Frage von himalayafan:
Reasons I mentioned in this forum s.anderer body erlaeuert, it is currently not possible for me via firewire cable of Cam on Lap volumes on disk.
One question: Who is to have succeeded with a Panasonic Cam and the included USB cable to lap the tapes to save and then edit it. If there is someone, who has done these tricks, (the manual claims that is possible) he let me explain the procedure.
It happens when I use the following USB cable with Cam and connect Lap:
in addition to the symbols C, D, E and so forth, a DVD with the signature Camera USB Video Camera. I click open and then play it on my lap the tape s.ohne Sound, the opportunity to save I do not see or I see something about?
Question Part II
I send in advance Cam Zero idea to have (re-Cam), but I venture the following question:
Put the case I would have a functioning computer cable and close that s.Lap and Cam. Switch to rule until Lap Cam then, what happens on the screen Lap, then there is a symbol or the like to see that shows me the Cam is connected and is recognized?
Or, should I the only software, in my case, Sweet Movie Live, in order to activate my lap recognizes the Cam?
The purpose of my question may not tap into the reader, it requires long explanations that I required private message.
Any hint will be gratefully received
Gruss Himalayafan
Antwort von jazzy_d:

The most miniDV cams only have USB to transfer photos. In any case, the quality suffers filmed if it goes via USB. If there are any how-to, get Firewire.
When connected via Firewire will hear a thing s.PC-dong and in Device Manager displays a video-recording device. "
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... the following will happen if I connect the USB cable with Cam Lap connect and click open ... I ... With my own experience I can for lack of such a camera does not help, but even with USB capturing, you is usually the camera with the supplied software needed: By clicking the icon on the desktop, it is not done alone.
... In any case, the quality suffers filmed if it is via USB ... In principle vote, but some Panasonics - himalayafan and has such a well, when I use the other thread right in the head - can be via USB DV in the same quality as capturing via firewire. Nevertheless, I would route the USB only for emergencies to consider - and here the case is likely to be one.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Markus73:
One question: Who is to have succeeded with a Panasonic Cam and the included USB cable to lap the tapes to save and then edit it. If there is someone, who has done these tricks, (the manual claims that is possible) he let me explain the procedure. Even practices that I never, but after all, what I know is the (appropriate Camera and USB 2.0-interface provided) only with the Panasonic's own software. For me this is called "Motion DV", I use a Panasonic GS180.
Put the case I would have a functioning computer cable and close that s.Lap and Cam. Switch to rule until Lap Cam then, what happens on the screen Lap, then there is a symbol or the like to see that shows me the Cam is connected and is recognized? A window "device for digital video" with the possibility of a matching program that provides for the transfer of DV material. This is at the Movie Maker and possibly also of your installed software.
Antwort von himalayafan:

Hello together,
Part II of my question is answered, so I am in the next little thing.
Thank you.
As for the USB connector in combination with the Motion Live software, there is the answer "they are close to a video device." Without activation the software will give me at least, the tape played back but I can, or do not save.
The supplied CD to Cam (Driver for USB, Direktx, Sweet Motion and Movie), I have completely installed.
Gruesse Diana (Himalayafan)
Antwort von himalayafan:

A first solution of my problem.
Download Windows Movie Maker version 2.1, I had an older version.
Then USB port! s.Cam and notebook and I think it still does not ... the cam is detected.
Click, capture of Videogeraet. The first tape is now available on hard drive in WMV format (whatever that might mean synonymous) is stored.
I assume that Windows Movie Maker for the start of the first last.
What with the the format is all about, I must still ask.
Conclusion: capturing with USB 2.1 and Movie Maker is possible, but not about the software Sweet Movie Live ... at least not s.meinem notebook.
Gruss Diana
Antwort von Markus73:

Hello Diana,
WMV is very bad ... This is a hochkomprimiertes format that we can not as raw material for processing should use.
The optimum would be a DV-AVI to capture. Usually dominates the MovieMaker das
And make absolutely sure that this procedure is the full PAL resolution (ie 720 * 576) is transmitted. Video over USB because sometimes has its own laws ;-)
Antwort von uwe03:

my experience during dubbing of DV tapes, recorded with PAN NV GS 400 on the PC (Windows XP):
From the supplied USB Kit Disk 1 "E 3.1 SD Viewer for DV installation.
Includes USB Driver and Driver Video Stream
Then Disc 2 with Motion DV Studio 5.1E installed.
Afterwards was a dubbing via USB Picture and Sound problems
However, I am using now only dubbing with Firewire.
Antwort von himalayafan:

Hi Markus,
Note instead of PAL and NTSC AVI WMV instead came just in time.
In my euphoria (only quickly save everything), I have already spent a few hours.
Now you'll find more of the front ... with caution. Remarkably, AVI requires more memory, I must therefore set about where the quantity s.Material save.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

DV AVIs needed per hour of video material about 12 GB of space. This is the compression type and size in a more suitable post. My recommendation, if disk space is not sufficient for the hobby another hard drive to purchase ...