Frage von prem:
how to bring in NERO Vision Pictures (jpg) and videos together in a project.
For example:
Ales first comes a picture then the transition to video, etc.
The video is available as an AVI file and will be later burned to DVD.
Thank you for your help.
PS If it fails to go with Nero, then what software you would prefer. I have Ulead and Magix untergeladen. For my needs a little too broad. I'll be coped with NERO.
Antwort von fukke:

None has an idea or alternative proposals?
Antwort von fukke:

How about because if you work with photo story would you?
Then you can insert videos synonymous think. Sound still synonymous kannste drunterlegen. Burn DVD synonymous should go, otherwise you'll just exported ne wmv file and burning the others with the same proggy yet convertiert.
Google time for "Photo Story" is freeware think, is very easy to use synonymous. Therefore, only very limited functionality, but it should be enough for your purpose.
Antwort von vespie:

I have not tested, but try the following times:
1) Create a mini-slideshow with Nero to DVD with just one picture, which will later serve as an intro.
2) Import the VOB file (containing your picture as a video) then this DVD in Nero Vision in a new film project. So you can combine it with other videos.
Antwort von fukke:

I've already tried it, but unfortunately I have a problem with the duration of the original JPG's set.
Exported to Nero as a Picture DVD. Duration approximately 4 seconds. Lets look at problems on, for example: WINDVD.
Import the VOB file as a movie: Duration 0.4 seconds, ie, the picture can be seen only very briefly. Even a switch to my actual movie, I did not manage it. It somehow seems to give problems with VOB files.
I will turn to time with the problem directly s.Nero.
Nevertheless, thanks for the help.
Antwort von vespie:

I've now tested once, with Nero right / left alone,'s really not.
Do you have WinXP? If so, a small detour via the built-in Movie Maker. There you can turn a Stillimage (jpg) a short film. I did this with the Movie Maker, saved as a movie (in the memory are my options "DV AVI" and "video, high-quality testing," as both a DVD) offer compatible format.
Those 5 seconds I was able to correctly import movie into Nero - done.
Much Erolg!