Frage von Moby:
what hardware do I need to preview in real time on a TV to be? (first time without Effects)
I would simply like the movie on a TV monitor before I burn.
Thank you
Antwort von robbie:

a camcorder with DV-in ....
schöne grüße,
Antwort von Moby:

So you think so
PC firewire => dv cam-in => Cam A / V out => TV A / V
At the preview so you can rely 100%?
Antwort von Markus:

Alternatively, were synonymous a D / A converter when the camcorder is not continuously as Analogizer "excuse is.
Antwort von Moby:

Hello markus
Yes. A yes synonymous, which is 100% on the preview time can depend on?
After I read this thread, I still doubt.
Antwort von Dani_74:

On the preview you can velassen. Only the picture is generally slightly delayed (0.5 to 1 sec) play. (For me at any rate). If you are synonymous but the sound of the camera control should be for your purposes, no big role to play.
Gruss Dani
Antwort von Markus:
After I read this thread, I still doubt. Why? In the linked post but it was exactly that, a D / A converter (or synonymous with a camcorder of this function) in order to precisely on the issue alone.
A yes synonymous, which is 100% on the preview time can depend on? Only if you instead of a consumer television (perhaps even a TFT, plasma, or 100 Hz TV) synonymous a professional video monitor use. ;-) The minimum requirement would be an ordinary tube TV with 50 Hz
Antwort von Klausi2000:

I advise you of the idea of D / A.Wandlers from, at least as a temporary help with the camcorder. The Picture is always delayed, the ton as well. is KALREM. a simultaneous signalzu receive bracuhst you dementsprächende hardware, for example, of Matrox. I myself use the APVe that you have at an affordable price can buy. Experiment with the hardware, which it is tuned to, then you ärgerst less.
gruß, matt
Antwort von Klausi2000:

Halli Hallo
With a GForce graphics card is the "Premiere Pro Monitor" simply s.einem TV can display. You have to give the Television s.die graphics card connection (RCA or SVideo). The graphics card has the function of overlay enabled. Once you start Premiere the "Premiere Pro Monitor" on the TV to be seen.
Antwort von Markus:
The Picture is always delayed, the sound too ... ... and it fits both (Picture / Sound) exactly together, and will not be of any Windows or / and graphic card drivers vergurkt.
If I take the analog video interface card in my A / D converter, then is the delay in the playback of the timeline for perhaps half a second.
The world goes under! ;-)