Frage von Michèl :Hi Folks,
Beginners and I do not have much planned, so would be a similar declaration super!
So my question, I have the Panasonic NV-GS20 DV and has USB but no FireWire port, and the like from a tape recording without saving to watch on my laptop. My laptop has XP Home Editon Service Pack 2, and Fire Wire and USB connection.
Antwort von cuduku:
Short and sweet:
FireWire DV =!
That means you can the Firewire interface with the DV jack to connect with a Firewire cable!
Manuel mfg
Antwort von prem:
Thank you,
the states is an adapter for a computer cable that I s.den Fire Wire connection s.meinem laptop can connect (because only my laptop has FireWire ponds dier camcorder!)? Then I need a software, if so, what?
Antwort von cuduku:
Lies dir mal following "article" of Slashcam-Faq by:
Was ist ein Firewire-"Bus"?What do DV and FireWire to do with each other? Vom DV Camcorders zum PC zur CD (Beginners)
Das sollte deine Fragen klären!
Wegen Software:
Windows Movie Maker ist sicher auf deinem XP-Calculator installiert, ein nettes Tutorial findest du here.
Antwort von Michèl :
Thanks for the tips. Movie Maker I have on my laptop and it is very simple.
Unfortunately I can not find a proper answer to my question: How can I make my laptop just to the monitor for my camcorder without saving than if I plug in my Television and the camera control or as if I'm the small screen use of the camcorder.
Antwort von hannes:
> How can I make my laptop just to the monitor for my camcorder, without saving,
In which you ScLive invites you and the preview screen a little bigger draw.
Antwort von Markus:
How can I make my laptop just to the monitor for my camcorder ... In addition to the above Sclive:
DV Rack (Field Monitor)
WinDV (scalable preview window)