Frage von Georgie:
I am looking for a way to have a with Photoshop Create panoramic photo (approx. 10.000x2.000 pixels) in Premiere Elements of left to right to "swing". This is usually when Prel quite possible, though not in such large images.
Is there any software that is virtually a panoramic sequence (avi, etc.) are produced, which then easily can be inserted Prel?
Antwort von Jörg:

accountable to the Picture, and while sowet that you've nurmehr knapp16 Mill.px (8ooo x 1999 for example) will probably accept it synonymous element.
Antwort von Quadruplex:

I am so with Premiere not enough - but how you resize the picture to a manageable resolution? Even for FullHD have it in the Height not more than 1080 pixels to be ...
Antwort von Wiro:

wenns because partout a special software to be, then, I spontaneously Canopus Imaginate On. This may be the best of my knowledge 20000x20000 px manage.
But my speakers have been right. With a little reflection is synonymous with the unit. PE can Stills up to 16.7 million px manage. If it is a clean hor. Swing to be yes, you need to get no picture height of 2000 px, 576 meet. That would be at a width of 10000 total 5.76 million px px.
You can of course synonymous 8ooo x 1999 or so, since you have all the freedoms. You can not just come over 16.7 million.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von Greg:

Why not just a window on the monitor resolution required in the open (576 lines or more when it gets to be HD), the swing over the panorama on the screen to scroll and scroll as AVI capture. There are plenty of good open source, just google, if needed I can post something synonymous. The so-captured AVI then purely in PE.