Newsmeldung von slashCAM: News: News: Panasonic HDC-SDT750 3D camcorder of Rob - July 28, 2010 08:03:00 > 3D Cracker of Panasonic unveils official: With the HDC-SDT750 3D Panasonic camcorder opened, as expected, the first of the major camcorder manufacturers the race for the best 3D video offering in the consumer sector. SlashCAM could just take a look at a pre-production model.
Antwort von Bernd E.:

Too bad that Panasonic has missed sheer ecstasy 3D chance to review the SDT750 a few weaknesses of the SD707. With a better-resolution display, a jack for a wired remote control and maybe even a second card slot of the New synonymous for many filmmakers would have been ideal to have no need s.3D.
Antwort von stefanf:

Where the all the other comments are, to this Cam?
When are still there, you can take the with the threads together?