kanns.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

.... which then Tonquallität synonymous much better. Small But it lacks the atmosphere. Then no one can hear clapping, gröhl and whistles from the audience. Maybe even be in the recording external recorder and then at the intersection with the Kameraton mix? When the songs and the external recording of applause at the Atmo 'pure mix.
Antwort von Pianist:
Locking your mixer to s.das Camera. This warning is only good if he was "not only synonymous but" understands. Because, as has just been noticed: There is a lack not only the atmosphere, but overall the mixture from the mixer in the vast majority of cases on their own, not suitable for a recording, because in smaller spaces, for example, the drums are not reinforced. Even a guitar amp is hardly s.das mixer connected.
Hence the need Ursprungsfrager a different mix than those necessary for the sound, and the will of him Tonmann can not deliver. So he should on the one hand the sum of the mixer tap, but on the other to ensure that his camera microphone is not overridden. Maybe a take what you can to dampen 10dB, so that its input stage is not over. That he could so synonymous to a tripod next to the camera or s.eine suitable position.
I now realize the simplest variant described s.sich is a Konzertmitschnitt considerably more effort.
Antwort von Chezus:

Pianist has already to the point. Since club never quite big you must have the individual instruments is not too much because the basic raufdrehen volume being sufficient. What then of Michpult rauskäme, about a loud voice, dull crowd and quietly dudenlde instruments.
I have pretty good experiences when I next rear (s.besten the mixer) an additional camera attached hab with mediocre Micro. Try the Rode Videomic, which was often praised and costs only 100 euros or less.
There was a thread synonymous times in which he has written an always Basslastige movies and concerts with the Micro was very satisfied. He would always synonymous beside the boxes.
Ask times on this Micro. Has a jack port, so suitable for your VX ;-)
Antwort von SToe:

Ok, well they're even a few tips.
However, the variant with no cable ... durchfürbar the cable would not 2min in the camera and it would be someone drüberstolbern, etc. rausziehen and just lacks the atmosphere, and that's mainly what I want.
The whole is also included on the mixer and mixed later, a high-quality sound I can get.
But the whole is prohibited without the atmosphere of the club.
As I said, I come on so the sound quality s.sondern it so much more bass, yelling and Getrommel tolerate without grumble.
Perhaps more to the music, I suppose mainly hardcore, punk, metal ... etc, so no Stehkonzerte
Antwort von Markus:

Dynamic microphones are relatively insensitive to high sound pressures. Try it out a singing microphone à la Sennheiser e815 (with XLR jack adapter) from. The cost is not the synonymous world.