Frage von Doomkill:
Hello ....
I have currently ne NV-GS27 and my hobby is skateboarding all over the Cam okey ... because the cam is broken (insured event) I would go if I do not think ¬ 50 is to lay out and the
Panasonic NV-GS80EG-S MiniDV Camcorder
hab to ¬ 300 available ... the GS80 and would be in net for 311 - 330 ¬ that would get into my Buget fit!
be recorded with almost all fish-eye and make it works with the GS27 is unfortunately quite well the black ring is very large and I just film with 1X zoom then the ring away and still the fisheye effect is still there!
would be very nice if you give me this, give you a tip!
I am aware that I ¬ 500 with a much better model bekomm but currently lacks the money to me ... 350 - 360 ¬ wär top Schwerzgrenze here!
Thanks already times in advance!
Antwort von Jan:

Yes, thanks to GS 80 is the optical stabilizers and slightly improved the sleep quality of light is even better for you.
Unfortunately, the filter diameter is now 37 mm (except as the 3CCD GS 500), GS 27 had still 30.5 mm.
Antwort von znieh:

Hi Jan,
you seem the 80 "yes" to know. What is your impression? On this device there are three things extremely interesting: the OIS, the strong wide-angle (35mm) and the price. Actually, yes a hammer. As you assess the picture quality compared to other devices (3Chips of Pana and my Canon MVX25i)?
With my Canon, I am a little unhappy because I 16:9 movies, the picture on the 4:3 - Display is too small but also deteriorates the image quality of the EIS shows the wide Angleist small.
Are the Pana Einchipper of what?
The test in the video was active between the lines middling (mainly low resolution), no FB, no bushes, but to me it is primarily on the image to!
Heinz znieh =
Antwort von Markus73:

Are the Pana Einchipper of what?
The test in the video was active between the lines middling (mainly low resolution), no FB, no bushes, but to me it is primarily on the image to!
Hello Heinz,
GS80 to specifically, I can say nothing. I can, however, my estimation of the GS27 (which I'll briefly obsessed with them) as compared to the GS180 (which I now use) installations:
One hears often, the main advantage of the 3 - CCD technology would be the better colors. While I realize that the GS180 would be better differentiated and, in particular low-light color delivers even better.
The main difference that I noticed, however, is the picture sharpness. With the GS27, I was never in this regard as particularly happy, the lens was also not very good.
The GS180 provides a good contrast visible s.Bildschärfe gain and a - in my eyes - excellent picture quality.
The assessments that I have read to confirm this (and synonymous middling line resolution that you've mentioned above): Regarding the jump Resolutionist of 1CCD after 3CCD with the Panasonics a milestone, not only in theory but you can see!
The extent to which the GS27 but here is similar to the GS80, I did not.
Schöne Grüße,
Antwort von znieh:

@ markus73
The Lenses are different in 27er and 80er, the 80 has a larger lens diameter, a larger aperture (37 to 30.5 and 1.8 to 1.9), so comparison difficult, the difference between sharpness and 280er 3CCD my MVX25 is not as milestones.
In addition, the 80's another case (the user info in camcorder noticed zero noise).
Moreover, it is not excluded that the (bad) of the EIS 27er synonymous affect the image quality is (which makes the good of the EIS is synonymous Canon, more in color).
Finally, the record 80 true 16:9, which is probably not the 27er can, otherwise it follows CCD layout.
So the question arises as to how your experiences with the 27 to 80 be transferred.
Heinz znieh =
Antwort von Markus73:
So the question arises as to how your experiences with the 27 to 80 be transferred. Since you have right of course. I just thought: In my case, I see the Comparison of the above camcorder a very clear link between the measured resolution (line number) and the subjective impression of a high quality image.
And since you already have a test report did, the GS80 is not a particularly good line resolution certifies ('ve not even read), was a suspicion of mine suggests parallels here between the GS27 and GS80 to the suspect.
Antwort von znieh:

yes the test report has a mixed impression: Einserseits was the winner GS80, on the other hand, it has few points related to equipment (right) and to obtain measurements (middling Resolutionetc.), but then gets sharpness for a "good".
Missing firewire input because I can live with existing older Cam, FB synonymous still missing, missing inputs outweigh even harder, but ultimately, the effective image decisively ...
Maybe yes times reported one owner!
znieh = Hienz
Antwort von DoomKill_unangemeldet:

I will me the Cam in the next few weeks to order and then notify me werd .....
may be a direct comparison between the NV-GS27 and the GS80 of SonyHC24 and make ..... because I see all cams have in my possession!
Thank you for your help so far ....
Gruß Dominik
Antwort von Jan:

na, the discussion is well underway.
As you can see again, on a digital camera there are at least 10 factors that influence the image quality, with analog technology, it was even easier.
The best example is GS 27 / 60 / 80. In some JVCs VAD get a better line resolution than the Panas and the final Panasonic is still better. An F 1.2 a JVC has nothing to say, JVC has repeatedly demonstrated (DV 3000 & 4000) the Lowlightqualität despite F 1.2 is still under Pana MX 300 / 350 or SonyTRV 30 / 50 was. Since there are probably dozens of factors, such as CCD goodness, various anti-noise filter, Signalprozesor, lens supplier, etc.
Sony's Clear RAW NR anti-noise filter works zb unlike many others before the main image signal, Sonyverspricht through the preparation of brightness and color data before the signal processor for even better quality.
If a CameraLink VAD somewhere "good" gets, which is already strong, as the professional models like JVC DV 5000 just synonymous with "excellence" get a "good" for a 300 ¬ Camera is already not bad.
Yes the EIS has been lost somewhere, which has been in the test reports
seen. Degree in the small sensors, the model with optical stabilizer is relatively easy-EIS area losses.
The Canon MVX 25 I can not compare it right, the sensor is almost as big dopelt, she was a totally different class earlier.
But let's face it, I think 95% of the newcomers would be no picture difference between GS 27 / 60 / 80 / HC 23 / 24 see. Only the meticulous side-by-side Comparison s.PC. It must, I just look at the pictures of the test models for VAD Daylight / Tungsten and Lowlight anschauen.
Antwort von Ovi:

Hello together,
the theme is synonymous for me quite interesting because I between the Panasonic NV-GS80EG-S and the SonyDCR-HC37 fluctuate. I have many positive things about the Panasonic but knows someone read the Sony? Which of the two would you recommend and why?