Frage von MinZide:
I have 3 VOB movies are on my calculator.
This I would now like to burn to DVD.
I have converted the videos with the WinAVI converter.
In the main Order are now following files
Since all files are the same, Nero can not burn these.
Now I've heard you can VTS_01_0 files simply rename VTS_02_0 etc.. The VIDEO_TS files but I can not figure s.Namen change and therefore those files can not be mitgebrannt. If the DVD still playing?
If no, is there a solution (without a new convert)?
Antwort von Hollgo:

The DVD standard is ussynonymous by a given structure of file name.
You can not work and create DVD playable by as the DVD VOBs different mixes easily and so "zusammenflickt".
If you do not have working DVD structure on hard drive or elsewhere drauf longer exist, you will not be to convert the VOBs into MPEG and the subsequent Neumastern come around.
Very likely these are then converted VOBs but not completely, because a DVD VOB File-compliant according to max. 1GB may be large.
A VOB is not equal to a movie (!). If you use of the VOBs from DVDs with longer shooting there, will you except patchwork of fragments and no brave new DVD can conjure.
With VOBs from DVDs zusammenfrickeln it's definitely not.