Frage von gogol:
I would like to see soon a new video editing card zulegen.Ich work with Adobe Premiere 6.5 and would like to continue working synonymous.
Previously I've worked with Pinacle 500 now is to schwach.Momentan but I work with Canopus DVX-1 but with this I do not klar.Welche cut card would you recommend to me (must cooperate with adobe)?
Antwort von PowerMac:

You do not hear it and I say it:
Scheiss to the old, buggy and lame version of Premiere. Premiere CS3 Take a calculator and smooth you'll no longer need to cut card. NLE editing cards are a relic of the 20 century. At most one video card with additional video calculation could then use something else. The Ajas have something DVCProHD hardware support. Look at times and BMD at Matrox. The support premiere.
Antwort von Jörg:

absolute Zustimmung.Die dependencies you received (own codecs etc) is like the little bit of RT is not sufficient. The exorbitant prices that I paid for these cards have been thrown out the window. Completely no preference, whether it was Matrox or Canopus. Only the lame performance of the CPUs around the year 2000 have led to these cards in the approach to justify.
Today, I would no longer sacrifice cents.
Why do you want s.6.5 hold? Should it be the 2Spur processing, forget it. The changeover takes not even days.
Are there financial reasons, looking for a used 2.0
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von WoWu:

---- Ware or even slightly until it HW cards for AVC, because until the wise on the computers running ..... or until there are new architectures, which is still slightly.
But do not plug your money into old format ... Card with HDMI out and ACV chip is cheap, because of the Chip Fuji only way to cost $ 8.50 ... HDMI is also synonymous SiliconDrive and mass-produced, in part because each monitor is so synonymous only a few cents.
So the card will not cost all over the world .... just a little patience ...