Frage von Will-nicht-genannt-werden:
Hi Slashcam Forum,
I have just voted for my class finished a movie that I filmed and edited himself (ie cut, overdubbed, etc) have. And this film, I now want to sell in my class. There have been many interested synonymous reported, but it came to me on the suspicion that perhaps s.Ende only 2 or 3 people (of 28) Buy this movie and the rest of the movie simply burns. That would be obviously not in my senses, because I am not free 3 months (yes yes, I've pretty synonymous me time left ^ ^) s.diesem film is then easy to give away afterwards. I think this is quite understandable and I am now probably synonymous hopefully no monster ... Well in any case, I asked if someone does not know whether there is a possibility there would not be a protection to burn DVDs on my set. Now you will certainly like me zuschütten with arguments that even the latest DVD of the film industry with "some" programs (now will not name names xD) inside of a few minutes or even seconds can be cracked and I do a little disappointed to admit that this argument is correct.
Primary concerns me is that I do not want other classmates as this movie on youtube or similar sites raufladen, because this comment came today of someone and there were quarrels vonwegen like that it is not wanted and that everyone has the own right s . Picture and sound and so did next ... They are synonymous then a few students come to me and asked me that this film is not published on the Internet should be, but what should I do, yes it could be this movie EVERY upload somewhere? And then if I would only (as a director and producer) this film on the Internet because I do not want other then maybe even my name and similar rausschneiden and then the film as presenting her work ...
Now I have ever researched a bit somewhere and think times have read that there are not any Programs, with which the discs completely unreadable s.Computer drives can do that then just right on a DVD player would read. That would be really a kind of "protective burning" because if no PC can read the DVD, you can not copy the first and second no content on the Internet. Only now my question: Do you like I can do something and whether it even exists? Or did someone vllt yet another suitable solution for my problem? The actual burning of the DVDs I am not sooo important, that can always be circumvented, vieel it's important that the contents without my permission (and that of other students) will be published ... You would synonymous to me and to those concerned to help students really!
Thank you for your troubles,
Greeting "Will-not-be-named"
Antwort von camworks:

if you upload to youtube what you need to have a user name. simply sue anyone who does so because of copyright infringement. the data of youtube you can get when a crime is present (which was then the case).
Antwort von daniil:

Hi, thanks for your tip. ^ ^
I can now but certainly not my own classmates sue, because I would be 'yes' to make mockery high 10:-D (I think / hope that as you have fun, at any rate, I shall take it as fun on).
But seriously, there is no other possibility?
Greeting Will-not-be-named
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
(...) It is then synonymous a few students come to me and asked me that this film is not published on the Internet should be (...) So this should be strictly respected. Anyone who uploads the movie, in this case can easily be identified. And he that was contrary to the express will of the "performers" uploads, get a load more drübergebrannt as someone who "only" was too stupid to ask for permission ...
The burn protection, you can forget it. With on-board resources, ie without extreme financial application goes nothing. The film industry is annoyed synonymous and the place is given purely million, and helps you?
Antwort von camworks:
I think / hope that as you have fun, at any rate, I shall take it as fun on. it was just ironic. purely legal but would be pretty sure that very soon sneered stop. ;-)
Antwort von ronsei:

And do not forget the sale proceeds to be taxed correctly, otherwise you can self-advertisement for tax evasion after the same slide.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Do it quite simple:
If 20 of 28 classmates want to have a copy, then tell those who will be the money to bring all s.selben days. That you collect and then distribute it two days later, the burned DVDs.
Antwort von Mylenium:
Well in any case, I asked if someone does not know whether there is a possibility there would not be a protection to burn DVDs on my set. Nope, not really (see below)
Now I have ever researched a bit somewhere and think times have read that there are not any Programs, with which the discs completely unreadable s.Computer drives can do that then just right on a DVD player would read. That would be really a kind of "protective burning" because if no PC can read the DVD, you can not copy the first and second no content on the Internet. Only now my question: Do you like I can do something and whether it even exists? Of course there is and it is made synonymous. Ah-Bear: The whole move to the mastering level for pressed DVDs, so will the stamping with the appropriate license in the high security wing made. As synonymous normal copy via CSS / CPGM is the creation of pirate discs with sectors and Root-Entries only possible in this way and thus completely outside of your reach.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

The desire of the parties, not on YouTube & Co to be shown, is to be respected!
If you or an unauthorized Shown legal action or at least threaten, you are not a spoilsport, but it respects the rights of the parties involved. I think that you should communicate as synonymous. The spoilsport are those who do not want to keep s.die rules.
If your name as a producer in the film occurs (pre-credits), then you've certainly synonymous with YoutTube good cards, your authorship and to prove to Clear veranlssen. (In case of doubt you can to YouTube by a DVD showing that it is your work). Your name, I would, as in movies, after the introductory movie (teaser) bring. Then the cutting out (by the "YouTube-high loader ') synonymous not quite as easy as if he comes directly s.Anfang ....
The protection of the DVD, there are no program I know that such a protection in the amateur practice.
You should s.die Fainess the buyer appeal. If you have a lot of time, but make individual DVDs (eg a serial number s.Filmbeginn). Then you can immediately find out who has copied. However, you must then re-render each DVD, and it takes ..... If in doubt, but should be in such a predictable part of the copier by surveys to identify.
In addition, you should not try, with the price to achieve high yields. You'll run you in anyway never close to a record with the corresponding effort and time to profit. If you for example 500 Euros to make profit like (what an effort of 3 months is really not much), when you have a circulation of 25 DVDs at least 20 euros per disc to make profit. Thus, a DVD with printed hardcover etc. probably cost about 22 euros. Since I can already imagine that there will be pirates. If you take 5 Euros, then the motivation for piracy is not quite so large. (Because the material is close s.den and one for 2 Euro savings unbedungt not an hour before the PC sets)
Tax-rights questions and let me be aware of time outside.
Place in your Premiere prefer another pot on donations and ask parents for donations for your effort and your material.
Antwort von Reimer Reimer:

Hi Will-not-be-named,
a question I have:
Do you have a copy-protected DVD copy, because it's cheaper
you had to copy them than to buy?
All the best Axel
Antwort von ronsei:
The desire of the parties, not on YouTube & Co to be shown, is to be respected! This I see as synonymous!
If your name as a producer in the film occurs (pre-credits), then you've certainly synonymous with YoutTube good cards, your authorship and to prove to Clear veranlssen! Hmm yes, but what if someone is anywhere from the middle of the film altogether, because he thinks that this post is especially funny or just so? Since then it's no name more of me to see the name and the whole time during the film show is synonymous bad, especially when even that could be cut. Where is Youtube still know that it really is my movie?
(In case of doubt you can to YouTube by a DVD showing that it is your work). Your name, I would, as in movies, after the introductory movie (teaser) bring. The DVD could I have burned so of someone and now claim that it would be my ... My name synonymous, I have done so purely as you recommended, you just might stop someone rausschneiden. I now hardly credible that someone then the whole film with intro and credits is purely in Youtube, I think rather that the time to save and hold any office, where not a name comes before the halt and just a "funny" scene , where synonymous nice to see many people who do not want to be seen -.- Or, simply take the place directly after the header (if any name and then everything is gone) until just before the closing credits. When watching youtube da eh None particularly like the way it looks after, which is therefore (as I know) no preference be pretty ^ ^
If you have a lot of time, but make individual DVDs (eg a serial number s.Filmbeginn). That would be a good idea, but unfortunately I do not quite understand what you mean by that if I s.Anfang leave any number displayed, you can, just like my name, simply rausschneiden and if someone is secretly burning a DVD, I can yes not everybody look daheim OB who possesses an illegal DVD and then synonymous nor the numbers to compare. Maybe your idea, I have only synonymous but misunderstood, would be nice if you perhaps could say something more precise.
(The constant Quote me now is to become stupid, I go now to the price On: P):
I have not thought synonymous, so the big money-making, that was synonymous to me clearly, I have so S.3 ¬ per DVD thought. That is almost a gift, when you consider that each of a LightScribe DVD Printed will be any DVD and a shell with printed cover and will have 3 months that I sat on it and edit s.schneiden, but s.seinen classmates can be so synonymous not earn the Big Money, that's clear ... Consequently, I thought S.3 ¬ per DVD.
So it looks like is probably s.Ende just left s.die reason to appeal the class because all other things seem rather hopeless. But synonymous with the legal steps I'm not so sure this is just so not me to you nothing would work, and all would think I would be too much high-swing, because I am somebody because of a "small section" wanted to sue on youtube .. . But normally should be so. On youtube there now soo many videos of our school, which secretly filmed with a mobile phone have been (unconsciously) and now the Internet rumkursieren because it is actually a student at the break only ever be afraid and keep your eyes open, that you do not s.Nachmittag already on all the PC monitors appear ...
Greeting Will-not-be-named
Antwort von ronsei:
Hi Will-not-be-named,
a question I have:
Do you have a copy-protected DVD copy, because it's cheaper
you had to copy them than to buy?
All the best Axel Goes synonymous for "non-copy-protected" (eg older music CDs) ...
Furthermore, should the people who want to upload what the DVD is so entcoden only once - that they need time and at least some background knowledge - if you ask nicely operates such a burden? I think that's it going primarily to loss of profits and possibly to prevent help really just a "number" of DVDs and simultaneous order / payment / distribution, and sales at low prices so that the copier will lose the incentive.
Antwort von Peter S.:

You could a logo (your trademark + the serial number of the DVD) in the movie file group: Not permanently, at irregular intervals, and each gives a little bit. Then it is plain and simply too cumbersome for the copier, to be removed. The copying can be prevented entirely never exceeding difficult.
MFG Peter
Antwort von ronsei:
I think primarily it is to you for possibly lost profits No, PRIMARY is my question that I do not want any of my movie clips in Internet land, without my classmates or I've allowed it (n) ...
As for the CD / DVD Copy is concerned, so you want to know of burning me:
I have never seen a DVD movie (Copy Protected) burned and the burn protection bypassed. Although I know how this could be, but since I am not much eh Fernschaue I actually no preference. If I s.and times to a movie really wants to have, then I buy the synonymous, because I would then be in original quality and want to see them apart synonymous bonus DVD with making-the SFO and so ..
Best Regards, Will-not-be-named
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Let me be clear: You can not prevent the film or parts thereof in Internet land. Unless you destroy the test material, the cut and the DVDs. If the Enodieren the DVD is too difficult, you can restore the analogy synonymous.
You can only take steps that YouTube on your deletion request arrives as quickly as possible. The proposed logo throughout the film is not a bad idea. The you should implement. If you see that recordings are on YouTube, you can find those in need send a DVD to your authorship s.ganzen film documented. This will erase your desire to positively influence.
What are the numbers: You can s.einer anywhere in the film briefly a number (or any other characteristic eindeutriges) Show and you realize just who the DVD (-point) has purchased. Then at least you know who is the template for a copy available. None of a DVD copy, the Umschneiden something out. The effort is so large that it is simply not worth - They certainly do not in your price announced. A disadvantage of the method is SOWISO that each disc is unique and according to time and again to be rendered. In extreme cases a night per DVD.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello "Will-not-be-named"
the calculation is actually quite simple: Staffele the sale price after the order quantity, so that a DVD costs ¬ 3, when orders for 28 units available. Your sales would be a total of 28 3 ¬ = 84 ¬.
This means the reverse: If only a single order the DVD will cost 84 ¬. And do not forget to collect the money
beforehand, so that no one resigns, if the first DVD is. ;-)
Antwort von Videofactory:

I know not, of course, know how much your classmates s.Computer, but I could me the numbering so synonymous imagine:
You write a text file (of course with normal file extension and file name) in the VIDEO_TS folder. So you need the DVD only once to copy the data and then always with its other number.
If the others do not know will not notice the synonymous.
Gruß, Alex.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Did not Encore CS3 with an opportunity to install a CSS?
Antwort von tommyb:

There is a relatively simple method of how you have your DVD brands can. However, this is an expense associated with.
Method 1:
Create your in your DVD authoring program and then open the file "VIDEO_TS.ifo". The program DVDlab Chance of Media for example in this file is clearly legible "MEDIA OPPORTUNITY DVD LAB PRO2 inside. Possibly. your program is doing this. The text you just replace by a serial number which you neatly into an Excel spreadsheet lead.
In addition, you must force your people to concentrate on one card or entered into a list. Schlauer would, however, if each of you for the DVD packaging including small labels and then s.ihn superabundant.
If the DVD is now on a silly way be copied, you need only one copy of it or just the VIDEO_TS file and need to just look who they got.
Of course you need for each of your 'customers' own VIDEO_TS.ifo create, this has been his effort. But far more difficult:
Method 2:
Create on your DVD intro, this intro in writing the usual copyright stuff inside and then add the line "for Manfred Registered Doe".
Thus you can reach the same effect as Method 1 and the people may be discouraged by.
If your classmates, but with various unspecified programs can handle, you can "copy" may nullify.
I would rather the secret method 1, because then synonymous None to his "illegal" copy somehow distort before they are next.
PS: I hope your classmates do not know Slashcam: P
Now I have the whole thread did not read, has already been referred to the method. Pffff: D
Antwort von Oettinger:

Let the with the "burn protection". You will not discourage the copying. To the maximum specified proceeds, collect the money an AND 2days later, there's the DVD. Until then, have you bought a box of beer and your masterpiece is still better: D
And because of the legal aspect of the copy:
Schon mal dran thought that the copy is not in the DVD (video)-regulated standard (very old topic). Basically, yes you could then sue everyone because on the DVD VIDEO or "malicious software" is. Even if it is "only" bad sectors, it is stressful for the PC drive.
Antwort von Fenek:

Another possibility as I do:
For small clips of my logo with pure,
because yes, I deliberately spread.
For my larger movies (2 hours)
the principle to do I burn dual-layer,
da (ver) goes to people who do not burn each day,
fairly quickly from the desire ..
this version but there are not synonymous for 3-5 Teuros ....
should your classmates what your effort has value.
Do a little advertising,
run the movie, Beamer borrow etc ...
about this ne stelle Box with the DVD's out
and you look over what is to come ....
surplus comes from a box with something the next class celebration ...
Good luck, and you look over the synonymous feedback!