Frage von Loox:
Hi All,
I would even like to know how your your mini-DV tapes archived.
I mean here, as your logs the contents of each tape in order to regain it later again quickly.
With the power of your Excel or Access, or you used a special program?
Thanks for your advice ....
Antwort von AMH:

So I use to filemaker pro. But this is a mac program .. so that I can program to every tap and keep the appropriate records for review .. I certainly tapes from 1000 ...
Antwort von Loox:

Yepp, Filemaker, there are synonymous for Windows. This is similar to Microsoft Access 2003, the current database application of MS.
I work with Access, would make it synonymous with it.
My digital photo sessions, I Archives synonymous with it, but thought that your videographer may use something else.
Antwort von AMH:

yes, is actually not a bsonders demanding work .. that could be done synonymous with excel .. depending on the size of the archiving system halt.
Antwort von Loox:

Difficult, perhaps not, that's true, but access is very challenging, but I know the program very well and happy to work with it when it comes to very complex databases.
Excel would be synonymous but no problem, but in terms of database function, rather bad :-)
Antwort von Ivy:

So frankly, I use the Micro $ oft editor. Spartan s.besten works for me. Also has the advantage that the file on any calculator that can open any operating system. The format is not important but the system! (What a sentence.) ;-)
Antwort von Loox:

You're probably a minimalist. :-)
Well, Excel and Access, I can without any problems on both my Samsung Notebooks (X50 and X60 Cam) and synonymous in my Pocket PC (Loox720) ... So it is enough for me completely.
Antwort von AMH:

-Offs .. oops, who said this?! hmm ..
Antwort von Gast0815:

Check out the times of taking Movie Catalog.
I use with each different data files for Kataloisierung my DV Avis, MPGs and DVDs and am content.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Markus:

Same question:
Videokassetten Archivieren - Software?Verwandtes Thema:
Videocassettes labeled