Frage von stadtneurotiker:Hello, I have a question. We have a tape of a song and a performance on video (avi.). Now is the want to trim something. But the soundtrack may not be recorded, because the next song is yes. I would like a photo or other footage cut in between. Unfortunately, cutting programs such as Windows Movie Maker or Camtasia movies with only the soundtrack. How to do it s.besten? 've Herumgetüffelt, but not all the skin out. Thank you, Sven
Antwort von rakzak:
cut in all programs that I know of (movie maker not heard about this ..), can the video-and audio track decouple. then you can only edit the video track, which runs through ton. look, if you have such a function is not synonymous in the movie maker can find.
if not, you could be as fast, 'dirty' solution synonymous simply another image or video material on a second video track, which would track the underlying image mask ...
Antwort von stadtneurotiker:
Hello and thank you for your reply. So a "dirty" solution ranges from completely. But unfortunately the skin well with the Windows MM is not out and with Camtasia 2 not synonymous. What should I have to spend for a program that can? As I said there must be nothing special. So if Virtual Dub can ... with the program I am not at all clear. Would be very grateful for tips. Thank you. Sven
Antwort von rakzak:
but could go with mm, look at times this
maybe you can actually what about the silent bodies of double track.
Camtasia is not a cutting program in the sense that one can think in this case I forget .. cheap beginner programs would, for example pc of magix video deluxe or Adobe Premiere Elements, both about
100 euro or
Addendum: for the 'dirty' solution would have only a second video track show - at
least this must be synonymous but in the movie maker possible? if not, then you create one of the above programs at ...
Antwort von steveb:
why do you not simply just a trial version? Or Avid free, it's even free!