Frage von Unit:
Good day interaction,
sometimes I wish me a little extra feature when shooting.
And although I would like a recording on the video monitor - Out join. I have a Sony three-chip, the monitor has no snap and I think it would be favorable, then the recordings s.einem via video cable to the monitor device connected to control. For instance, you can the Camera on a brick on the floor and must not be included in the deck support go to the picture control. The device needs only portable / battery-operated to and in a video input.
What kind of device would be because of something in question that I should search?
Antwort von Markus:

would you like a small LCD suffice (is there anywhere to buy cheap) or is it a real 9 "video monitor be? - For the picture, the LCD, whereas for an assessment of color, brightness and contrast, the tube would be required.
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:
... would you like a small LCD suffice (is there anywhere to buy cheap) ... Synonymous times I would be interested. How would because the price will be? How appropriate that someone offers? I always find home TV set (LCD).
Antwort von harryr.feet:

Small LCDs, which you can then still synonymous via hot shoe mount on the cam can be sure the rich and advantageous solution for the assessment of the image cut out completely safe synonymous. Problem I see here in practice at high ambient brightness. Man, it may be difficult, something on the LCD to see. As would run the risk of sun visor helpful. Otherwise, my advice is to a classic EB Monitor (SonyPVM 9044, etc.), the small, lightweight, mobile and battery-operated synonymous work. In addition, such monitors synonymous a good image analysis. Used such monitors are between 400 and 500 euros (not just on ebay * g *). One should be careful that they do not "burn" and have the tube still good clean images characterized. NP1 Batteries of housing there, if they have reasonable Cells, p.100 EUR and Charger can be used quite effectively acquire synonymous.
Antwort von Markus:
How appropriate that someone offers? I always find home TV set (LCD). The choice of search engine and search terms is extremely important here. Suitable equipment you'll find in Mobile or Car TV. Pay attention to the presence of an analog video input.
Possible Products:
Antwort von Aljoscha.Niko:
Antwort von muroshi:

What is good for this, for example, available at Conrad
X4-Tech Nova 7 II?
Antwort von Axel:
What is good for this, for example, available at Conrad
X4-Tech Nova 7 II? Less. I did it just s.Samstag seen live. For 4:3 camcorder is still the best thing is
this, which, because the screen is illuminated, Hellen synonymous in the well is to be seen. I had it sooner for the VX 1000 and met him a few weeks ago also sold on ebay. Revenue: 70 ¬ (as a house brand).
Antwort von muroshi:

Would like him but with the new HV20 and use in a 16:9 film. The thing is next to the Camera.
Antwort von Axel:
Would like him but with the new HV20 and use in a 16:9 film. The thing is next to the Camera. Good. Then it should be a high resolution for HD Have not these 320 x 240
Antwort von muroshi:

Did you by chance still synonymous nor a link to the blog?
Antwort von muroshi:

Already found, but tinkering is necessary. I'm not an electrician ...
Antwort von muroshi:

Have yet to be found: TDK Invr-041-3
Antwort von Axel:
Have yet to be found: TDK Invr-041-3 Den hab ich synonymous found. But he is only thirty øre expensive and secondly nit available ...
Antwort von muroshi:

What worries me is the juice, I understand that with the Akkugebastel not stop. Gibt's ne easier way?
Antwort von C.I.W:

There are smaller tube TV, you generally synonymous with 4 Batteries can operate. I have so soon.
Antwort von muroshi:

How big is the (inches)? And, of where?
Antwort von muroshi:

I've said for the LCD decided. Thanks for the tip (I hope I find someone in my colleagues, who sent me the Battery and the bushes so as to Wolfgang's Blog "described" pure can tinker).
The shop is also recommended: Is when I came forward foreign postage. Nice guy.
Antwort von C.I.W:

So the Röhrenfernsehr can I get a gift, is already a bit older. Grundig brand. There's definitely still like to buy, but if you have such a wish.
I will stop at the intersection synonymous initiated, which you can with your LCD is not.
Antwort von muroshi:

Yes, I know, the color halt. s.Set but the thing I would be much too heavy and 500, - for a used Sony Studio Monitor momentant me are too expensive.
Antwort von HighDefinition:

Dealers above I would take my previous statement did not recommend. The monitor is basically miserable, China Cheap imports processed goods. This is in keinerweise in the price, much worse, however, is that the dealer a defective product with pixel errors sent. In addition to the already previously einkassierten foreign postage of 20 Euro, flutters now to me afterwards, a UPS invoice for 10 euros into the house, although we actually thought 20 euros should be enough. Such business practices are bad abgestraft immediately! Most annoyed me but the pixel error, which is already broken shop sends monitors. Thanks to the high postage worthwhile exchange not synonymous.
Antwort von Markus:
... I now flutters after a UPS invoice for 10 euros into the house ... The shipping can be no import tax or include. They are on the country only on entry of UPS and calculated the receiver into account. Since the consignment in your case of Germany (EU) went to Switzerland (non EU), will cost you extra.
What are the pixel error: Do you have time to contact the Seller and the problem? - If it comes to a return, you have to be synonymous
some note, so the unit will not be taxed again. Otherwise, it takes the recipient is likely not to.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
(...) Much worse, however, is that the dealer a defective product with pixel errors sent (...) so, and where should he know? I know some large mailers, no sow opens as before, nor the shipping cartons or even make a function test! The opening will be returned and made a random incoming goods.
Your UPS account: UPS probably has the tax formalities and the time being designed. These are no shipping, but import duty. This enables the seller to do nothing.
Return costs for warranty claims: abroad bought this means of course a severe problem. Whether any claims? Still
can display pixel errors occur under certain circumstances, and still is a certain amount is reasonable (ie, no claim for defects). If the seller, however, the freedom of pixel errors guaranteed, then yes.