Frage von Alex_HH:
Dear Forum,
've unfortunately yet again a question about Vegas Movie Studio 9.0.
I have created a project with HDV 1440x1080 (captured with SonyPMB) material.
At startup, I have first stated, I know not yet how I will spend the Project.
In the video preview monitor but then I have information on the project properties:
Template: DV_Breitbild PAL (720x576)
Field order: default is to "bottom field first" in my source material is HDV "ultimate field first"
Render quality by optimally.
Deinterlace method to NOT asked.
So! Since I have a PAL DVD, I would like now briefly 15sec sequence probegerendert.
Since it is under "render as ..." the DVD edition does not exist, so the "movie" button.
Then asks me Vegas but only after the path and there you go ...
No chance of anything set yet.
My questions:
Considering this issue in my default project properties?
Which setting in the Field order?
Deinterlacing? No mixing or Field? (thought it is better if the output device deinterlaced)
In short: I'm with the quality is not satisfied. Sieht irgendwie from muddy and I formed me that the fields synonymous with what is not true. I mean, in some movements the lines to see. (not the typical motion grouper when deinterlacing is off)
Do I make a mistake or there is generally a higher quality Downscalierung to PAL for DVD?
Thanks for any tip, with the search has not really helped next.
Antwort von Alex_HH:

Small addition:
've just seen that I am under "render as" synonymous with mpeg2 DVD PAL and DVDwidePAL (only compatible with SonyCD Architect) can select. But probably happening exactly the same as the "Movie"?
Antwort von Marco:
"Deinterlace method to NOT asked." If you enable the appropriate option in the settings of my project, then it would be wrong. That should be there in the rule is always to
"merge fields" are used. Although the name suggests otherwise, with normal deinterlaces this setting only indirectly to do so.
Precise information on DVD-compliant rendering on you can find in the tutorial area.
Antwort von Alex_HH:

@ Marco
I am once again you a debt of gratitude! If you're not ...
Otherwise I can in Vegas MSP 9.0 at PAL DVD rendering custom settings but no longer. Covered as s.VBR, 2pass etc..
Is it the only Vegas Pro or would not get anyway?
Can be synonymous, that my preview in SonyDVD A just looks muddy and later the result is quite okay. Sent me a picture that looks mpeg2 VLC player better. Is this possible?
Antwort von Marco:

True, in Movie Studio can only ensure the finished templates are retrieved, without their own modifications. That I always forget. For the look, I can not say much because I usually use Vegas Pro.
Antwort von Alex_HH:

That is, in Vegas Pro, I could possibly still s.Qualität rausholen with individual settings for the rendering?
That is probably the difference between semi-professional and amateur version ... Sei's drum!
Thanks for your tips!
Antwort von Marco:

Yes, with Vegas Pro, there are several possibilities, the result still to be optimized. There are even custom settings in Vegas and save such a preset can then copy itself in Movie Studio to retrieve and use (not that there still could be changed). But this is usually not a workable way to Movie Studio Render regarding upgrade options.
Another addition: The project settings usually have no influence on the rendering settings, but they affect the project preview. An exception to this is, of course, the rendering quality, both in the project settings as synonymous again in the Render Settings can.
The deinterlace method, as mentioned above, s.besten always on "Fields mix 'leave. There are very few exceptions where a different attitude here should be chosen.
Antwort von Marco:

One more thing. Moderate results when creating a video DVD from HDV-based material is often synonymous in the downscaling. There are some seemingly no middle way, either because the output produced sharp images with flickering edges, or edges remain calm, but the picture is not really sharp. To fight a lot, the HD (V)-use the material, more or less independently of the editing software.
If your result aufschärfen want something, then render it to the first PAL-DV Widescreen, turn to the "Unsharp mask" s.and then render to MPEG-2, which you use for the DVD. If you are lucky, the better. But probably it will flicker wildly and the even more overwhelming.
Antwort von Alex_HH:

Thanks for the tip!
Is it perhaps synonymous because the pixel ratio of HDV to WidePAL yet "converted" to be?
The loss of quality when Downscalieren similar Resolutionals wmv files will not be so serious, or?
Antwort von Marco:

Both rather not. That is down scaling of video in the nature of things, first, regardless of pixel aspect ratio and codec. Of course, given all the factors s.Ende the result.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

when converting the HDV to dvd of something
out of those shows is debatable:
sd theoretical potential for quality you can find here: HDV -4% 3A2% 3A0-to-SD-4% 3A2% 3A2/10124 / /
gruß cj
Antwort von ralph-andre:

Hi Alex
I can give you highly recommend it with Sony Vegas Pro 8 a try.
I have first to Sonyeine free trial download and as a result I am convinced I made a full Ebay cheap only anden.
I capture the HDV tapes, then cut the film and then I render the smart rendering process in the format 1280x720. In the drop down menu to select MPEG 2 (MainConcept 1080 50i-.m2t). (The. M2t forbid I'm also on an external hard drive to up BluRay affordable).
Thereafter, the finished edited m2t download and as a DVD-PAL 16:9 rendern.Mit the integrated MainConcept encoder which works flawlessly and schnell.Evtl. in the custom settings again the settings überprüfen.Topfield first is the right Wahl.Ansonsten can do everything so
For DVD authoring I use the easy to use TMPGEnc DVD Author3.Hier soundtrack as you can still select AC-3 if you like.
Greetings Ralph-Andre
Antwort von Alex_HH:

Hi Ralph-André,
thank you for your answer.
I'm doing now is similar. I render, but even in 1440x1080, so in the original format and retain this m2t file on my hard drive. I can understand the Project in Vegas Movie Studio, either as an additional wide-DVD-Pal, or render the m2t file into DVD Architect DVD can compress.
One tick, that's better yet, if I m2t output material with Avisynth HCenc and on DVD-Pal render. (as in the link above) But of course, an overhead of only a tiny difference in quality brings.
How is it that you archivierst at 1280x720? You do not turn on 1080x1440?
I think that the encoder in Vegas Movie Studio and Vegas (pro) are identical, or because someone would oppose?
Antwort von Marco:
"I think that the encoder in Vegas Movie Studio and Vegas (pro) are identical, or because someone would oppose?" The encoders are the same. But in Movie Studio, there is in most formats, no options, while in Vegas a lot of individually defined parameters, which have a direct influence on the achievable quality can have.
Antwort von ralph-andre:

Hi Alex
Sorry I had missed me, I use the following parameters from Vegas Pro 8:
Main Concept
HDV 1080-50i
Audio: 384 Kbit / s, 48,000 Hz; Layer 2
Video: 25 fps, 1440x1080
This setting is an MPEG-2-File for HDV 1080-50i with the extension. M2t created.
For this time I will still DVD Pal 16:9 as in my first contribution beschrieben.Auf my top 42 inches LCD it looks fantastic.
Antwort von Alex_HH:

Hello again,
yes, so I do it synonymous. On the 37''FullHD LCD see it for PAL ratios really good.
As I said, a bit more sharpness I tickle out with this approach:
Do not be synonymous, but .... Is marginal in comparison to Vegas ....
Antwort von ralph-andre:

it looks like a lot of effort (-;
I wait for BluRay burner and discs at affordable preisen.Sonyvegas is for this format already be prepared.
DVD Authoring dafür gibts already synonymous.
also many greetings from HH
Ralph Andre
Antwort von Marco:

The Blu-ray authoring is a full version of Vegas Pro 8 in the form of DVD Architect 5.0 car with them.
Antwort von ralph-andre:

Hi Marco
DVD Architect 5 seems in my version of Vegas does not include, however, the possibility of such files, or I find the function to start the program.
I am with DVD Architect 3 in English and use abgequält to time as TMPGEnc Authoring program, consider going to their new program authoring WORK 4 upgrade.
Bin with the trial version already quite satisfied, we must not stop because his professional DVDs to produce.
Sonyist very complicated because you have not yet ich.Ich DVD with chapter selection target.
Antwort von Alex_HH:

One can indeed synonymous times a DVD from HDV material to burn something more compatible for people who are not always equal to the latest technical toys growth.
The Avisynth variant did not take so much longer, if it has savvy times. You need a bit more computer know-how.
Antwort von ralph-andre:

PC idea and above all patience, so I do not belong to synonymous which always buy what's new ist.Meist if the prices fall after a short time sowieso.Siehe LCD TVs and even electronics.
I find the idea appealing, but even if you have HDV was synonymous suitably "wear-free" media on the LCD to be able.
For reasons of wear and tear are not synonymous, I look over the tapes Cam HDMI even though the course schonmal gives an impression of what the difference is PAL.
I've already tried synonymous via VGA cable from your PC to the LCD TV to go, but unfortunately to no avail. HDMI Output s.PC I have not and the playback of m2t files on media player s.PC is not optimal.
But I'll try what you've described there, because there are damned good PAL DVDs to almost look like HD.
Antwort von Marco:

If the license for DVD Architect was not there, it was not a full Vegas, but a discounted OEM version, which many of a camera bundle abgekapstelt had.
A feature that is not in Vegas. The DVD authoring is there as a separate DVD Architect software, and licensing of DVD sales in the regular Architect firmly Vegas heard. So Vegas regularly always synonymous purchased the license for DVD Architect.
In Vegas, only the rendering - suitable for DVD Architect - manner. DVD Architect is since a few years, synonymous in the German language version.
Antwort von ralph-andre:

Hi Marco
Just such a version is synonymous yes es.Hat but only a fraction of the full cost but I will be in good times again with the DVD Architecten beschäftigen.Es is certainly very appealing because so many of these individual opportunities bietet.Wie so synonymous for example DVDs with copy protection order, or I'm mistaken there?
At the moment, but first I use TMPGEnc DVD authoring is that simple (-:
Greetings Ralph-Andre
Antwort von Marco:

Only a press can play a DVD with copy protection. DVD Architect generates and stores only the information that the factory needed. There is an optional part of the mastering process (in DVD Architect can take place) in preparation for pressing. This type of copy protection mechanisms for self-DVDs do not exist.