Frage von kolesia:Hello,
I'm looking for my camcorder (Mini DV Panasonic NV GS 500 EG-S) after an external Microphone. It should especially Language to be outside and inside, with the Microphone on the camera or a microphone Angel (K & M 23760).
I have left two microphones selected:
- Bayer Dynamic MCE 22 CAM 86 S for 279 Euro. It is already a EA86 elastic suspension, windscreen WS716, connection cable MVK 86 - K3 and lightning adapter BS86 here. So full equipment. 3 years warranty. Microfinance can Mignon with Battery-operated, have been synonymous Switching.
- Rode NTG2 for 189 euros. This would, I elastic holder SM-$ (45 euros), Fellwindschutz Rode (38 euros), Connection (9 euros) and lightning adapter (?) Buy. Overall, the fun is more expensive. There are 10-year warranty. To MicroStation must be off the Battery rausnehmen (!).
I tend to Bayer Dynamic, but am still undecided. Has anyone personal experience with one (two) microphones? If the accessories (elastic suspension, windscreen) for a variant is better?
I am grateful for any information which helps me to take a decision
many thanks
Antwort von Dr. Walter Gesierich:
In Theaters shots with 3 cameras and separate sound was at the side of a camera (SONY Z 7) with the Rode NTG2 included: When you switch to the timeline was the sound of freedom and rush RODE extremely good, although at extremely wide outdoor stage with 4 studio microphones on a very good mixer of Hauptton had been recorded.
Beyer to the Microphone, I have no direct personal experience, but have musicians of microphones Beyer: Excellent sound. That is according Microphone Test s.Kameras be very good.
Good sound is something fantastic, then greets Walter
Antwort von TomStg:
This topic has already been treated 3125x. Please use the search function.
The sound is not much better if the external mic on the accessory shoe s.der Cam operated. The rule is: as close as möglch s.die sound source to the space portion of the sound as small as possible. This means for the various uses different Mics, because a universal mic there is not! Then, to clarify whether the current use with a mic is done, or whether multiple Mics at the same time must be used / should be.
For language is either a mic or a s.der Angel infected Mic - via cable or via radio link - useful. A special case is the reportage / or interview situation, where a hingehaltenes Mic synonymous possible.
Furthermore, the sound is not in principle with the cam to be - it is synonymous with an external device. Meanwhile, there are a lot of ordinary external recording devices, for example, see Video Active. Depending on the recording device is synonymous Mic Election beeeinflusst. For external recording devices, there are almost always XLR Male and 48V phantom power. Both are for the most ordinary Mics condition.
And do not forget: it makes no sense, several hundreds or thousands of Euros for a decent read Cam Picture out, but a good sound for 100 euros to be expected. A decent mic for a few hundred Euros to purchase, a one-off investments for life. Cheap things a la Hama, etc. are rausgeworfenes Money.
Antwort von Dr. Walter Gesierich:
Tom, you did the job "sound" perfectly and quickly outlined. Thank you have a "new" with only 12 contributions, not with meaningless Schnodderbemerkungen abspeist, although certainly Tonproblem (synonymous of me) has often been on the table. In addition, he has indeed a specific purchase decision between two mics mentioned. Will I just said, because Altklugscheißer often forget that they even look at the diapers have made ...