Frage von gueste:
Would like to finally have a semi professional film. That's why I've soon so far as everything they need. Buy me a HVR V1E, build me a 35mm adapter, have a great script, editing software and brilliant soundtrack. Actors are synonymous available. All that is missing - and in the area know I do not - sound recording.
Do I have a cheap telescope from Tonangel sticks for Dinger Wischmop-built. Regardless, in any case I will not any more money, so I looked for after its cheap solution.
What I am now just looking for a Microphone, the well-Language during the filming and the studio spokesman for Off-shots record. Can anyone give a tip (synonymous windscreen)? Pop werd I build myself.
Thank you
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

While it is obviously too late, but there is no question of the equipment to rent?
Antwort von gueste:

hmmm ... well, here in the vicinity there is the possibility not. Also yes I would still need later synonymous and since vl is better if I purchase the same
Antwort von Johannes:

Hello guest,
because I do not know how "professional" should be your movie, I can recommend you nothing real.
I myself use the T.bone em9600 and am so very happy
not only the atmosphere but synonymous votes incorporated.
Antwort von gueste:

mhm, that seems synonymous priced so well in my direction to lie. Do you have a windscreen as synonymous?
Antwort von rtzbild:

Comes in the form of a candle to.
Antwort von gueste:

Jou, thanks folks! Werd I probably growth!
Antwort von Axel:
Do I have a cheap telescope from Tonangel sticks for Dinger Wischmop-built. ... where you perhaps the lower part with foam rubber (foam - Fahhradgriffe sheath or tube?) could provide for better grip. If you - or who else - a hint as to this is welcome.
Antwort von gueste:

Axel @: At exactly what you need for a tip? The construction of the Tonangel or the handle?
Antwort von Axel:
Axel @: At exactly what you need for a tip? The construction of the Tonangel or the handle? On the whole part. How s.besten the Micro s.Ende hang, as the cable that would not be synonymous of a mounting s.einem Angel Tripod possible? Your experience (what one needs not to try?) Or considerations (what else would auszutüfteln) to do so.
Antwort von JMitch:

I just build me ne synonymous Micro suspension. The basket I make from 2 or 3 metal rings. The rings are then with such a small grid connected and wrapped. The suspension makes it s.besten on rubber or hair with normal Gumi.
Antwort von hansreinhard:

You will need:
1. a micro with good directivity (Supercardioid / lobe), zb Beyer MCE 86 - there is already synonymous with an elastic holder.
2. a foam windscreen on the inside and a basket with windbreak fell for outside shots.
3. the appropriate cables and extensions.
4. a telescopic angel, not too heavy, 3-5 meters long.
5. a rigorous micro-mann, which serves all the micro to the mouths of the actors is directed into the building without ever coming
without all this, you will not get good tone.
All times monetary costs now, sorry!
Antwort von derfilmemacher:
Would like to finally have a semi professional film. That's why I've soon so far as everything they need. Buy me a HVR V1E, build me a 35mm adapter, have a great script, editing software and brilliant soundtrack. Actors are synonymous available. All that is missing - and in the area know I do not - sound recording.
Do I have a cheap telescope from Tonangel sticks for Dinger Wischmop-built. Regardless, in any case I will not any more money, so I looked for after its cheap solution.
What I am now just looking for a Microphone, the well-Language during the filming and the studio spokesman for Off-shots record. Can anyone give a tip (synonymous windscreen)? Pop werd I build myself.
Thank you Hello guest, I have a directional microphone tube Hama RMZ-10, so I take the language of the performers at the Angel's own brand is synonymous. Since a directional microphone is mono only, I suppose with a stereo microphone (external or internal) to the ambient noise and then mix it. Thus, it defies Mono Microphone a good stereo sound. The fishing is from the painter did need something changed and it is padded with and am really satisfied with the result. You can find out more about the design of the fishing experience you may like to write to me.
Antwort von Login_vergessen:

I believe the tip a little late. The entry of 06/2007 ...