Frage von TELE:
Good evening,
I received the offer of one associative, documented my internship at a hospital in Vietnam for them. My problem, I need two cameras to record without a tape recording for TV in HD quality.
My budget: 7000 ¬. The only camera that I found and of which I could afford were two used (thus I believe), the Panasonic HVX200E.
Can anyone tell me if I sit with the camera on the right horse, and what (I; apart of the slightly more expensive P2 cards) is still an urgent note should?
Thanks and greeting
Antwort von JonasB:

So in general, the HVX200 is still a good choice, but especially in your case I would rather buy myself an EX 1st
By Lowlightstärke flexible and I would imagine that you have to be flexible ... unfortunately, more expensive memory cards synonymous for more tips ... I think you need to give more information about your work.
I guess the second camera would be a smaller model, right?
Antwort von TELE:
but especially in your case I would rather buy myself an EX 1st
Hello Jonas,
The EX1 would obviously be a dream, only two blow my budget ... unfortunately, I need two cameras from the Henkelmann category. There are views of an weighty politicians, where we were officially registered as employees of the station. Have already bammmel ... because we should do something technically impression.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... My budget: 7000 ¬ ... Is that your budget just for the cameras, or need to be accommodated synonymous nor the other necessary components of the equipment? If the latter, then remember, that is Tripod, head lights, microphones & Co. can add up to a considerable amount.
Antwort von WoWu:

In what format you have to make it?
And what workflow do you have?
Your second camera should be as fit as possible but ... And if you already have a P2 workflow ... Then you would rather procure a cheap second HVX200. So that you are well served in any case ...
Antwort von TELE:

Is that your budget just for the cameras [/ quote]
No need, two XLR microphones to the cameras and storage medium yet to ... everything else I get from the transmitter and I myself still. The cameras I wish to use later in private to me, therefore I pay for itself.
Antwort von TELE:
In what format you have to make it?
And what workflow do you have?
Your second camera should be as fit as possible but ... And if you already have a P2 workflow ... Hello WoWu,
The format would be DVCPRO50.
Then I get two P2 stores of Panasonic, of which I am a weekly with the raw material, and one messenger to send home. I myself would need to edit anything.
What do you think, synonymous in terms of the next 2 years, you would select the HVX200E. Frankly, I think it was a great chance to put one foot into the TV business and would like to try (if possible, provide good material, although I am aware that there is one more) to be a good camera.
Antwort von Manuell:

So I got me the HPX171, I can highly recommend synonymous, especially when you shall give in DVCPRO50.
The camera has a better Lowlightverhalten than the HVX200, a very good wide angle, a little handier and easier.
Antwort von TELE:

So I've got my HPX171 Welcome Manual
I would not get me already synonymous forget ... my budget. The plan is the purchase of two identical cameras, the HPX171, I'm still nowhere in "used" found.
Antwort von Manuell:

It all seem so content with being the camera that she wants to sell None :-)
Antwort von TELE:
It all seem so content with being the camera that she wants to sell None :-) Sorry ... but if the HVX200E provides similar great pictures, then I would be happy ... Lowlight is soooo important to me .-)
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Tele
You have already said that it:
Frankly, I think it was a great chance of a foot into the television business to bring You purchase two good (; audited) and used to start it. 2 P2 cards would be too risky for me, however, if the "messenger" time a verschlurt. I have something to worry about another means of transport, such as a 2.5 "HD, or cassette ... (and the HVX so provides both possibilities (; actually yes three ways)), will be sent by the material.
Is cheaper and you have the cards where they belong, and not somewhere in the transportation s.Set .....
If all goes well and you have achieved the desired prospects and the foot in the door is still time for a new camera ...
(My choice;) without experimentation would be in your case.
Especially in an external rotation, where there is no second chance, I'd go for the safe route.
The HVX200 is a very solid camera and a real "workhorse" and the P2 workflow is professional and of good quality.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... 2 P2 cards would be too risky for me, however, if the "messenger" time a verschlurt. I have something to worry about another means of transport, such as a 2.5 "HD, or cassette ... As I understand TELE:
... I get two P2 stores of Panasonic, of which I am a weekly with the raw material ... send to the homeland ... He does not want to send the P2 cards, but a P2 Store - and that's a hard drive. The cartridge would, however, no alternative because the HVX DVCPRO not able to record on tape.
Antwort von TELE:
He does not want to send the P2 cards, but a P2 Store - and that's a hard drive. The cartridge would, however, no alternative because the HVX DVCPRO not able to record on tape. THANK s.alle, I will opt for two HVX200er.
Right, is intended to use the P2 as data stores transporters that since the exchange is weekly and I can get even two.
Thank you again ...
Antwort von Jürgen F.:

"... get the offer to document my internship at a hospital in Vietnam for them."
How should geh'n it? Are you there, wg. the internship or filmmaking, will you shoot yourself?
"... I need two cameras to record without a tape recording for TV in HD quality."
Why do two (; identical) Cams?
1. DVCPRO50 is not an HD format.
2. In DVCPRO50 you are instructed to P2 card. (; HVX200)
3. 3 x 16Gb cards + 1 x 8Gb revealed approximately 115min of recording time and a filling P2 Store (; 60GB).
How much material I would have thee "in order" to turn a week?
Perhaps you are familiar with copies of the material on two different HD a 200GB / 3.5 "serves better and safer? A HD on the way, the other in Vietnam.
Otherwise, you have made with the P2 workflow is a good choice.
The HVX200 is still a current cam, but perhaps you draw the HPX171 for Comparison shortlisted as "Zweitcam.
Greetings Jürgen F.
Antwort von TELE:

How should geh'n it? Are you there, wg. the internship or filmmaking, will you shoot yourself?
Why do two (; identical) Cams?
1. DVCPRO50 is not an HD format.
2. In DVCPRO50 you are instructed to P2 card. (; HVX200)
How much material I would have thee "in order" to turn a week?
Perhaps you are familiar with copies of the material on two different HD a 200GB / 3.5 "serves better and safer?
Hello Jürgen,
So even in the internship I will be working as a logistician, the idea is that I am to portray the "operation" itself, and especially to show the significant use of donations. It is so agreed between the sender and the hospital, just as naturally as they promote their angagements preserved. My person and work will only be s.Rande topic.
Two identical cams, because I buy them privately and I used this size, only two can make HVX200er. Thus, the HPX171 is out of the race ...
I just had to inquiries again, DVCPRO-HD is the correct format.
60 minutes material are intended, from which a contribution is cut 7-9 minutes per week. The 60GB P2 stores I would have to make do already.
Antwort von Leini:

60 minutes material are intended, from which a contribution is cut 7-9 minutes per week. The 60GB P2 stores I would have to make do already.
TELE 60min DVCPROHD = Save for the 60GB or for P2 cards. That does not leave much air.
Antwort von TELE:

60min DVCPROHD = Save for the 60GB or for P2 cards. That does not leave much air.
Hello Leini,
Now do not worry me once ... I was thinking today that the idea of two 100 GB (; or higher) hard disks may not be bad. Especially since I wanted to grow as a hard drive solution for me in private later anyway.
What I needed anything or how to copy the data reliably to the hard disks? A recommendation for an appropriate solution to drive s.100GB I gladly accept an ...
Antwort von WoWu:

Synonymous with the 200 you can directly record to the hard drive if it has been formatted with the camera ...
(; Only once by the way ..)
Antwort von TELE:

(; Only once by the way ..) But not unimportant :-))... since I have read but already matters of extreme desert misses ... I believe in peace copy in the hotel room is already secure ... right?
Antwort von Manuell:

I would take because of the mobility and the weight more on the synonymous P2Karten and transfer them at night halt, for the Firestore Camera s.der not make this just handier.
Achso something else, when recording in DVCPRO50 you can record on a 32gigP2Karte 64 minutes.
Antwort von Jürgen F.:
Synonymous with the 200 you can directly record to the hard drive if it has been formatted with the camera ...
(; Only once by the way ..) how it works if is on the HDD not FireStore/100?
@ Tele
Perhaps you should contact the P2 workflow for you again play through ".
With the HVX200, you can the files / clips just look at the control of P2 /. If they are only transferred to HDD, you can see, unlike other P2 cams no way the files of the connected HDD. You may recognize only the partition and control. So for you to control might be a Schlepptop with P2-Driver/Viewer ideal spot.
And as a 100Gb HDD is definitely too little. For Min DVC PRO HD (; 1Gb = 1st) You should take a number, so the transport is secured.
Second, consider the transfer to HDD will cost around 16 Gb min for 30th - With verify - at the standard P2 cards s.Zeit, the new E-series is much faster, but that you should install a new software for Cam and editing system.
So, all is not so easy ...
Greetings Jürgen F.
Antwort von TELE:

And as a 100Gb HDD is definitely too little. For Min DVC PRO HD (; 1Gb = 1st) You should take a number, so the transport is secured.
Second, consider the transfer to HDD will cost around 16 Gb min for 30th - With verify - at the standard P2 cards s.Zeit That would be enough, I'll send a week's only 60min. With a courier in the home ... of something I've long transfer synonymous already read but I can live with, while I've had enough. Nevertheless, the decision for new and used "old" or new "E" cards not yet been made ...
What do you think of the offers for used HVX200E of carving? The Prices seem ok, right?
Antwort von tracey:

Hello TELE,
If you are interested s.einer used HVX200E write me an email.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ Tele
We have had to work long times as a direct FW HDD setup.
In relation to dropouts were really no problems, but the setup takes a while and added, of course, is, perhaps, for the quick operation is not so suitable.
I would (dubbing the material from the Camera of P2 on the HDD, manual page 85) and send it on its journey ... No additional computer, no other equipment, consider using backup and P2 again.
Cheap, fast, safe and easy.
Antwort von TELE:

I would (dubbing the material from the Camera of P2 on the HDD, manual page 85) and send it on its journey ...
Cheap, fast, safe and easy. Hello WoWu,
I've just presented to me ... quick and painless.
Could I even get out :-))
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... What do you think of the offers for used HVX200E of carving? The Prices seem ok, right? ... Bargains were the previous deals not exactly, but probably still less than acceptable. At the moment Schnittzwerk seems to leave but not used HVX200.
Antwort von Christian Schmitt:

Why mention it here None of the HMC151?
Even if I have even 2 200s today, I would rather take the HMC:
- Same as the image intensifier 171, comparable image quality
- Very low-priced storage media (; SDHC)
You should get two cameras for your NEW 7000th
Although DVCProHD has advantages over AVCHD, but for EB / documentary / reportage is rather insignificant.
And even if you ever need ne more intense color correction, the differences are really only for DVCProHD with a projection into account.
Is not easy to cut, but yes erstmal not your problem.
Ah yes, fürn nen reliable backup, you should have at least two copies of the material in addition to the original ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Why mention it here None of the HMC151? ... DVCProHD has advantages over while AVCHD, but for EB / documentary / reportage is rather irrelevant ... it not easy to cut, but so erstmal not your problem. .. If the sender wants DVC PRO HD, then probably not least because of the internal workflow is to vote. Demands can be so again, but I doubt that the sender accepts AVCHD.
Antwort von deti:

The AG-HMC151E would be for this purpose, synonymous my favorite, but I would not have dared to say in this thread because the thread starter has made a solid target. One can with the included utility for generating easily Panasonic DVC PRO HD.
... And I would leave the station transcoding - which can, as I'm sure me ;-)
Antwort von tracey:

I'll say it again if it has set.
I have a HVX200E in very good condition that I would like to sell.
My email address is in my profile.
Antwort von TELE:

I have a HVX200E in very good condition that I would like to sell.
Hi tracey,
Thanks for your offer, I've seen it before the camera :-)... question has been resolved now, because I got two cameras on the station with lots of accessories provides.
THANK YOU, and you'll all who have advised me so well ... me again wenns log jams ;-)))
Antwort von schlaflos011:

what camera did you get mediated?
Antwort von TELE:

what camera did you get mediated? Hello sleepless
I could buy two HVC200E, Panasonic microphones were there, two big Batteries, a Petrol bag (; fit is good, because I had exactly the same (already), 4-8Gb P2 cards, the old ones, about a year old) and the standard accessories of course.
Next week, I can also accompany a VJ and watch something over his shoulder.
When I am with the prices on ebay and I Schnittzwerk I have researched and see that I have with 4350 ¬ (and I believe) a good deal done. Since I can afford even the new P2 cards in regular sizes.
Antwort von handiro:

what camera did you get mediated?
When I am with the prices on ebay and I Schnittzwerk I have researched and see that I have with 4350 ¬ (and I believe) a good deal done. Since I can afford even the new P2 cards in regular sizes.
TELE torque 2 HVX 201 or old 200? And both together for 4350?
Antwort von TELE:

torque 2 HVX 201 or old 200? And both together for 4350? Two Panasonic AG-HVX200E, both together 4350 ¬.
2175 ¬ per camera.