Frage von Krischl:
I am currently in the process of cutting me a new system.
The system is on the new X58 chipset and the Core i7 processor based.
One or the other will think that the quad-core CPU with überdemensioniert was.
Since I like to program with multiple simultaneous work come to me only but benefit.
I'm still undecided exactly what components it will be.
Thus, the current planning:
Operating System: Vista 64 or XP 64
CPU: Intel Core i7 920 4x 2.67GHz
RAM: it will probably be 12 GB DDR 3
Mainboard: still undecided
Grafikkarte1: GTX295 PCIe 1792MB
Grafikkarte2: still undecided (a tendency to Matrox
Video card)
Lauferk: Blue-ray burner
Festtplatten: 3x 1Terrabyte
Monitor1: Sharp 42 "LCD
Monitor2: 22 "Samsung LCD
Monitor3: CRT Monitor 19 "
I will Schnittsytem with the HDV material (taken of my Canon XHA1S) process.
When editing software will initially Premiere CS3 and After Effects CS3 to use come with probably a change to CS4 soon imminent.
Since I am out and back to reality entflüchten must be synonymous, the system uses to play (That's why the choice of the first graphics card).
As far as the planning, where the distrust in the functionality of the components in my imagination
(I did not know how I should express it otherwise;).
Questions about questions:
Let times with its operating systems.
Currently I am working with Xp 64 and must say I am very happy with it. Is there a switch to Vista 64?
2 graphics cards and 3 monitors.
I want to cut the system so I spent 2 and one as a clone extended desktop use - ie DualView.
I've never tested this but read that with 2 graphics cards to be functioning.
I see but still a problem and I have not yet synonymous solution.
Let go after s.ich effects and edit my Kompostion. Which of the 2 GPU's is now used?
- The GPU s.dem the Bildschrimangeschlossen is on the I
Program have?
- Or indeed possible both, which of course would be wonderful! ?
Tjaja the good old RAM.
What the hell should I just take? ;)
The higher the clock rate the better, right?
So who is up shop here has earned first a thick praise! * Praise * Praise * Praise *;)
I hope you can send me some tips and help.
Thank you in advance in advance.
Greez Krischl
Antwort von kalle70:

I am seriously impressed with what it details when buying a PC there.
Fortunately, the impact of a suboptimal component is not on your film.
What I say: Forget louder before Technikkram not make films.
Otherwise, the next question: Which Camera should I buy ?????
The technology should already be suitable for the purpose of synonymous and controlled. But PC Camera and all the stuff is all just a means to an end!
The purpose is make films, but it is not really on the motherboard, but on Kerativität and inventiveness.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

;-) OR.
2 different monitors is garnicht - NEN tube monitor to inspect the material is always good
Say buy 2 x 24 "TFT and a 24" tube that is then
B. DeKid
Antwort von Commanderjanke:
Let times with its operating systems.
Currently I am working with Xp 64 and must say I am very happy with it. Is there a switch to Vista 64? Especially with new hardware and later on when CS4 jedenfall!
XP64 tendency for newer hardware and software solutions to the instability
I want to cut the system so I spent 2 and one as a clone extended desktop use - ie DualView.
I've never tested this but read that with 2 graphics cards to be functioning.
I see but still a problem and I have not yet synonymous solution.
Let go after s.ich effects and edit my Kompostion. Which of the 2 GPU's is now used?
- The GPU s.dem the Bildschrimangeschlossen is on the I
Program have?
- Or indeed possible both, which of course would be wonderful! ?
In calculating both GPUs are generally used!
Dualview .... mmmh I 5 months ago my two 8800Ultra still had, it was not, I do not know whether the DoppelGPU card SLI system is detected. If not ... then there are synonymous Dualview!
Tjaja the good old RAM.
What the hell should I just take? ;)
The higher the clock rate the better, right? The speed is more important than the switching latencies, which you can ignore!
Eighth please Sufficient to a ventilated casing! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT as the GTX and then the Matrox card will be very hot.
And spare not s.Netzteil ... small tip from the expert!
Antwort von Frank B.:

If you're not on the editing program're down, I would you like a system with the Storm and Canopus Edius HD 5 recommendations. You can order the dual monitor operation and additional real-time preview on an HD monitor via HDMI to implement. To good to be able to work, are significantly lower hardware requirements, especially when only synonymous HDV is. So can you imagine the second graphics card saves. To my knowledge, the system is synonymous Vista and 64 bit capable, and I am on WinXP 32 bit so that worked fine.
There are synonymous nor a combination of a cutting Edius with HD card called Spark, which in contrast to the HD Storm but only one HDMI output for real time control. HD Storm can also synonymous via HDMI capture (eg, of AVCHD camcorders), but immediately in the canopuseigenen HD codec is changed, the one with the material with much lower system resources to process next. That I have not yet been made. Have heard that this time the code goes flutes.
Antwort von robbie:

A similar solution, such as prescribing, I would recommend. And look at the times of video cards to Blackmagic. There are genausowelche with HDMI-out, the synonymous especially for use with Adobe are provided.
The video should NEVER preview of a graphics card, if you really want to see quality, but always of a suitable video hardware.