Frage von abcHD:
Hi, I have in front of a movie from HDV material to be cut in Premiere and a few effects with After Effects to create. My PC has an internal hard drive with 2 partitions and an external eSata disk slightly faster than my internal is.
How do I now my Project s.besten for the best performance out of the hard disks? So what should I record my project files to the source video, music, etc. and put on record what the finished project to export the best speed to reach?
mfg Chris
Antwort von domain:

The hard-Performance is not the problem.
Even the first Serial ATA generation with a data rate of 150 megabytes per second and specified for HDV, you need only 3 MB / S.
However, there are hints that NLE software, videos + project source files and rendered the material on each separate partitions or hard disks should be.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Separate partitions the same physical disk brings nothing! It is still the same mmer Schreibelesekopf which the whole work must be. Crucial for high data throughput of a disk configuration is that a physical disk does not read and write or s.mehr than one place must be read simultaneously. So it is always a matter of simultaneous action of the hard drive (s) on different physical drives to distribute!
Antwort von abcHD:

Okay, thank you in advance for the answers but I knew so much about already synonymous. I just do not know exactly how much of Premiere now on the source files being accessed or how much of it as further render files, etc. So I would just like to know how I now s.günstigsten ordered and which parts of the hard drive should be faster. eg: project files and render files on the slower, source files and export to the project faster. Or just how to stop the s.besten should organize.
mfg Chris
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Man, try it a try! One can gain insights synonymous by ITSELF does something, instead of hours for other inserted!
Antwort von abcHD:
Man, try it a try! One can gain insights synonymous by ITSELF does something, instead of hours for other inserted! Sorry, I thought in nem forum you can ask questions and people who perhaps already have experience can give tips to give. If you are not synonymous Zwing I know thee not to try it for myself, but vlt. knows someone else so yes from. The whole test would be ne awhile with all the material that you will always out and have her copy and maybe the speed difference will not be so great that you like at once could be found. And in the forum here but there are certainly enough people who frequently work with and the premiere of their projects are surely the best way to order, does not it?
mfg Chris
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Look, boy ... If the difference is irrelevant, then played synonymous no matter how precise breakdown mode. Right? - Since you seem to have little experience with NLE have, would you still, from my own opinion, what to learn what brings thousands of times more, than here's a recipe nachzubeten once you get dus!
In the time you here now with writing and have Aufantwortwarten vertrödelt, locker room and had even tried out for a long time!
Antwort von abcHD:

@ Debonnaire
What did you actually for problems? I can well imagine that even the other synonymous interested. This forces you really anyone here to read and comment on? So just let your stupid bullshit at times Page if you have nothing useful to say.
Is there vlt. even someone who really knows and so ne answer to my question?
mfg Chris
Antwort von Debonnaire:

It is quite simple: write takes longer than reading. So where is written, you need to record the fastest with the fastest access it.
Explained by the not of itself? - Probably not for you.
So where is Written? - Exactly when rendered film output and, yes ... in the preview files. These should therefore potentially on the fastest drive lie. Ideally different.
The source clips, wherever that is "merely" is read, may be a slower drive is. Is this your question answered now, or you need more explicit, with the names of you used your two drive-label, the breakdown?
Antwort von abcHD:

So, the answer is not with what I can start over. Thank you. Would you like if we had written both of us can save a lot of stress.
mfg Chris
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Did you have stress? Oje, thou poorest!
Such Einfachstdiskussionen amuse me more.
And actually, I had you in my very first posting all qualified for a decision already given the necessary information. Only THINK, admittedly, had I not synonymous nor diminished because I did ... just laugh!, but actually assumed was that you OWN (I know, I know ... always and always, I expect the impossible of my counterparts ...) it would. Mea culpa! Ash on my head!
Antwort von domain:

And even before Debonnairs allererstem posting you would have actually been my very first posting something to think about, namely that of Datentranfer and SATA hard disks at least 50 times faster when you use it for DV editing need.
In addition, retrieving and writing to hard disks never directly but always indirectly through a very fast SRAM cache, which useinen allow continuous flow of data, no preference of Schreiblesekopf like crazy on the hard drive synonymous bounce mag.
Thus it synonymous people who put on their notebook with a single 2.5 "hard drive and cut beforehand anyway times do not have thought about where this is what has and still does it.