Frage von blütenwaib:
Good noon everyone.
So here already had its week before - 2 ne Kaufberatung and discussion about the sony sr11 blabla opened.
(Full-HD, AVCHD, etc.)
half of the info's were helpful and I said yes I will soon counseling of a professional schnittmasterin do themselves, in the post-production-company director.
I have now received.
it went to AVCHD or miniDV and quite a flat rate, one can say it to me probably has advised miniDV. (Better qualified, no crash, no problems with the editing s.pc, ...)
because I am still not the mega ahnung of some products and they might have of the matter but not all of the different camcorders, I ask you again to help.
miniDV camcorder, which recommended it to me?
things are important to me:
- Fairly compact in size
- Good photo feature
- Full hd
- ...
naja just opinions and tips raushauen.
Thank you.
küssjen *
edit: price ceiling 1000 Takk.
Antwort von Daigoro:

- Full hd
Forget the concept simple.
- Good photo feature
Purchase dir ne EOS.
For the rest: HV 30 or HC 9th
What exactly can you say None.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

FullHD there is not with DV tape. That is 1440x1080 HDV and hat.
Take the Canon HV30. Is probably the best of the quality of price and performance.
And to take a photo photography camera.
Antwort von blütenwaib:

I mean yes HDV.
no, do not want a photo camera.
Corder synonymous not ask me the photo's in the mega-digi-cam-qualified but the times will shoot a decent image wenns do it matters.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Canon HV30 and good.
See Comparison camcorder-, up here. The yes is synonymous as the best, right after the "big" in the list.
Antwort von blütenwaib:

but I hear there is no real difference to the HV20.
anyone experience that?
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Why should you take an old Model, if it is less money for a new there?
It was as far as I can see the zoom rocker and improves the drive noise is reduced somewhat.
Antwort von Daigoro:
but I hear there is no real difference to the HV20.
anyone experience that? One is black, the other silver.
Even as a question, with the way you completely unnecessary complicate your decision making - the HV20 is the Vorgaengermodell, of which only a new closeouts at great prices, sometimes significantly higher than the HV30 there.
Because you could still draw the HV10, which has expired and the HC5, which is for 499, - no longer exists.
HC7/HC9 And there's still synonymous - there's almost the same (HC7 Vorgaengermodell). And at the same price, there's synonymous nor the Panasonic NV-GS500 with 3 CCDs but only in Standardaufloesung ....
Antwort von blütenwaib:

it was so simple and just ne frage.
well, I still probably nothing else than the hv30 times anzutesten.
Antwort von Daigoro:
it was so simple and just ne frage. Yes, but so Kollateralfragen interfere in the decision-making - which should just be turned off.
(also, there's already dozens of posts on the subject - that you do not have to repeat everything -> search, synonymous if not always very clean works)
well, I still probably nothing else than the hv30 times anzutesten. HC9 of Sonykannst you still synonymous in the election, if you a true "night vision mode" is important and the handling is about touch screen (or at least not interfere).
If synonymous ne function have a good photo. (hab die-HC5 fewer pixels than the HC9 and find the photos ok)
Antwort von jazzy_d:

The manufacturer should give us something here for all the spendier Kaufberatung :-)
Das wär doch mal was.
Antwort von blütenwaib:

okay, look at me the Sony equipment at times also.
have just read the hv30 really crass rabatz make.
(drive noise, etc.)
has someone experience with it?
Antwort von tillbaer:

A guarantee for a correct decision you can simply enter None. For 1000, - are the only tape the HV30 and HC9 in question. 3 HV30 myself and am happy top.
At this point:
THANK YOU s.alle here so hard to post. You gave me in my decision is synonymous very helpful!
Antwort von AndreasBloechl:

Have it in the Canon HV30 or 20 no problem with the band locations. That would be for me a no go because I have very many Sony Premium tapes in the cupboard of a subject had taken TRV 33.
I still speculate between HC9 or AVCHD.
Antwort von Musashi:

So far I have absolutely no problems with the bands in the HV20 had. Virtually no dropouts. I have always been the cheap tapes from Promarkt. Panasonic DVC Linear Pros, DVM60 ME. Of this cost 5 pieces with 60 min at SP 10-12 euros.
have just read the hv30 really crass rabatz make. (drive noise, etc.) The HV20 is relatively loud drive noises produced when the internal mic is used. When I hold in the limits. When filming in absolute silence you can hear the drive even when shooting with background noise, it is not on.
The HV20 can be used to reduce the drive noise attenuation Mik.-on, but this goes at the expense of sound quality throughout. I let the mic is always undamped. The HV30 is already damping of the first place. One can however not be switched off as synonymous with the HV20.
If the fault is too much noise should be an external Micro (port on the HV30 is available).
Antwort von peha:
ch hear but there is no real difference to the HV20.
anyone experience that? In the HV30, the Micro steamed to the drive to reduce noise - unfortunately the sound quality so synonymous. The damping effect is synonymous with external Micro.
Antwort von shipoffools:
Hi, ...
The HV20 can be used to reduce the drive noise attenuation Mik.-on, but this goes at the expense of sound quality throughout. I let the mic is always undamped. The HV30 is already damping of the first place. One can however not be switched off as synonymous with the HV20.
... Hello,
the statement that the Dämfung at the outset of HV30 is available and not switched off, is not quite true. The internal Micro has been in Comparison to the HV20 a bit subdued, the drive to reduce noise, but the Mik.-Dämfung menu is still an AND off separately, synonymous with a connected external microphone. For the internal Micro, since although it may be in comparison to the HV20 Micro outset of muffled sound, but not for an external microphone, since I have not perceived unabschaltbare damping.
The noise of the drive with an internal Micro HV30, however, a single disaster and for a camcorder in this price class has a real cheek. Since synonymous helps the
switchable Dämfung not much. The sound with internal microphone is designed for high demands simply unusable. With a (no less than reasonable!) External Micro is the HV30 in the price category, however, almost unbeatable! The picture quality in HDV is lonely peak. The DV quality was in the models, with the firmware have been bad, however, because the firmware of a "bug" had. This was maladministration by an update to fixed (since July or August on the Canon Download Page possible). The newer HV30 productions are probably already well with this new firmware delivered.
As I said for the price around 700 - 800 EUR a class-camera, but only with additional (good!) Micro (... and even better with extra wide).
Antwort von Starter:

Hello blütenwaib,
So I would advise you to SonyHC9, synonymous when one of the Canon HV30 something "better" picture quality after says.
The SonyHC9 in my opinion, has the following advantages:
- It is a compact build (The HV30 is a "cheaper" feeling, which of course only relates to the type).
- Slight advantage in weakening light conditions
- Fold Viewfinder
- Connection for LANC Control
- With the new Raynox HD5050pro Wide Anglezur "cannon" upgradeable
On the subject of drive noise: I would always equal to the purchase of an external microphone with a planner, but there is quite cheap with very good quality.
Antwort von peha:
the statement that the Dämfung at the outset of HV30 is available and not switched off, is simply wrong and moving! Sorry,
It was based
Antwort von shipoffools:
the statement that the Dämfung at the outset of HV30 is available and not switched off, is simply wrong and moving!
It was based
ph Also sorry, I have one minutes after I've set my contribution, again somewhat defused and improved, but since you apparently had already read.
So very wrong was the statement from the outset not subdued Microsystems (see above).