Infoseite // Panasonic NV-GS17, which firewire cable and the firewire card

Frage von Frager:


I want to know which firewire cable and the firewire card for the camcorder: Panasonic NV-GS17 need!

would be the right place: ~ flNlc3Npb249UDkwV0dBVEU6Q19BR0FURTExOjAwMDIuMDE3My40ODlhZTk2YSZ + + U3RhdGU9MjQwODAyNDUzMg == aHR0cF9jb250ZW50X2NoYXJzZXQ9aXNvLTg4NTktMSZ? ~ template = PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE & mfhelp = & p_selected_area =% 24ROOT & p_selected_area_fh = & perform_special_action = & glb_user_js = Y & shop = B2C & vgl_artikel_in_index = & product_show_id = & p_page_to_display = Direct Search & ~ cookies = 1 & zhmmh_lfo = & zhmmh_area_kz = s_haupt_kategorie & = & = p_searchstring firewire p_searchstring_artnr & = & = p_search_category all r3_matn & = & insert_kz = area_s_url & = & brand = & amount = new_item_quantity & = & = area_url & direkt_aufriss_area = p_countdown & = & = p_80 & p_80_category = p_80_article & = & = p_next_template_after_login & Minimum Order = & login = & password = & bpemail = & bpid = & url = & show_wk = & use_search = 3 & p_back_template = & template = & kat_save = & updatestr = & vgl_artikel_in_vgl = & title = & = Cast & director = & provider = & genre = & FSK = & year = & jahr2 = & dvd_error = X & dvd_empty_error = X & dvd_year_error = & call_dvd = & kna_news = & p_status_scenario = & document = selector & actively = & p_load_area = $ ROOT & p_artikelbilder_mode = & p_sortopt = & page = & p_catalog_max_results = 10



Antwort von etch:

this card would go Hama FireWire DV-Kit, 4x, PCI, Magix? DV -Kit-4fach-Magix/dp/B000CDF67W/ref = pd_bbs_sr_1/028-7497150-1361308? Ie = UTF8 & s = ce-de & qid = 1175798054 & sr = 8-1


Antwort von dookie201:

Yes, sure, the.
It is the cheapest of approval!
I've synonymous only a few euros for card and cable paid.


Antwort von Markus:

These have the following addition:
FireWire FAQ">2. (s.Wenn a PC no Firewire interface has

The cheapest of approval can be very expensive repair s.Ende follow. That would be the end of the term to learn abzuhaken. ;-)

PS: It would not be wrong, the links on their functional ability to check that and then change it if necessary.


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