Frage von brendan:
it's about how I use my MiniDV video footage from the XH A1 archive.
1. digitally on hard disk (s)
what codecs? s.liebsten me would be one of premiere cs3 already is. or another, free. pay reinfrickeln or cumbersome, I would not.
Advantage: Faster access it, it is enough to cut the material to store and not the raw material
2. play back on MiniDV
present: very durable, high capacity
cons: I still do not know how to do it ;-)
now how do I do both?
I will not either-or, but on disk + tape.
the original files from the cam are just super great
with the search function I found while some themes, but none has answered my question.
Regards, Brendan
Antwort von RickyMartini:

In what format you draw with the XH A1 to - DV or HDV?
I recommend you very strongly that through Premiere CS3 manual -
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Retain the original cartridge.
Cut material via firewire back to tape output, directly from Premiere (see F1)
File on Calculator in WinRAR (store! - Not kompremieren brings nothing eh) (eventually create split files in Winrar) - then 10% create QuickPar Files of the Winrar File.
Even if times then a part of the (split) Winrar files are corrupt, you can QuickPar with the draw back (recover)
Mach I with all the important files
B. DeKid
PS: Streamer DAT or MD / MO disk suck synonymous as a backup medium.
However, it can be synonymous DV tapes via Streamer Softwear use to store data (no preference what type of data)
Antwort von WideScreen:

Someone who does not look at Firewire off can, and should now even the winrar and QuickPar and what I use?
Help is, if someone helps.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

My proposal:
1) cancel the original tapes
2.) possibly imported files on external hard drive secure
3) Cut off Score on tape
4.) average earnings in the form of technical extener to secure hard drive, in which the Project has been processed. (In the case just as DV DV File) from Not Platzgünden in a different format convert!
Antwort von brendan:

I've just never played out via firewire, so the question, presumably, it is synonymous fairly simple, such as Capture, just vice versa:) (times must be in xh s.manual read.)
how much (%) for RAR compression? I suppose, better than jpg, otherwise it would not be proposed.
the repeal of the original bands I just want to avoid, because there are quite a lot. this must be said that the vast majority of short clips, 10-15 min, are included. simply on a tape together to make it, would ever good. I would be happy to give up, as synonymous, I think the band iimmernoch the best archiving method is.
but also for the faster and easier access to HDD, so ne 1TB disk will cost not much.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Someone who does not look at Firewire off can, and should now even the winrar and QuickPar and what I use?
;-) Does
not that anyone
can learn. (-;
And right-clicking on a file / folder - as Winrar create - then right click on the Winrar File - Create QuickPar ....... think that you get out, or must I make a tutorial?
I would not recommend it if it does not really been of benefit was his stuff so secure - None so must make a rocket science but it is not.
B. DeKid
Here I have garnicht of UHA, ISO and SFV files had spoken ;-) __________________________________________________________
Winrar kompremiert the NOT! Setting "SAVE" to use (in the rising Winrar menu) for media files you can save a kompremierung brings NOTHING!
Antwort von weitwinkel:

the original files from the cam are just super great
no they are rather small .... (11.3 GB / hr)
you better get used to it and let the original material simply as a
ance on tape ...
gruß cj
Antwort von WideScreen:

Hilfe@B.DeKid what should I do? When I right click then you get nothing with Winrar. I'm quite desperate. Since there are only "Save As" and since you can make a zip. Help me. ;-)
Antwort von weitwinkel:

there must have been winrar installed on your computer ...
but what brings winrar for compressed video material?
perhaps 5-10% and compress the time to 20% of the real ...
gruß cj
Antwort von WideScreen:

* whisper * I know this must be installed but that said DeKid B. nix.
What will bring the I know not synonymous, but I hope my enlightenment in the further course:)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
.... For media files you can save a kompremierung brings NOTHING! Bring just do Winrar Split Files --
times should be a plate / plate or synonymous to the CD / DVD, which was used to store abrauchen you can with the tools Recover Data synonymous only partly secure manufacture. With the QuickPar Files can then usually recover the whole file.
Usually when a plate abschmiert is only a certain sector unappealing bar, similar to CD / DVD where there is just one example of small scratches can be. Through the use of split files in combination with QuickPar you can then stop meiist still salvage something.
At times I say Winzip nothing!
B. DeKid
Antwort von thos-berlin:

With today's record prices would again either tape or disk and once on two different (!) Plates secure.
I, too, rate of change from s.der coding. So the 12-13 GB / hour and as such accept to store.
The method with the split files is an interesting approach, according Murpheys law but is just the broken part, which is needed ....
Small Preisrechnerei s.Rande:
350-GB external Festzplatte is p.70 euro. It can take 27 hours material speichenrn. That is about 2.6 Euro / hour
A 1000-GB-Festpplatte is s.110 euro. Since fit approximately 83 hours' rauf. The special about 1.33 per hour.
(Trend: Prices are next)
A tape will cost about 2 euros for an hour. (Trend: Prices will rise, because there will less tape Camcorde given)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
The method with the split files is an interesting approach, according Murpheys law but is just the broken part, which is needed ....
..... TIP - Wiederherstellungsinf. to 10% synonymous in Winrar create. ;-)
QuickPar quiet synonymous to create 25%. Bzgl. Today's Prices for plates no longer an issue.
B. DeKid
PS: Just try and
Appendix contains a 1.54 MB *. BMP sketch - stored in Winrar with 10% Wiederherstellungsinf. Size and grit at 200kb plus QuickparFiles to 22.22% all packed into a folder to upload here then with Kompremierung created.
Of the split files I've deleted the first two, what with QuickPar can be recovered.
Antwort von WideScreen:

I prefer to rather have a RAID5 system, did so despite a record death, nothing is lost yet. This whole RAREN and ZIpen and god knows what, only brings with it the unüberischtlich and is one of the data is not able to access more directly. Since the first before playing again must convert. That is so contrary to my idea of a fast workflow.
Antwort von brendan:

[quote = "thos-berlin" (In the case just as DV DV File) from Not Platzgünden in a different format transform [/ quote] Hi! with which the format is still unclear to me.
I have just exported file (file -> Export -> film)
codec: MS DV
the resulting DVI is 613 MB, mpeg gecapturte the only 550 (and I have even a little cut off). Moreover, it is only in 720x576 format
PS: see the degree that the version is uncircumcised. this way is ever completely wrong. synonymous with DV HD Amoprh the same.
W. says mediaplayer codec for the gecapturten MPEG "CyberLink Video / SP Decoder (PDVD8)"
through the media encoder, mpeg2, which settings
how do mans? Please help
Antwort von thos-berlin:

You have not yet said the format in which you've recorded or gecaptuerd. The XH A1 can sowoahl HDV, DV as synonymous. It may be synonymous HDV DV on firewire output (Downconvert).
Depending on how you work now, you either DV-AVI (720x576) or MPEG in the HDV format.
In your editing program, you should exactly synonymous in this format to work. This can be in any Schnittprogromm the "Time Line Format" setting.
In exactly the same format you're playing again now. If the timeline was DV-AVI, then as a DV-AVI, if the timeline is HDV, then as MPEG in the corresponding resolution.
Antwort von brendan:

You have not yet said the format in which you've recorded or gecaptuerd. The XH A1 can sowoahl HDV, DV as synonymous. It may be synonymous HDV DV on firewire output (Downconvert).
Depending on how you work now, you either DV-AVI (720x576) or MPEG in the HDV format. should be of the HDV camera is better than HDV, rather than to "downconvert" on DV output? I think I must adjust the cam.
In your editing program, you should exactly synonymous in this format to work. This can be in any Schnittprogromm the "Time Line Format" setting. where should this go in premiere? the keyword is not aware of the help. or do you mean when capturing?
In exactly the same format you're playing again now. If the timeline was DV-AVI, then as a DV-AVI, if the timeline is HDV, then as MPEG in the corresponding resolution. in most cases in my HDV MPEG -> resolution is known to me (even HDV), but the compression settings in Adobe Media Encoder: MPEG2 or MPEG2-DVD quality, bitrate?
grad I see that the clips in the 16:9 SD DV format AVI, which are HDV MPEG. hmmm
Antwort von thos-berlin:

HDV has a different Resolutionals PAL-DV. A DVD has the same Resolutionwie a PAL video, but is technically stored as MPEG2.
The process depends of your original format and your target format.
Recording: Either you take on HDV or DV.
Capturing: Either do you do that in their original format, or you can - in the case of HDV recording - The camera makes a Downconvert. DV is DV-AVI with 720x576 recorded.
I can Downconvert quality to say nothing, because I do not HDV. But there are many voices that the Convert by the Camera to a conversion by the editing program prefers.
Editor: In the format of the (primarily) gecapturten material. The attitude you have, if necessary, in project settings (there are in the help?) Preset. (Major'll hardly try, from a PAL HDV aufzublasen again. This is pointless)
The average earnings due to export in this setting.
Then make it into a DVD. In the case of an HDV timeline will shrink the picture, in case of a DV formats Timlin remains the same, it is only from AVI to DVD MPEG expected.
Antwort von brendan:

OK let me summarize, I have two file types.
The Camera is set:
SP playback: AUTOMATIC (HDV, s.sind the other options)
COMP. Ausg. 1080i/576i
Letterbox: OFF
HDV. As I take the Premiere Project: HDV 1080i25 (50i)
[code: 1: a51e985d89] Type: MPEG movie
Filesize: 537.2 MB
Size: 1440 x 1080
Colors: 1440
Frame Rate: 25.00
The source audio format: 48000 Hz - compressed - Stereo
Audio format of the project: 48000 Hz - 32-bit floating point - Stereo
Total Duration: 00:02:45:18
Average data rate: 3.2 MB / sec
Pixel aspect ratio: 1.333 [/ code: 1: a51e985d89]
DV 16:9, because I take the Project widescreen DV 48khz
[code: 1: a51e985d89] Type: AVI movie
Size: 3.1 GB
Image Size: 720 x 576
Colors: 720
Frame Rate: 25.00
The source audio format: 48000 Hz - 16 bit - stereo
Audio format of the project: 48000 Hz - 32-bit floating point - Stereo
Total Duration: 00:14:42:12
Average data rate: 3.6 MB / sec
Pixel aspect ratio: 1.422 [/ code: 1: a51e985d89]
I do not want DVD of it, but the video material in the respective resolution archived. HDV to MPEG2 DVD so would a "downconvert" mean - then yes hätt ichs synonymous in DV can record.
adobe encoder when we introduced at the mpeg2 quality settings for many possibilities, which corresponds to the "highest" or the original material comes "close"?
an AVI codec I think not.
File -> Export -> save the raw film and not the cut material (?)
Please provide explanation to:)
Antwort von Jogi:

@ Brendan,
if you have CAM HDV with your lies have recorded the material in Mpeg2 25MBit / s before. I assume the timeline format, this is equivalent to synonymous (HDV 1440x1080i) and has not been changed. Premiere defines as synonymous the most NLE's gecapturete the material with the suffix. M2v from. while it remains still Mpeg2. Precisely in this format, you should secure the material synonymous.
Mpeg2 for DVD has a Resolutionvon 720x576 pixels. and max. a data rate of 10 Mbps, including PCM. It would be cheap but many players are already problems with playback. Normal would be about 8 Mbps. In liquid, there is the possibility that auszulagernde Mpeg2 up to 50 Mbit / s set. Such high data would necessarily have to lead interpolation.
Under the "File-Export" is the material off the timeline, so your edited movie!
So auspielen than HDV (MPEG2 1440x1080 and 25 Mbit / s.
Antwort von brendan:

okay, thank you! it works! the cut is n piece smaller than the original mpeg from the cam. m2v files I find only in the directories of DVD encore.
now falls to me that the mpeg yes the title is now synonymous impressions inside. can not be synonymous with the time line store, so that after the title re-edit it?
@ Brendan,
if you have CAM HDV with your lies have recorded the material in Mpeg2 25MBit / s before. I assume the timeline format, this is equivalent to synonymous (HDV 1440x1080i) and has not been changed. Premiere defines as synonymous the most NLE's gecapturete the material with the suffix. M2v from. while it remains still Mpeg2. Precisely in this format, you should secure the material synonymous.
Mpeg2 for DVD has a Resolutionvon 720x576 pixels. and max. a data rate of 10 Mbps, including PCM. It would be cheap but many players are already problems with playback. Normal would be about 8 Mbps. In liquid, there is the possibility that auszulagernde Mpeg2 up to 50 Mbit / s set. Such high data would necessarily have to lead interpolation.
Under the "File-Export" is the material off the timeline, so your edited movie!
So auspielen than HDV (MPEG2 1440x1080 and 25 Mbit / s.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

If we compare times with cake baking. There is a recipe there are ingredients and it gives the finished cake.
If you have a clip exportierst, then this is the finished work (the cake). The imported clips are the ingredients. Your time line is the recipe.
You can save the recipe, but it was not for the ingredients.
The finished cake is very hard, the eggs and the flour out again.
Antwort von ksr:

Class Comparison, thos Berlin!
Graphically explained:)
Antwort von brendan:

well, we are not here in the bakery. in the digital world, there is more possible:)
Raw material: 120min
geschnitten: 15min
and there are just a few synonymous title / Inserts / crossfades etc here.
it tells me there is now no other possibility, if you look after a change of the "effects" (gummy bears at the Black sahne torte) would like to reserve?
So there must be a really GOOD TIMES (120min) instead of only 15 minutes needed to be saved?
I can not believe it. if this is true, it will be time to change that:)
Antwort von Jogi:

Project s.deinem If you later want to make changes then you need the Project (Project data) How can the project later in CS3 again be created. How this is done in CS3, I can not tell you-I work with another NLE.
Render data and Reels are sure to delete them. What ultimately saved it s.Datenmengen is program specific.
Since you have a CS3 user help.
Antwort von Wiro:
.. So there must be a really GOOD TIMES (120min) instead of only 15 minutes needed to be saved? Hello,
what you are desperately looking for is the project manager. It's under Project> Project Manager. This allows your project to consolidate that only used 15 minutes left.
The settings are very diverse.
It will be necessary before the manual to consult. Keyword Project Manager.
Fly in the ointment:
It works only with intra-frame encoded material (if you like the DV-projects). It does not work for inter-frame encoded material (if you like the HDV MPEG). Reason: The Consolidation of Long-cut GOPs make a recalculation is necessary because in GOPs inside cut. In German means that HDV projects by consolidating the same size as before.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von thos-berlin:
well, we are not here in the bakery. in the digital world, there is more possible:) But no wonder. For the other bodies.
We are not synonymous with James Bond in the movies, where a surveillance video in which a newspaper snippet shows a razor-sharp screen display of an article in poster size possible.
What a lack of resolution, technical errors and, above all other effects will be overshadowed, it is gone.
Only backups of project data (as always synonymous in your program called synonymous, I have a different editing system) makes a change of the final product once again possible.
To my bakery to stay.
If the cake will be different, then you take the same ingredients, but a modified recipe (project data). There is other then a new cake. Flour, sugar, milk and eggs from the old cake you will not be able to win back to them for the new cake to use.
Antwort von brendan:

just add a question. gibts to premiere at the bitrate synonymous nor the regulator "quality" of the 1-5's and 4 is on by default.
what causes this?
what should I adjust it? synonymous 5?
Under the "File-Export" is the material off the timeline, so your edited movie!
So auspielen than HDV (MPEG2 1440x1080 and 25 Mbit / s.
Antwort von brendan:

ne and still wonder, what bitrate should I use SD 16:9 material, 720x576 pixel ..
Antwort von Jogi:

I think the level 5 around 8 Mbit / s writes. That would be totally fine.
... whether it be 4:3 or 16:9, there are no distinctions made!
Antwort von brendan:

hm ich finds komisch halt bitrate that the display remains unchanged at the press of the "quality control"
therefore, I think that the vll tnoch other causes
I think the level 5 around 8 Mbit / s writes. That would be totally fine.
... whether it be 4:3 or 16:9, there are no distinctions made! sorry I meant 16:19 SD and HDV (obviously synonymous 169)