Frage von berndkeul:
Good day
am a musician and newbie with Final Cut Pro 5.1 and have the following questions:
We have filmed a concert with 3 HD cameras (SonyZ1).
The import (with 1080i50 Apple Intermediate Codec) and the Syncronisieren of Multi Clips
works flawlessly.
I can in the timeline with three buttons Multiclip the cut and see the result in the canvas.
Unfortunately running the viewer of the multi-clips (with the 3 small images) is not with when I start the timeline.
What should I do so that the viewer mitläuft?
The next question would be for the optimum setting for export to DVD Studio 4
for the beautiful HD picture quality as good as possible on DVD shut.
Export to Quicktime (existing settings) and burning with iDVD brought a deterioration in picture
(maybe normal?).
I do work with 2:33 MBP FW800 and a 250GB disk.
Thank you very much.
Antwort von christopher:

In Canvas, Menubar middle, middle icon on the "sync open." Synchronize again, if you want to use Cinema Preview.
Export: Uncompressed 8-bit sequence to create turnkey Project as pure, render, save as a QuickTime movie (with settings identical sequence settings), sound as a separate AIFF in Compressor so, then in mpeg2 encoding (Dolby sound) and the Stack Monitor.
Antwort von christopher:

Addendum: And, if not already done strictly on 5.1.4 update!
Antwort von arionworks:

Thanks eimmal
The first tip has helped me very much,
've just cutting a lot of fun and am probably back with further questions about the DVD-authoring (with Audiomenu surround option)