Infoseite // Panasonic NV-MS95E Battery Input

Frage von stormbringerch:

Hi Freaks

How can we make a small request:
I have two analog video cameras, Panasonic NV-MS95E. Unfortunately, with me all the time Batteries have become paralyzed. Now I had the glorious idea of the NiCd cells of Akkuschraubern for my purposes umzufunktionieren.
The cameras need loud Batteries 6V Manual.
My Charger (battery drill) can be 4.8 / 7.2 / 9.6 / 12V battery.
I would now like 6 cells to a 7.2 V package.
Has anyone experience on the connector of the battery Eingangsbeschaltung above cameras?
Could the excess voltage of max.9V (loaded) a defect causing s.der Camera?
Wanted me to outline the cameras provide. Unfortunately I get in stores and not synonymous with Panasonic to support more cameras.
Would be nice if one of you will have an answer.
Greetings from Switzerland


Antwort von Markus:

"stormbringerch" wrote: Could the excess voltage of max.9V (loaded) a defect s.der Camera [6 volt] cause?
Suppose someone writes to you, which was okay when the voltage satte 50% higher, and you try it out and shot so test your camcorder. - What then?

I would not do it and buy new batteries. The cost is no longer the world.


Antwort von uffnik1:

Hi Markus,
thanks for the reply. You have of course completely right, I would ev time a video camera in the sky send.
That is why I am actually in the first place to the wiring of the battery input. Then you could be from the schema to make clever. But I just s.die is no longer as, the support is set according to Panasonic.
Maybe I was lucky in this way nor to the documents sought to come.

Gruss stormbringerch


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