Frage von seite37oben:
I just try different software, because I did one for private use should like growth. With Premiere Pro, I can work around strangely, at the enduser software hooks it - really embarrassing ...
Who can tell me how to Magix Video Deluxe, the film hides the end (black bezel)? I raff is not ... at least not in the trial, but otherwise makes a good impression.
When will it sound with the upper Anfassen work, which I've already rausgefunden.
Thank you in advance for your reply!
Gruß, seite37oben
Antwort von domain:

Works in video - and soundtrack in the same way and if the two tracks are connected (which is the normal case) then it is sufficient only to handle the image to the left to pull, the sound is then simultaneously dimmed
Antwort von seite37oben:

Haua-haua ... Hiding it is sooo easy. I will give it a try. Again thank you! : O)