Frage von prem:
Thanks to this forum I have already learned how to get movies on your PC and get processed. (WMM) A great praise s.dieser place.
So now. I have no DVD Burner is that this imperative, so that I can anschaun my movies on the DVD player?
This question I could, after several days of search here in the forum, do not answer (too much for a professional Chinese Blonde). Is it possible to burn movies on a normal 700MB CD's too? If so what type should I use it?
I hope you excuse them safe for you, stupid question of me.
I am a Newbie in terms of absolute video editing, burn ect.
Liebe Grüße Jacqueline
Antwort von borg:

Burning a SVCD or VCD with eg Nero, Ulead ...
Antwort von prem:

Thanks for the quick reply. Shall I jump to try tonight.
Antwort von Markus:
Burning a SVCD or VCD with eg Nero, Ulead ... However, this format has disadvantages for the achievable quality of the video. Better would be a DVD, since DVD Burners synonymous cost not much more.