Frage von soahC:
Sers together
So to do first: I've got me all the threads on this topic read (not only in this forum), but I'm s.verzweifeln! Without humor, I Kotz all full!
So: Do I have small NEN 37er TV fetched and wants him as a preview monitor verweden.
I come home, have it unpacked and s.den PC, and is as follows: From the graphics card (GeForce 6800GT) when S-video out and the Television s.Frontanschluss (RCA?) Again. WITHOUT adapter cable has a rear S-Video and RCA 1x front. War in the graphics card so here. Pc angeschmissen Sunday, and lo and behold: PERFECT! Beautiful, colorful picture! Almost ne 1 to 1 copy of Desktop!
Then I s video in VLC player turned on, Zack, the TV jumps to well-behaved and shows me the video in full and in Wunderschöner quality! Sunday
Then I turned off the PC, and the TV from the floor on my desk asked. PC anbgemacht, BOING! Picture is black white?! Leisure on the Internet, in the graphics driver of "S-Video" to "Mixed (composite?) And moved the picture is colored, but so noisy übersättigtdass Black and White is more beautiful!
Also in the city and drove NEN Scart Male with S-Video input bought the cable because I somehow strange happens (this combination've never seen). Back home, GraKa of the S-video out, Scart in Male S-Video and purely tuned s.den TV. It changes NOTHING!
Have the drivers been synonymous reinstalled. I really do not know more next ...
Antwort von soahC:

Yes I will not push, but it would be very cool if someone could say. Could it perhaps be that, despite the TV scart connector with S-Video input nix with the S-video signal can start?
Then bring me the good piece is back!
Antwort von FritzK:

Hi, it's all right. Do you have the TV to AV / TV with the Remote. pressed? Test times. Or by phone standards.
Antwort von soahC:

Yes, AV is on the Television. He shows a picture synonymous, but just black and white. Television Is there despite so nem adapter with S-Video not cope?
Antwort von FritzK:

Hi, I think it is s.Adapters. I have problems synonymous with such a thing had. how it goes with the Chinchkabel.
Possibly: camcorder on Fierewire s.PC connect either of the camcorder via S-video or RCA s.den TV :-)) experiments.
Antwort von soahC:

So, I think I know it now (but am not sure because ichs can not test):
The adapter is really only the functions of the one connector on the other to come, say, the tv kreigt still an s-video signal, which he apparently can not handle!
firewire on: it really does NOTHING if the camera is always running and then and secondly the time bothers me, or you can bypass?
Antwort von FritzK:

Hi, I och times. To get the best picture, but try einenTV with S-video input to get better, not too expensive,
but "saugut" Did I synonymous.
Antwort von soahC:

How much is the fun way? Or rather, where I find something? Greater than 37cm it must not be, I Hock fairly close. What have you for one?
Antwort von tijuana:

Hi, Media Markt, Promarkt, Saturn, Internet
150-250 ¬ Say what you do and whether it has geklppt. :-))
Antwort von tv-man_sh:

We had several times already but here.
So: A cable adapter is NOT Signalwanderl !!!!!!
You need either:
1. A GraKa that a composite signal (CVBS) output, or
2. A monitor with a Y / C input, or
3. A signal converter.
The best solution would be a TV, the Y / C input has. But TV is a pretty lousy, what the judge a video image is concerned. CRT monitors would be better used in usmitlerweile Ebay fairly cheap to get (SonyPVM-9044 / PVM-14N1, etc.). At auction Art.-Nr.: 230,100,079,156th And no, I have no shares in this auction;)
Such monitors are designed for square-cut and designed to preview the synonymous good, everything else is half the thing. In addition, you save so synonymous perverse signal out-and-her-gewandel. Better a few euros in technology as a reasonable sum for the same pointless converters, adapters, cables and TV out;)
Antwort von soahC:

Hmmm ...
What would the pros here do (apart right of the preview monitor purchase, I'm sorry again poor intern)?
A TV with S-video search or an adapter (one of the synonymous changes) of S-Video to Scart care?
Antwort von cutaway:

I would like an external transducer (firewire - SVHS) to buy, I have synonymous, Pinnacle Movie Box DV, there are cheap used, I have a super-Picture preview on my 50 cm TV.
Hmmm ...
What would the pros here do (apart right of the preview monitor purchase, I'm sorry again poor intern)?
A TV with S-video search or an adapter (one of the synonymous changes) of S-Video to Scart care?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

The professionals have such problems probably not, but as an amateur, I can well remember what the last knitted itself has cost solution.
/ E
Antwort von murks:

Hi, you say, poor Praktikant and want to know how the pros do it .:-))))
Young professional - Monitor cost approximately ¬ 3-4000. It can convert many
Programs and ext. Devices (camcorder, etc.)
Join us in Munich contact with a film club, they show you how it is done.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

If the thing I have understood correctly, but then had it all works, and although before the Television from the bottom on the desk is made (or vice versa?). So could s.der graphics card have changed a setting or s.Output the graphics card or s.Input the TV is connected kaputtgegangen. Another cable was probably already tried, with the same result punkto Picture. So is the (almost) 'raus.
Do you have the option of the whole s.einem other television (eg, in the living room or perhaps Ffeundes and acquaintances circle) again gegenzuchekcen? How is the Picture, if you s.den same input on the TV something else (eg the video output of your camera) to connect?
Antwort von Markus:
Young professional - Monitor cost approximately ¬ 3-4000. For purchase prices between ¬ 3 and ¬ 4,000 will be something suitable to be? * joke-on-edge *