Infoseite // MiniDV camcorder via firewire s.ext hard drive connected to the capture?

Frage von sburger:

my MiniDV camcorder JVC GR-D23E supports only Firewire, but my future notebook do not support ... There is the possibility of using external hard drive (even USB s.den PC) that have a Firewire port and it s.den camcorder is connected, my movies on the hard drive to get? Hope someone knows this and thus can help me ....



Antwort von PowerMac:



Antwort von Quadruplex:

"sburger" wrote: However, the future my notebook do not support ...
Why you do not decide for another? From Apple's latest nonsense aside, there is still enough notebooks with Firewire. Otherwise: PC Card or Express Card.


Antwort von jazzy_d:

Never external hard disks with USB and Firewire connected simultaneously.

Pinnacle / Avid gabs some of the breakout box s.PC with USB connector and ussynonymous a Firewire port had.


Antwort von WoWu:

... unless you have eg "ON LOCATION" on your PC or ScopeBox ".
Thus, you can output from your FW on the PC or a notebook to external synonymous plates capture, the Capture program if your camcorder "knows". With ScopeBox works synonymous in the MAC.
"Only in this way" is that, as PM says, with most camcorders are not possible.


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