Frage von rumtreiber:
Hello dear community
Since I have a new laptop with Vista have increased, it is the software of my camcorder NV-GS180 does not install. An error message appears and tells me I need "higher rights". Under XP, no problems. Is it s.Vista? Or s.mir? Or s.der software? Or s.Bill Gates? ne, ne was just a joke. So -
what I know of
where change needs to "higher rights" to get?
Unfortunately, with Vista, I am not yet so familiar.
Danke schon mal s.alle a tip for me
Antwort von Markus73:

Why do you want to install the software for?
If you transmit via firewire (as you should do it), no drivers are needed and the included editing software is good for nothing anyway.
Antwort von rumtreiber:

because my laptop has no Firewire port. Only USB and HDTV
moreover, I found the editing software is not that bad. Was not so aufgeblät like Pinacle.
Nevertheless, thank you