Frage von Räuber:
Moin forum earlier I had one for my Hi8 tapes rewinder to save your own camera drives. Does anyone know anything synonymous for MIni-DV cassettes?
Thanks and greetings, Stefan
Antwort von newsart:

No, but there are so many DV cams used in the bay ....
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... ... Rewinder for MIni-DV cassettes ... Previously, there were some of these parts, but now the "DVTR-9109 appears" (; interested, then googled), the last survivor of its kind to be. Overall, you're a used with a second camera but really better served.
Antwort von Räuber:

Moin, stupid question, there is no preference which takes the camera to capture it, without which the quality of the original recording is suffering (; at me SonyFX-1000) and can play on the camera once again synonymous with no loss of quality on a DV tape ( ;) Use of the archive?
Thanks and greetings, Stefan
Antwort von Miveo:

To get back-and-forward the tape, I take this unit of HAMA: DV -mm/dp/B00006J6LV
I bought it for CONRAD, but do not know if it's still available because ... In any case, it is great to exploit the camera drive unnecessarily ".