Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Movies like this live, it is movies / Part 2 of heidi - 10 Apr 2007 11:59:00
> Who is the worst enemy of the cinemas? The home theater, the multiplexes? Bad movies? The answer depends very much depends on whom you ask. We wanted to know how cinema operators even think about it, and to this end a long conversation with Andrea Stosiek, the operator of the outdoor cinemas island here in Berlin, led. We have also asked them what really makes a good projection ...
Antwort von Axel:
In the interview referred to specialist idiots under projectionists there are - a glimpse of the horizon of these people get, for example, under
- The threat of job by digital servers makes them with contempt for the entire technology respond that, yes, is still immature. Nevertheless, unemployment in the future they catch cold. There will be a larger group in Jobcenter meet, and someone will ask: "Hartz IV? As for actually ran Hartz I to III?"
Antwort von blip:
"Hartz IV? As for actually ran Hartz I to III?" :-)
Through the whole discussion around the technology (which will cost the projectors, who they pay, how is their quality, which is the default, etc.) have seen so often these aspects. As feared, only that many small cinemas go broke, because the technology purchases are too expensive, and then looking forward, if they create it - but that the whole operation has changed because the forgotten man. As I had previously never been on the technical profession of Kinovorführens thought, but clearly, the job changes as massive as some of the editors ..
Another "danger" of course, the profession should be stuntman, in times of CGI ..