Frage von Mat:
Hello all together,
I am one of thousands that has this Page needed here too often silent for advice (FAQs) and has always found the appropriate help!
The Best Page DV so that I know of. Weiter so!
Now to my problem:
I already have more than one computer (my whole collection) will be converted into DVDs with the help of Nero Vision Suite (3.x). Always proceeded smoothly. Before adequately as AVI files stored on HDD.
After a Neuaufsetzen of the system, but always breaks NV (after about 1 hours work perfect) with an error message:
"Burn process could not be completed. Please check the log ..". I will not be smart from the log, maybe one of you.
The only "error" that I could find in the log, is this one:
[11:59:30] DVDEngine cause: 128 (nmc_processing_exception)
[11:59:30] DVDEngine source: DEGuardNMCConversion
[11:59:30] DVDEngine description: SEH EXCEPTION caught during INeroMediaConverter:: DoConversion ().
(Complete with log settings, etc. see below).
In Googleversum one finds some of the problems that have, but None knows a solution?
The settings of Nero Vision're really easy manageable, so it can not in any way it (either SmartEncoding s.and are off).
The package was also tested with the new Nero Vision 4 and under different OS (with NV 3.x -> Win2KSP4,> NV 3.x -> WinXPSP2, NV 4 - WinXP x64) ... always with the same result (luckily Nero 7 only tested once before making a purchase!)
So, no idea what I am doing wrong ... GSpot says I'm all the necessary codecs for the banned hard drive on computer equipment had (. avi). Am. Avi file, it can not be synonymous, since all the other IR. Avi files which were previously properly transcoded now synonymous want no more: (
I like Nero Vision quite well, and at the beginning, everything worked perfectly synonymous authoring, of Mount Slide Shows, etc. is very easy (ok, formed rooms sometimes too easy).
Should I use maybe another program? Ulead would be a tool (which?) Comparable. Even if it would bother me to spend money again but this error still annoying me, MUCH more!
'm Really looking forward to your answers, because as I said the Googleversum silent (up to thousands of outstanding issues).
Here the Logtext:
[11:04:57] ExpressUI Log restarted (Date: 01/06/2006)
[11:04:57] ExpressUI Running Nero Vision Version:
[11:05:24] DVDEngine Product Version:, File Version:, Interface Version:
[11:05:24] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
[11:05:24] DVDEngine END: IDVDEngineManagerImpl - CreateDVDVideoSession
[11:05:24] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~ IDVDVideoSessionImpl
[11:05:24] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - ~ IDVDVideoSessionImpl
[11:05:29] ExpressUI Burn process started by user.
[11:05:29] ExpressUI Destination: E: \ Burn Files \ Nero \ Vision Express \ Videos \ forest
[11:05:29] ExpressUI Directory for temporary files: C: \ DOCUME ~ 1 \ ADMINI ~ 1 \ LOCALS ~ 1 \ Temp
[11:05:29] ExpressUI Available hard disk space for temporary files: 11242,840 MB
[11:05:29] ExpressUI ------< Nero Vision Project Information >--------
[11:05:29] ExpressUI --- Project type: DVD-Video
[11:05:29] ExpressUI --- Project video options ---
[11:05:29] ExpressUI Video mode: PAL
[11:05:29] <--- MT ---> Aspect ratio: Automatic
[11:05:29] <--- MT ---> Quality: High quality (8000 kbps)
[11:05:29] <--- MT ---> Resolution: 720 x 576 (CCIR-601 D1)
[11:05:29] <--- MT ---> Sample format: Automatic
[11:05:29] <--- MT --- type> File: MPEG-2
[11:05:29] <--- MT ---> Audio format: Automatic
[11:05:29] <--- MT --- mode> Encoding: High Quality (2-Pass VBR)
[11:05:29] <--- MT ---> Nero SmartEncoding: Video and audio
[11:05:29] ExpressUI --- Project space information ---
[11:05:29] ExpressUI Media type: DVD (bytes maximum capacity)
[11:05:29] <--- MT ---> Total space used: 3.87 out of 4.38 GB
[11:05:29] <--- MT ---> Space used for m
Antwort von Mat:

Sorry for the double post * ashamed *
Have an extra button on the Stop Buton a further indication of the browser to make.
The first posting can be deleted, dear Admin!
And sorry again!
Antwort von Markus:
The first posting can be deleted ... Done. Good luck, even when debugging. ;-)
Antwort von Mat:

Can anyone help?
Antwort von Markus:

Either we did not answer a specific task or the people were turned off by the ever-long question (by the Logtext). I have the Logtext times separately in a downloadable PDF file packed (but which you can only see as a registered user). Perhaps in order to increase your chances? * * press-the-thumb