Frage von chlebchen:
tach synonymous, I need a little help in sachen menu creation with DVD Lab .... I want a motion menu to create and attach to the corresponding video (demuxed in ton and video) on the menu interface and the accompanying soundtrack from. in the background so the video is running. I put 3 points transparent png (ie image files), which on 3 more menus to the left. I then render the motion menu properly. then if I burn, I see the pictures, unfortunately not. only if you drüberfährt with the mouse, they are visible (but then of course, synonymous only in accordance with specified color mapping active status. "actual images do not appear. also there is a problem with the already mentioned above menu to which linked to. synonymous there is running in the background from a video. there, I have placed buttons (also PNG files, the writer included). synonymous not seen this. then inserted the standard buttons, the DVD and the Lab provides a link to the actual film serve, are visible. knows someone shooting? thank you in advance for the effort ....
Antwort von DeeZiD:

After rendering you have the video in the background Motionmenu with the newly rendered replace;)
That's it: D
Antwort von chlebchen:

... I then try the times. am back with results! vielen dank erstmal ...
Antwort von chlebchen:

nee - a pity. I had been pleased at the solution ... the rendered menu DVD Lab wants to save as a movie. this, he offers only this as avi to do. `I make the synonymous (by the way - perhaps we should also briefly again briefly close, which you be my test with" Geren requested the menu after menu in motion to replace - perhaps mach `yes I wrong ...). The only problem is that I followed this DVD Lab rendered avi menu, which I now need, in the video & audio - asset into DVD Lab does not open .... not about the "open" button, nor import! or you have done differently?
Antwort von chlebchen:

Antwort von Wiro:

Uppercase letters mean scream. So do not cry about it, otherwise you will be disqualified!
However, there are a few people who work with DVDLab. That you can calmly think. And the help synonymous if they can or want.
The only problem is that my DVD Lab rendered avi then this menu, which I now need, in the video & audio - asset into DVD Lab does not open DVDLab does not accept AVIs - You have to AVI so others in an appropriate program in an MPEG stream, convert and then import into Menufenster slide. Then stimmts.
However, in my version, you can alternatively render synonymous as MPEG (see Picture). Then there is no need to convert the external and the car is rendered MPEG menu exchanged.
Antwort von chlebchen:

... thank extent ... that with the convert avi to mpeg is already synonymous to me in the spirit came. synonymous already had two or three programs tested. Now comes the next problem seems to me ... All programs were able to avi `s not open! I think that on my computer installed codecs are inadequate. what to do because for the corresponding processing for avi codecs installed?
Antwort von Wiro:

If you've chosen and AVI rendering start menu opens a video encoder parameter. Take it full-frame uncompressed - that is the intermediate for the right data.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von markus1701:

Wiro hello, thanks for the reply again. but I think I have an even worse problem: now I have already zigfach with the motion menu and several herumprobiert avi `s draw. I only just noticed that all these avi files are 0 bytes big !!!!! if DVD Lab rendering had been completed, always synonymous came back off a message: "no frames have been extracted" or something similar. do not know whether the order should do what. in any case can not agree! what can do for now is that all files have 0 bytes? (Incidentally, the dot "video encoder parameters can I find in my computer lab not.'ve even derhilfe nachgeblättert - nix ...)
Antwort von Wiro:

You searched mglw. a standard trial version, however I purchased the Pro version. There are small differences.
Have a look again at my osScreenshot. So looks like synonymous with you, only missing a few options. In the upper right corner is a box "Motion Objects." If you like there is no check mark set? This could be the reason that you are 0 KB files get. More my crystal ball is not her.
Read the online manual again carefully:
There is, as noted in the standard version works.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von markus1701:

... thank you again for your hard ... with the motion of the box and the check mark to be set there, I have already checked. is more or less a basic setting. even though it certainly looks easy times ... that my version will be a trial, I will exclude times - yes there are otherwise all other functions are available (except the flat of your choice is called "render as mpg" and that I am able to point video encoder settings can not find). but the circumstances mentioned in the parentheses make me a bit aback. even if I have an older or stripped down version should have, but would have such critical functions, adjustable, right? well, you see me ziemlch loss. thank synonymous for the attached link. but that is exactly the same help page, which is in DVD Lab itself synonymous retrieve. I was already there. brings me sadly not synonymous next ... maybe there `s still a hope: one can make you under a mailaddress achieve?
Antwort von Wiro:

Nope, not by mail.
Read a whole lot of people with. If someone contributes to your specific problem can then he will definitely report them.
Then what have all of them.
Greeting Wiro