Frage von
Oh my God.
It is now come for Christmas!
Now I find no more Christmas crap. : thumbsup:
I got me the same thing unpacked, ne miniDV cassette purely and Rec to hold.
Here you can a first time "blurred" picture of the Cam make.
The settings are initially been on car, then I had saraykaribu times played with the sharpness.
And s.Ende is a clip in 25p mode has been rotated.
There is no color correction, one can say it is the raw material. ^ ^
I will of course next week, a real small film so that's spin. :)
Lowlight Test:
lonely lovers - the first short film with SonyHDR FX 1000:
The best way to watch youtube and do not forget to watch in HD 'to click. = D
Have fun!
Antwort von Debonnaire:

I congratulate you on the new camera and would like to thank you of the heart that you blurred the cat with the world and share my time that I've wasted so!
Sorry, for all your enthusiasm, the DU for YOUR new Cam hegst apparently, but what are those clip-label because really, outside the Internet?
This could be of any mess to any (cheap or expensive, low-level or high-end) Camera by someone who grad times the on / off button has been (and absolutely nothing else!) Have been rotated. - What?!
The Flic demonstrates nothing! Shows neither your (existing) abilities as a filmmaker, yet the opportunities and quality of the camera, even one - although possibly poorly filmed but potentially - well worth seeing and exciting content! - What?!
That the product, known as Video Camera is sold VIDEOs generally takes, we would have you believe just so synonymous. Instead, the camera is built ... You tell us that this purely general ability using the loose cat must prove, brings little, huh?!
So, just write:
"Hello people! Yes, synonymous, I now have a new video camera. It is the product xyz. Once I have something nearly synonymous Attractions thus produced had, then I leave you to participate. - Up in the distant future also! Ciao!"
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:
Oh my God.
It is now come for Christmas!
Now I find no more Christmas crap. : thumbsup:
I got me the same thing unpacked, ne miniDV cassette purely and Rec to hold.
Here you can a first time "blurred" picture of the Cam make.
The settings are initially been on car, then I had saraykaribu times played with the sharpness.
And s.Ende is a clip in 25p mode has been rotated.
There is no color correction, one can say it is the raw material. ^ ^
I will of course next week, a real small film so that's spin. :) So I do not you download and enjoy myself with you about your new accomplishment, of something I träum synonymous, some times ask me with what I needed s.die mice come.
Have fun with the new cam and a happy celebration.
Antwort von meawk:

Do you like nothing in the writing of Debonnaire, the meckert and basically makes everything down. I think it is good that you like something online - and a masterpiece is just still not fallen from the sky: Do we all need much - synonymous Debonnaire.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Whether it makes sense, because of a 1:10 clip of a text with 6 paragraphs, the estimated minimum of 5:00 is required to be typed, reinzuschreiben here is for me quite questionable. But there is such a halt here, who probably read their own text so happy.
Me it seems quite noisy in the clip. Can the FX1000 is not better? Or is the only s.Clip on Vimeo?
Antwort von Starter:
Oh my God.
It is now come for Christmas!
Now I find no more Christmas crap. : thumbsup:
I got me the same thing unpacked, ne miniDV cassette purely and Rec to hold.
Here you can a first time "blurred" picture of the Cam make.
can hardly expect to come my ... thank you for your first impressions, so you can see, the part that you just unpacked you :-))
"Debonnaire" can indeed imagine how jealous all the "waiting" are ...^^
Antwort von Johannes:
Whether it makes sense, because of a 1:10 clip of a text with 6 paragraphs, the estimated minimum of 5:00 is required to be typed, reinzuschreiben here is for me quite questionable. But there is such a halt here, who probably read their own text so happy.
Me it seems quite noisy in the clip. Can the FX1000 is not better? Or is the only s.Clip on Vimeo? How to s.den eyes so the cat can see it seems to be darker, deshab I think there are more chips s.den camera lies. However, it still may be more raushollen I think yes because it sounds so synonymous, Camera out of the box and brought it off without being filmed with the next setting to employ. I do not know it was wodran, but often can be obtained by Manuelleeinstellungen menu still a lot out of the hollow Picture.
PS.: My Steadycam is synonymous here, but I will diligently practice first and then have a report with pictures and videos online ;-)
Antwort von

The first contribution was really cool = D
The film is not without reason, "first steps".
That I had it out with its cam to shoot, I need not prove self, and I did not synonymous vain Shaky noted that it is.
The clip should be my first joy feelings show. =)
I had earlier when I was with family and celebrate Christmas have a lot of recordings done by candlelight. Unfortunately I do not mitgeschleppt my tripod but I think that what was useful. ;)
If you posted.
And the rush is certainly s.der wmv, compression. The next I will be in avi render. One learns. If the first HD cam. =)
So Merry Christmas and later to the new clip. ;)
Antwort von Debonnaire:

You're really cute! As little kids, for the first time a close up of the railway have seen: "Oh, MY synonymous Camera actually makes moving pictures! From the network that! Let the world s.meinen 25 frames per second loose cat part! Jaaaahhhh!" ;-)
Merry Christmas to you all!
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

That is not necessarily the whole world s.seinen first steps to participate must be correct (s hab me honestly or not).
But I share your joy and allerherzlichsten first congratulate you on your camera.
You're really cute! As little kids, for the first time a close up view of the railway have Nix gekriegt for Christmas?
You simply attempts to imagine that there are people, air jumps and joy dance when they are happy about something. Be it a railway, Camera, new job, etc. .. . As my FX1 in the hand held, I wanted to hug the whole world - whether they wanted to or not;)
Contemplative Christmas everyone
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Hey, it's a video camera, not the solution to all the problems humanity has ever had or will have! Remains a bit on the carpet, synonymous patiently when the Internet is ...
And the results from a video camera will really only be interesting and worthy of publication so that maybe, if more than the lens cap runtergenommen and the All-Auto-on function has been pressed in the direction of the housing wall of Big Mama!
Am I really the only one here feels a little veräppelt whether Jungbubennaivität so much? (Yes, yes ... I would have the rubbish so do not read, or watch ... But it IS nonsense, you know, unfortunately, only AFTER you viewed it HAS! - So, no comments in this direction. Thank you!)
Antwort von tillbaer:

@ Debonnaire:
Pity that you're not just someone I can look that is so even on his "Christmas gift" delighted. Not for everyone, a new cam just a tool - and not everyone can be one for 3,000, - ¬ afford. I think it's great that someone is on a new camcorder is happy - and I am here to share it!
Merry Christmas s.alle - synonymous s.die of you that tonight maybe need to spend alone.
Greetings - Til.
Antwort von

To test the new camera is on. =)
Enjoy the Lowlight Recordings. ;)
And do not forget to watch in HD 'to click.
Not true Debonnaire? ;)
Ho ho ho! A happy feast to you all. = D
Antwort von meawk:

Yep - very nice. Now the haste Debonnaire still presents a Christmas gift.
Good made.
Antwort von weitwinkel:
To test the new camera is on. =)
Enjoy the Lowlight Recordings. ;)
And do not forget to watch in HD 'to click.
Not true Debonnaire? ;)
... but as the night the cam, I would not call now synonymous
or what is the part of a slush?
The compression is probably not alone, but a lot of noise ....
gruß cj
Antwort von PowerMac:

Or you could say: do not sow interested. A shitty video with the information content of a used teabag. The main thing the kids are happy about.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

It `s so RAW Footage Who Cares How it` s Lookin `
Cool is that here the "I Oute me, with my shitty videos themselves, the nutritional value of Crispbread have" thread - yes?
Cool then I'm right here yes
lol so geil some comments here
Ich finds ok but if someone is pleased and test their own video shows. I my not then you can really say "aha again just so NEN Promotion Clip" - Customers and Intressenten look so synonymous images s.and customers are attracted by or discouraged (you do mal ne Pana SW20 as an example - Hammer videos in which to Page un then the whole "filmed by ordinary citizens") - because it is the action of Ghost Picture fully accepted.
Hab grad nich here NEN Like Hollywood test had expected, so it's ok.
Sure I can on the other voices understand Page synonymous with a flood sollche as meaningless and not necessarily see. Is perfectly understandable.
But the thread starter is probably his experience with others Intressenten / users share, and thus the spirit of the forum requirements.
So now I've synonymous NEN few typed paragraphs and longer than 5 min used;-P
Alla what you wish ;-)
B. DeKid
PS: Oh yes, my "dining room clean-up action" video, aka "Only the milk makes it" ... is my favorite only because of the un Muke Fast Forward Gedo;-P
with its filmed SonyDCR PC 330E,-P
Antwort von domain:

But the thread starter is probably his experience with others Intressenten / users share, and thus the spirit of the forum requirements.
So the joy of the thread starter, I can already synonymous understand, was with me and the new FX1 was similar, but more and held in respect, I have reported them in this manner is not much, I prefer to have with the manual irgenwohin verkrochen this for hours and read.
What I learned as a man WiSo but more and more to think and gives me the sociological point of interest is the fact that YouTube seems to be so with a kind Subindiesubkultur arose. So according to the motto: you look my shit I s.schaue your synonymous, it merits, we are not unknown but zeros on the Internet known.
Could slow for the advertising of interest, or there are already in this area, am not s.Laufenden.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

I want to with enthusiasm and from the depths of my soul prescribing join!
Not every shit just because it exists, it is worth, published and therefore to be consumed!
Since you, as I have already mentioned above, unfortunately shit until AFTER their consumption at all able to identify them, it is an affront and is bordered s.Vergewaltigung the visitor that they are prefixed with no warning has been!
It is with courteous or even the beginning of real interest s.einen thread or film is approached and caught cold with absolute Nullsignifikanzmist, where people just do not have escape CAN! That is unfair, rude, annoying and stupid, stupid, stupid!
For all its childlike enthusiasm for the new toy: Puts you but PLEASE for one second in the position of the bystanders outside and unbiased critical asks you whether what you're currently in the process to post synonymous EUCH really would be interested! - Most of the time and reflected the honest answer is a resounding "No" to. Should you not to think about? - I think "Yes," good evening! ;-)
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Yep - very nice. Now the haste Debonnaire still presents a Christmas gift. Oh, miracle of miracles! The world spins faster, the light shines brighter, the bread tastes better and YouTube is bold!
Finally the car Bubi-All-On button more synonymous with living room lights dimmed and angeschmissen - hab Dank! - We must all participate! Even in HD!
How beautiful is the compression of the two Auras langsamgeeditierten Cuddle Kids in the ausgefressene overexposed white background wallpaper reinmauscheln! - That's what I call good times NEN Lowlight test a convincingly dominated Camera!
Perhaps this might be obvious to the Camera WEAKNESS times in a "Guinea Pig 4'562. Part" as a Special Effect to create a dream sequence for three seconds makes sense to use?
Please more, more, meeehhhr! Make my day!
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Enjoy the Lowlight Recordings. Fun, it was not exactly ...
Antwort von

Yes wie geil!
He knows my squeaking guineapig movies!
"I'm a Star. Let me in here." =)
Why I upload videos?
Because I never even found something to have Cam and platforms such as Vimeo or just after this Forum Test Footage abgeklappert had.
If nobody ran sets and what with his camera rotates it in the cupboard which is the problem, but small-Bubi would like with the Motion Pictures, the film won Cam want to see.
Sun has set and David ran the celebration of the birth of Jesus two funny videos rotated around the many poor children the Oliver Twist abgammeln out there and some of the Cam want to see, no spontaneous preference as the clips are synonymous, a joy to prepare.
Although David would prefer to celebrate Chanuka.
I'm sorry that I am in the "hurry Geile the" no "fully endkrassen" clip could produce. Also my tripod at home, I had to leave because I do not train to family celebrations.
I have apologized in the beginning of thread so that the images are blurred. But this could not deter Debonnaire, hm why? Maybe he thought you can after the first scene on the Great Cross s.Bildschirmrand top right button? Or did you want Miezi only depend on the watch? No idea which is for ever in the anal Great thicknesses Scheißhausfee go.
But for all the others have used to search for moving material SonyHDR FX experience of 1000:
Please very, I hope you had fun at the 2 minutes clip. =)
A happy Chanuka to you all. = D
Antwort von Johannes:

So I wanted myself to any Page, but the clips simply say nothing about the camera, should you vllt times in the comparison database Slashcam look like there the test pictures made and to what is written. We do not know how bright it was in the room, what aperture you've used or whether you've used the gain.
Also see images from muddy, however, when I look at a video on Youtube (rotated on its hv30) siete watch the same from a lot sharper. Sowas s.der Camera does not lie, but is often s.der Compression synonymous which we learn nothing. Therefore, I must Debonnaire right where the whole does not make proper sense. We have pictures, but as they are can I get it synonymous with my DVX is out and the SD.
Antwort von meawk:

People - now let it be good times.
So - I wish you much fun with your new cam and hopefully still a nice treat for yourself.
That was not necessary and actually synonymous completely superfluous. Sure, 90% of the videos on the net for the public synonymous superfluous, but it comes at all. Anyone can actually make the inside what he wants and that's synonymous a good thing.
The superfluous videos on YouTube, for example, are, for example, Erotic videos. Jo - and, most of the Plays. Times I had some time ago a video of my Rauhhaardackel in the section and the Erotic reingestellt with "Sexy Susy" named. In the first three hours I had 1700 Plays. . . (weider is deleted). So, who is always synonymous clicks what is even to blame. You have nothing so synonymous anklicken - Debonnaire would probably be the best, I think times.
Antwort von Johannes:

It is not a question that he is on the Internet, but that he is here in the forum disseminated. We ärgerst just the content of the video and the title of the thread does not fit well together. We expect meaningful test video but only get a few clips without data without everything.
Antwort von

I must confess to my shame that I have with the concept test video in this forum a little voreillig was.
I come from the "Low Budget Filmmakers Corner" and am audodidakt.
In other forums that specialize more in the Independent, the first recordings synonymous well.
In this forum, we are more concerned with technical aspects. If you type "test" will you write then described detailed shots.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ ghost picture
The pictures are ok but there is as I said a lot of people here have just synonymous sowas mal briefly want.
The theme "We the INet Müllen full", but this is totally fails s.Platz.
The candle is reminiscent of "Barry Lyndon" ;-) ...... the guy was not only halt S. Kubrick;-P
B. DeKid
Antwort von

Oh, I was of the press in Chemnitz been compared with Peter Jackson and I think the idols after eifere ... Since you have probably hit the mark. Damn. = D ^ ^
Oh, and my first short film rotated with the SonyHDR FX 1000 is online.
Have fun. =)
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Look, There is really absolutely EVERY aspect of useful and useless, videos online to make their statement null and absolutely nothing about "Yes, this video IS moving pictures and I can clip on a web server port ! goes. What is difficult to understand and difficult?
I totally Wurscht but who you (or you yourself) what has been taught and in what corner of the Filmerei you yourself positionierst! Low-key is simply that EVERY ne Camera unpack, NEN Battery ne einschmeissen and insert cartridge, which is this camera gets into the hands. At press the shutter button during Auto-All-On a few moments of video recording is also no diffusion decent performance. - This is unfortunately synonymous halt the resulting materials are of absolutely no interest or significance! It IS easy, but it does not!
If you, as you explained above, a defined test set-up would have, compared with recordings under declared, different conditions, so that you tions "Aha" and "Oh, wau-Effect" would be at, then YES! But since these Rumgefilmer clips REALLY happens with any camera at any time of any (self-) produced film would be able to include them in the end no usable or interesting information!
However, the wall, I s.welche here since some time talking about, is impenetrable, I remember! - Worse: it is of other-eyed here, which is also in the "Oh, Bubi has ne Camera and now treat him but this joy is simply and finally Christmas!" Groove impose are only nourished and Bubi is evident in his still Gebahren confirms!
The pictures are ok but there is as I said a lot of people here have just synonymous sowas mal briefly want. Yes, because what you SEE, B. DeKid if you get these shots ansiehst, giving you only rudimentary synonymous something usable could see that on "The camera can record video!" would go beyond? - Where does because of the "Wow, these images have been with the brand new 1000 FX SonyHDR made? Madness! Good that I could finally experience ALSO !!!"- Effect?
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Oh, and my first short film rotated with the SonyHDR FX 1000 is online.
Have fun. =) Thank you very much! Yes, I've actually viewed it to me:
- Second 0:00-0:07: The actor is underexposed before overexposed background (Wow, a new Lowlight test!) And blurred badly chosen, with cold white balance of right to left through the Picture.
- Cut.
- Second 0:08-0:09: The same actor is, this time with overexposed and poorly chosen again, this time to yellow, white balance of left to right into the picture.
- Short and poorly played vorallem soundless sigh, at directly, with an ugly axle jump, the player-once Eumel underexposed against wrong with the original white balance of the back again to show.
- When even the next Whino baleful looking pregnant and without any dramatic motivation choked in the film, I have quoted above right crosses operated!
Wow, DAS is a cinematic class! Since coming to me but really the same synonymous Peter Jackson comes to mind! Congratulations! - If the Jackson is not synonymous approximately 9.5 times the hours test footage in three parts in circulation, in which he even tests of a few special effects were built with the same? Who was this test equally Flics yet ...? Oh yes: "Lord of the Rings", parts 1-3. Really was little better and a little more meaningful than the dachshund in the living room, the kids in front of the housing wall and the Eumel on the field! - Hey, so next, Peter "" Jackson! ;-)
Antwort von

A pity, because you have slow but the great effects missed.
Endkrassen And the twist in the story alla Abrahms. Or the fat from settings such as Ridley Scott of Gladiator.
Man you're lame.
^ ^
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Ohhhh, so crap! Ash on my head in shame and my underpants! Since I seem REALLY missed something that the world (and especially I) have never seen before!
However: When I see the comments of those here, with a massively greater capacity for suffering than I have, then, seems to me this loss but verschmerzbar!
Bubi, sorry, but you are so what of KRASS also with your inner vision, in Comparison to us presented outside view, that I will soon be one of pure (and here I must admit: successful!) Provocation attempt on your part'm inclined to take. Indeed, so perfectly beside himself can not really see the comparison to be effective if, as thou hast done it seems, a device of the relative complexity of this camcorder still in the car-all-on mode can be!
Antwort von Debonnaire:

How can we still ne (serious!) S.dich Question: Where can I do with film footage, which according to you is even worse than your gay Flic-chen, because ne fette Camera as your new Sony profits go?
Then grave 'I namely flux Uralt my test strips that capture the Mist and send him s.deine Wettbewerbsausschreiber! Not only will I be the next Martin Scorsese or Ridley Scott will be celebrated, no, I will be synonymous equal the 1 Prices of the Lottery to receive lifetime attributed! - Cool stuff!
Danke schon mal for your detailed response, including contact info and link to the Competition! ;-)
Antwort von

Antwort von shipoffools:
.... As I get loose the Oscar for Best Camera. Pff ....
The Oscar for hubris and bargain 'ne gold medal drauf hast thou with this statement safe! But I can not believe you are really serious mean.
However, I would go make your movie times winner and must be in your defense to say that not even the bad times, if not synonymous far so good as you think because your profits. Since I have a closing of some private, so-called film or media schools have seen much worse.
Antwort von
.... As I get loose the Oscar for Best Camera. Pff ....
The Oscar for hubris and bargain 'ne gold medal drauf hast thou with this statement safe! Thread through then you will understand ...
* magic with the poor in front of your face rumfuchtel *
Antwort von shipoffools:

My addition to the above quote read, okay?
Antwort von
My addition to the above quote read, okay? So yes, you have noticed that I am here not everything is extremely serious. ;)
You ask so much for your films, because I will be so smooth in addition to everything and settle for 1 euro cheaper offer, similar to Ebay or the "WOW Autkionshaus". Since hätt I look really thick and coal must be my beautiful body no longer for film competitions prostitute.
And you REALLY nice slow the effects of "lonely lovers" after I missed your great knife throwing movie seen. (
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Thank you, Bubi, for your praise! It really means a lot to me, of an award-winning Koriphäe like you to recognizing harvest too!
Antwort von Debonnaire:
However, I would go make your movie times winner and must be in your defense to say that not even the bad times, if not synonymous far so good as you think because your profits. Bubi, poste times the direct link to this Nichtzuverpassendenwahnsinnsmeisterwerk! Now I am really curious!
Antwort von
However, I would go make your movie times winner and must be in your defense to say that not even the bad times, if not synonymous far so good as you think because your profits.
Bubi, poste times the direct link to this Nichtzuverpassendenwahnsinssmeisterwerk! Now I am really curious! Since you have it!
But please put out the 9mm s.den skull and puste you this info to the brain:
The film was made spontaneously. It was cold. We were young. I love you all.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Wos is?! - Eben nor do you have this crap grad as "the first short film with your new XY Camera" proposition, and now is a mess to the same time, the winning film s.Competition, bringing you the first-Camera XY have won! Will you still with us now lies completely transparent abturnen, or what should Scheiss?!
BTW: You're still "young" (is also an adjective and is inscribed with a small initial letter, within a sentence!), If not in years, then definitely at least in behavior and Gebahren!
Antwort von shipoffools:

On his homepage under downloads / shorts on top.
Comparison to the other crap, which he has presented so far, a "milestone" in film history.
However synonymous's missing there s.vielem what a good (short-) movie represents. Particularly striking: light ...
But quite expandable.
Antwort von Chezus:

to the knife throwing video: as close as the s.dem wooden board stands, it would have the same synonymous knife stuck inside can. Why the cast?
You here is probably boring, huh?
Maybe switch it with all times and down a corridor motzt you are not constantly at each other. Whether Peter "David" or our self-Jackson film experts.
I've seen many videos of many Slashcam users have seen and they found 90% shit. I've commented on the fewest
s.weil is largely matter of opinion is
b) because I am not a professional, so even though I earn Money
c) because I lack the time, every video and every comment will be broad.
The film, of the 1st won price is good. Although not all details of "expert view" fit, who cares? One wants to be maintained, and does so synonymous movies.
Antwort von

The film, of the 1st won price is good. Although not all details of "expert view" fit, who cares? One wants to be maintained, and does so synonymous movies. I bow myself in front of you. =)
It came to pass at that time, a small boy than an action movie trailer for a fictional movie and turned him to the Competition camgaroo sent.
The name was, "Glauchau see and dying?" based s.dem funny movie with Colin Farrel.
He had brought the first place and I won the Cam.
Was filmed with a Panasonic NVGS 500th
NOW, therefore s.dem 24th I may SonyHDR FX with the 1000 spin.
I hope I could enlighten you.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
On his homepage under downloads / shorts on top.
Comparison to the other crap, which he has presented so far, a "milestone" in film history. Yes, this movie really stands out for miles on the Bubi of as "better" classified gay Flic out! - Still grotte bad, but better than the newest clip!
Because I just do not quite heretical, but probably correct hypothesis fully in the round: Bubi had, despite Endtitelerwähnung, the winning film with absolutely nothing to do! Otherwise, the Schwuli not synonymous clip of him and of him would not be better than estimates. - Or: The Bubi is constantly full of drugs, since the arrival of the XY-Cam ...
Is absurd, so what!
Antwort von

[quote = "Debonnaire"]
Because I just do not quite heretical, but probably correct hypothesis fully in the round: Bubi had, despite Endtitelerwähnung, the winning film with absolutely nothing to do! Oh, Damn, I even play the mafia boss. D
Antwort von Debonnaire:
It came to pass at that time, a small boy than an action movie trailer for a fictional movie and turned him to the Competition camgaroo sent. (...) He had brought the first place and I won the Cam.
Was filmed with a Panasonic NVGS 500th
NOW, therefore s.dem 24th I may SonyHDR FX with the 1000 spin.
I hope I could enlighten you. Not really ... I have really no idea what you just because I want to say! Dus try again?
Antwort von Debonnaire:
to the knife throwing video: as close as the s.dem wooden board stands, it would have the same synonymous knife stuck inside can. Why the cast? Is absolutely irrelevant! War, as we're sure you've also read, ne contract work for a promotional DVD of the Messerwerferin for yourself! - It is - contrary to your own unqualified opinion - no matter how well you or I think it raises the knife or not (I was not terribly inebriated of their abilities ... but that is precisely when such an order not ...), but whether they themselves are adequately promoted in the film feels! And they had great joy ne s.der total production and it has paid me handsome! :-)
Antwort von

Not really ... I have really no idea what you just because I want to say! Dus try again?
to the knife throwing video: as close as the s.dem wooden board stands, it would have the same synonymous knife stuck inside can. Why the cast?
Is absolutely irrelevant! War, as we're sure you've also read, ne contract work for a promotional DVD of the Messerwerferin for yourself! - It is - contrary to your own unqualified opinion - no matter how well you or I think it raises the knife or not (I was not terribly inebriated of their abilities ... but that is precisely when such an order not ...), but whether they themselves are adequately promoted in the film feels! And they had great joy ne s.der total production and it has paid me handsome! :-) But this of you, I found debonnaire zb synonymous not much better than what I do so.
Antwort von shipoffools:

... uh, sorry, but I was a winner of titles seems to have given not the winning title to be. If the Vimeo link above of clicks, a movie, then I do not think so intoxicating ...
Since I find the download title honestly better.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Not really ... I have really no idea what you just because I want to say! Dus try again?
= Och, try verbally times! I like me no longer by your video Scheiss torment! - So, what do you want me, except that you think God's gift to the world to be?
Antwort von

Man I thought with you, you can humorously argue.
Especially after your first post and all the droppings then came
But now that you will be criticized, you will at once synonymous unobjective and not very creative in your insults.
Schade. = (
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Man I thought with you, you can humorously argue.
Especially after your first post and all the droppings then came
But now that you will be criticized, you will at once synonymous unobjective and not very creative in your insults.
Schade. = ( No way ... My sound and my content is my first post since remained the same (including the reply to the criticism s.meinem knife thrower Interior promotional video). I do not see the style change on my part: Your work here vorgesellten were and are crap, of beginning to end! And I stand, with or without your consent / insight! - Also give me the most here legally, but what YOU get to thinking there should be, Bubi!
And what kind s.deiner and absurd manner "humorous" to be the closes to me perfectly!
Antwort von

Why do you think really that you're the greatest Debonnaire "aka" Peter?
Personally, I despise your work.
I do not pull her over it, even though they are crap and worse than that what you amateurs for 0 euro can conjure.
But "so what"? Interested someone here? Nope.
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Why do you think really that you're the greatest Debonnaire "aka" Peter?
Personally, I despise your work.
I do not pull her over it, even though they are crap and worse than that what you amateurs for 0 euro can conjure.
But "so what"? Interested someone here? Nope. A major difference between us two is that my work no one unquestioned as "good" or, like you, even the "unbelievably unsurpassable" obtrude or praise! A few of my works are easy on my site and, if someone finds it, of there are consumed. And I do not vorallem poste "finger exercises" and "test shots" like you, and also consider them as worth seeing! Point.
Good! As we have discussed ME, we can now fully and completely you in your dedicated thread. Done! ;-)
Antwort von
On his homepage under downloads / shorts on top.
Comparison to the other crap, which he has presented so far, a "milestone" in film history.
However synonymous's missing there s.vielem what a good (short-) movie represents. Particularly striking: light ...
But quite expandable. False, you think my film, "a very bad experience".
By synonymous although I have a Competition (Game Star) won but not the camgaroo.
Den I had with "Glauchau see and Dying" won.
Only s.Rande noticed.
Antwort von shipoffools:

I've already corrected above. o)
Antwort von Isekram:

Yes tach synonymous people ....
You notice it again, it's Christmas (had) all are very nice to each other.
Since holidays here does not so much is going to topple the usual troublemakers back to the earliest contribution only joy comes forward and ripping the pieces in 1000.
As always, the beautiful Gemotze then talked with the justification:
Those with no professional film making has nothing to seek here.
That is really the message to us by the gentlemen "professionals" want.
Only what I s.Debonnaire and B. DeKid etc. really surprised is that in spite of the many great films they have already published have time here with such succinct writing stop.
Who is so good and so much on the box, like the can but prior orders and money no longer with this Anfängerkram here.
Or is it something like that these guys are not expected to observe in cinematic life and get so here is a valve for his own frustration looking for?
If I introduce a Debonnaire with its customers only half as friendly as bypasses with the forum participants here then I can already ausmalen its success.
Antwort von fogroopa:

Idea or not, customers are customers. Because he is guaranteed a different sound s.den them.
Initially a bad shaky video, not just in one, but in the meantime 3 counted forums (with the same post) was published, the whole thing for me now turn to a fight against the proliferation of digital inflationary irrelevance developed.
Hazard Glauchau out or her contribution (cat or Christmas tree) has both, with precious little to do. As for the camera because it is moot point. It's just a single fact with all the others, since 2003 of shooting ghost pictures produced or commissioned works of all Debonnaire so nothing has to do:
This is no preference, with the intention here (or in other forums) reingestellt was. The motive does not, the technology says nothing, neither about the cameraman or the device itself, if there's somebody coming with "is spontaneously created, lass doch!" I can only shake their heads, because that's the point. At Page's he can make. Since everyone can congratulate him on camera in the blog comment. But not all message boards bombard with "drop, I have the pee hit the loo!" This is not news! And if I do not synonymous Prices do I have won these recordings with its older FX1 probably just right. The only thing in the title here hinhaut is LowLight (but unspecified circumstances of the rotation were so criticized anyway).
You've provided some great things on the rotated been proud you are. But you here with such a crap this place to try and heal your world to talk to you while all others are trying to say that your world does not seem to Planet Earth is ... the shoots just the bird. S.Anfang It was not about you, but just about the irrelevance of you with this forum spam.
So, that had somehow r.aus
Antwort von Bespi:

Only what I s.Debonnaire and B. DeKid etc. really surprised is that in spite of the many great films they have already published have time here with such succinct writing stop.
Who is so good and so much on the box, like the can but prior orders and money no longer with this Anfängerkram here.
Or is it something like that these guys are not expected to observe in cinematic life and get so here is a valve for his own frustration looking for?
If I introduce a Debonnaire with its customers only half as friendly as bypasses with the forum participants here then I can already ausmalen its success. word. However, I would like as DeKid because rausnehmen. the verhällt usually correct.
nevertheless this film have really lost nothing.
as I understand it, is and remains my only three lines of expression on this subject.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Are you all shit. The only geile Sau who makes great films, I am. Starting in the doghouse with the Swiss, the axis is in the mousetrap. When you finally did it and cool movies for big companies or even make auteur films, then notifies you. Your people.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
But it is unfortunately synonymous halt the resulting materials are of absolutely no interest or significance! ....................... ...... only fueled his Gebahren is obviously still encouraged!
The pictures are ok but there is as I said a lot of people here have just synonymous sowas mal briefly want.
Yes, because what you SEE, B. DeKid if you get these shots ansiehst, ......" This camera can record video! " would go beyond? - ......??? Gude Debonnaire
Well I think that says it Intressenten they want to buy something just synonymous must be shown. (see example Pana SW20)
I am not the ghost Meihnung picture would have been here with regard to the starting material shown in irgeneiner as to apologize.
The theme was for me anyway until the "tea bag" interesting,-P
That's why I want it synonymous halt bissel disperse NEN times - yes quasi statement should be
"This is RAW footage so it looks as synonymous." Your issue with the "on the INet Müllen" I can understand the fullest. Since I'm clear on your Page. But you can not be like this now aufstacheln can-do but otherwise not synonymous?
.................................................. ..................................................
@ ghost picture
I must say that slow is good - that you've already noticed the Debonnaire you "like" - so you need not deepen.
Also confusing is the full for me if your here now drafting dialogues and the names of the others appear?
Come on, I somehow not with clear - I know the Lord just as Debonnaire - has so far always worked fine with this - clearly each stop as he is - but oh well it is doing its part with.
Here is the excessive act to give, although sometimes quite amusing, but somehow für nen nem forum debut in full for the Popo.
Also functions as your very different to its shaft.
The more conservative the more chillig - virtually fire and water ;-)
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Only what I s.Debonnaire and B. DeKid You are so funny: - / - Quasi again, I must say,
"I agree with a clear stance against" every user his own petition thread. "(Dot)" So I explain it to you soon ok.
I would myself as a "professional", and never spend as sollcher / call.
Professionally I am beating myself with "little things" around.
The income is so located, the first of each of them clearly will.
Orders that I (we) assume are mostly pure fun learning projects, we try to say us through techniques and training etc.
It plays fun and serenity with the most important role.
Yes synonymous ICH (WIR), we realize that we could spend more time invistieren order to earn better.
Also, we will certainly someday "good / great" Separate projects can / may.
Until then, I see myself and synonymous with me all the work itself as a kind of
"long-term interns at.
Thus, I just like my friends synonymous, the demand / time - me with questions in different forums "seek".
Gabs ja eg as I 15 was not yet so - would have brought me a lot .... blabla.
What I also want is you give me my way here I do not resent can.
If I ever offended you or poorly done, or you with my comments incorrect part unobjective disturb na .... then I ask this is to apologize.
Hope so that you can now accept.
.................................................. ............
B. DeKid
- "Another
Antwort von Isekram:

.. na so ...
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Idea or not, customers are customers. Because he is guaranteed a different sound s.den them.
You've provided some great things on the rotated been proud you are. But you here with such a crap this place to try and heal your world to talk to you while all others are trying to say that your world does not seem to Planet Earth is ... the shoots just the bird. S.Anfang It was not about you, but just about the irrelevance of you with this forum spam.
So, that had somehow r.aus Thank you of heart, fogroopa! My words exactly! :-)
Schönes Fest!
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Are you all shit. The only geile Sau who makes great films, I am. Starting in the doghouse with the Swiss, the axis is in the mousetrap. When you finally did it and cool movies for big companies or even make auteur films, then notifies you. Your people. And for exactly such contributions we love thee, PowerMac, and you do not want to be missed! I find your style and your posts is nothing but refreshing!
Antwort von

Good with all the last post, I agree.
We are really far into the Off Topic slipped and I would say Nochwas.
If I have offended anyone I am suffering.
After the whole "gebashe" I just wanted to with my excessive nature and provocative manner.
Is synonymous me very well. ;)
All in all times have you been all amateurs, and Looser, or Spastis. ;)
Some are still there, others slipped into the Prof. field.
But we all have the same goal:
The best of the resources we have rausquetschen and make good films.
This can turn a better, the other worse.
So I suggest before we finally take us all into the arms and make Gruppenkuscheln! But please do not fiddle.
If you have interesting what comes where I admit my mustard like I s.Start.
Until then we will meet again in other threads. ;)
Ciao, Ciao,
Dave "The Best Filmmakers of the World"
Ghost Pictures "The best movie studio in the world"