Frage von tom003:Hello,
I get 3 years in the U.S. soon after Dtld. back. My TV (NTSC) I will bring you.
Question: Are there any digital satellite receiver, can output the NTSC and I can connect directly s.mein NTSC TV?
Have another DBox1 with DVB2000 in Dtld., This can it?
LG, Tom
Antwort von AMH:
That depends on the satellite to which you want to align the dish.
The German satellite broadcast from a PAL signal.
Antwort von Peter S.:
Just the shipment of USA to Germany are a half-Pal Television. If the part breaks down here, you have big problems, spare parts and repair manuals get. Sales Amiland the part in here and buy a new one.
MFG Peter
Antwort von tom0003:
Gibts receiver that can output the PAL signal as an NTSC signal?
Or gibts converter to make it?
Freight costs have no preference. I have a 20 foot container, whether the TV is in there or not makes no difference. I sell the TV I lose loose $ 1000
Antwort von SteffenSD:
So I'm synonymous in the States and go back home in 2 years. I have a Nokia DBox2 in Germany and which can be switched to NTSC. Should be no problem.
There could be only a problem with the 50Hz, because here it is 60Hz.
I once looked flat. All new satellite receivers can be converted to NTSC