Frage von Tschakle:
when I was about to start the study period and because it is then s.der local time the jump to a laptop ....
what may well be yes, this notebook is the forum to see: P
So want to run with this notebook as well as graphic videobearbeitung still matters to do .... and adobe macromedia matters ......
speiler is erstma put back, but this works vllt yes, then still synonymous: P
so now I eknn net like this and want to ask why because then my ma would have to include notebook so I can work well ...
EXAMPLES yes I've seen on the one for the adobe suite creation requires a Pentium 4 so that mans install at all .... can therefore would have to be in it .... yes schonma
hope you can help me ...
mfg thomas w
Antwort von StefanS:

... wieduschonselbssachstmusseinpentiumvierdrinsein
derhilftauchbeianderensachenwiemacromediaundadobesowieso ...
woraufduachtenmusstistdasdiefestplatteschöngroßist ...
... imprinzipkannstduabermitallenaktuellennotebooksvideoberbeitungsachenmachen
ausserduwillsvllthdvideosmachendabrauchtsevlltmehr ...
nimmsmirmalnichübelaberduwillsthoffentlichnichgermanistikstudierenoder ...
Antwort von Tschakle:

Anglistik? nene
naja okay ... and because of what it nowledge vga card ... so now standing ... because I know absolutely net of ....
mfg thomas w
Antwort von StefanS:
Anglistik? nene I thought so somehow.
Were there but so was I'd probably have to immediately get my children out of school :-)
naja okay ... and because of vga card ... so now what's nowledge standing
There are to my knowledge, no graphics card / graphics chip in a notebook, not that about the herankommt within the meaning of quality control monitor to display "video cards". There are just other priorities. Need not necessarily synonymous, because that indeed is quite synonymous over the Firewire port and an external transformer.
For the average each graphics performance laptops purchased today is one more than adequate.
Antwort von Tschakle:

well okay ...
So each notebook is already of a good constitution, and hardly distinguished, or how ....
So dan Gisber synonymous bad or good graphics card and differ only slightly?
mfg thomas w
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

I have purchased the HP dv8233ea for precisely this purpose. The graphics cards differ only in the speed of my knowledge and that is for the editing or image editing is not next important.
Antwort von Tschakle:

hab ma bissel inet peeped in and sounds like bad net s.des notebook ....
just a problem ... never find cheap s: /
where yours and rush her how expensive was it?
mfg thomas w
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

I bought it then about 6-8 weeks before the media market for 1499th Mitlerweilen there is the cheaper by 100. But it is still synonymous exactly the same thing came out at 1499 but with a faster graphics card, but knows the exact number of ebooks. Look at Media Online purely because there are still.
Antwort von Tschakle:

've peeped times on ebay ... da gibs ja heap number of pavilion .. s.besten one simply looks for the content: P
at least as nowledge the difference between intel centrino duo and intel dual core?
And if the creation adobe suite pentium means I somehow need the 4th .. I can also install it as synonymous with the two just mentioned? would actually not, or if s joke?
mfg thomas w
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

Duo and Dual core is the same. But not to be confused with the Core Duo 2 is then the double. Adobe, I can unfortunately tell you nothing.
Antwort von Jan-Paul:

What for me is synonymous cut is still very important for memory. Is often suppressed, but the A and O when you do not want to fall asleep when you want to enjoy smooth video rendering or real-time representation.
I only have no idea how this looks with memory in notebooks. As far as I know most of the 512 MB of Ram who work from. But should be at least 1 GB.
Antwort von Jan-Paul:

OK, I've looked at the above mentioned notebook. But has 1 GB of Ram.
Antwort von PowerMac:

A MacBook Pro is very well suited for video editing and graphical. Moreover, look pretty.
Antwort von curtis:

I can recommend the SonyVaio. For example, the FE. Performance enough for video editing and also a very good display, on the one synonymous looks after a few hours work was still happy.
With kindest
Antwort von *the.jokeR*:

My front man says absolutely the right VAIO, I can only recommend it! especially the FE-series, it has a 15.4 inch monitor with 2 (light guarantees very clear picture, as mans of sony knows!) THE TOP MODEL is the VGN-FE21S
( com / view / ShowProduct.action? product = VGN-FE21S & site = ite_de_DE & category = VN + FE + Series) this model has everything you need synonymous but a little money .. you get it s.1599 ¬ zb. otto, etc. here in the technical data:
Laptop / Processor: Intel Core Duo / Clock Speed: 1830 MHz RAM: 1024 MB / Hard Disk: 160 GB / Display: 15.40 inches / Display Type: WXGA / Graphics Chipset: nVidia GeForce Go 7600 / Graphics Memory: 256 MB / Optical Disc Drives: DVD -Burners / Communication: Modem, LAN 10/100, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth / Weight: 2.80 kilograms
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

I must correct, Core Duo 2 is not twice but a revised version of Core Duo. The double takes in the foreseeable future the Quadro with him.
But now a question s.The Vaioliebhaber, you have the support needed before. If so how is that? We hear only bad about what I might say not of HP.
Antwort von Jan-Paul:

Synonymous because I am a staunch Mac user and have cut recently, with a Mac Book, I can only recommend. And join in order to PowerMac.
With the student discount price of a 13-inch MacBook with one 2Ghz Intel Core Duo processor and 1 GB of Ram: ¬ 1296.79
I had very good experiences with DV editing and Mac. Initially I still worked alternately with PC and Mac and have now switched entirely.