Frage von dabrain230:
Tag allerseits,
I have the following problem. To create multiple video præsis I use AE. To this end I have created a calculator that will take the final rendering in PP. Inside is the following hardware:
Phenom X4 940 @ 3GHz
8 GB RAM (running, stupidly only 800mhz with will be fixed soon)
Radeon 4830
64GB SSD (; with write cache)
Problem is that the performance is not particularly exhilarating. Multiprocessing is enabled and the cores are all busy. The Ram goes off well, so when rendering close to 1 GB of 8 GB left free. In addition, the rendering is s.and to simply stand, as if the threads have to wait for another ". My colleagues use that (their laptops, not a very good parts, mostly second-generation C2D, speak T5xxx) to make the content, thought that the calculator was not really faster than their laptops. On the overall performance, it should not be imho, but I can not really test it (; gibts somehow a meaningful benchmark?)
My own Calculator is as noticeable (and if not synonymous much) faster, although actually worse:
C2D E8400 @ 3,3 ghz
4 GB Ram
Geforce 8800GT
Blue WD 320s
Can anyone with any nen give advice on how I can tackle the problem?
Antwort von Mylenium:

Öhm, well, what do you want with'ner SSD? The data transfer rates are worse than in writing ollen 5400 hard disks and reading with MP rendering you have exactly the same bottleneck as all the other systems synonymous. Ergo -> RAID, RAID, RAID.
Antwort von dabrain230:

So I ne ssd with write cache. random-write with> 100MB's / s
And read the piece reaches the proper> 200MB / s
the rich should imo erstmal. or does it?
Antwort von Jake the rake:
(; gibts somehow a meaningful benchmark?) Slashcam benchmark Cinebench
Antwort von Commanderjanke:

You user is XP64 or Vista64??
Antwort von dabrain230:

WinXP 32bit and 64bit.
In recent times, both plunge AE Premiere alsauch often times from -.-
Kann s.Quicktime lie?
@ jake the rake
how do I know whether the performance of my computer is in a frame?
Antwort von Jake the rake:

@ jake the rake
how do I know whether the performance of my computer is in a frame? Where you compare your results with similar configurations from the list. Respectively. (; ergoogelten in Cinebench) with lists.
Antwort von dabrain230:

so I can go through the Cinebench and reached 12,343 points. should fit properly.
how can I really know if my drives represent a bottle-neck?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

What are you going to get them out??
Yes I know not what you want to object but as "my calculator renders faster than yours" is at home users and small companies do not really really important ....
If We or our times to complain, the customer then has the sense ... But somewhere
If, however, so as to render mini systems serve as one begins to turn around and play, so that made the last 10 years have nothing ..... so I can draw the full statement of your colleague nachvoll.
Quasi Conclusion .... forget it not intressiert the beans as quickly render your calculator!
When I render in the basement (several single Xeon processors, the server racks ).... And next year let's ne video card solution because you can tinker as a real time-saving .... ps and here only rendering of high-end content goes out ..... And since it can take a 3D wave mal ne 5 weeks ;-) Ok
Want real sorry but there so many times people come to me one of benchmarks and storytelling all talk .... erstmal cases where it makes the rendering synonymous to the economic aspect, and then, you can always watch something else must be purchased.
Benchmarks are like film look - everyone wants to have the best - hardly anyone knows how and what is what what means.
B. DeKid
PS: And if you want to have your performance falls but not to dual or quad cores, what else .... purely Boards and buy multi packs because current chips on it then you can talk MultiTasking synonymous of everything else is 'playing Calculator Kids'
Pulverized but not as much money for marketing the stuff out there not really use anyway.
PS2 is: Noch nen tip whoever grosstut with benchmarks in the scene is just as ridiculous, since the rendering time is indeed paid by the customer, and watch as the 80% which will only result that no preference but eh .... I still comb to someone who has never said it should go faster.
And if there is anyway faster render rate rounded up the day written on the bill.
Antwort von dabrain230:

I believe you have not understood me correctly. I is not about the comparison of the performance. a "guck ma, I is thicker" I did not need time apart from that I have for so nen sh *** do not have time. I make no money order. It is intended for nen agreement, the conference keeps ne more.
the problem is simply that I was literally unheard am sure that the underlying render it fully exploits the hardware potential. again and again I see that the substance, to insert "pause" and will not weitergerendert. just for this moment I am looking for a solution. If the rendering of a presidential instead of 5h would last only 3 h, then that would be enough for me.
We are currently thinking about purchase, nen second computer can be worked in parallel to render /. any suggestions concerning whether hardware and OS? Price, we can not spend too much, no professionals are indeed synonymous.)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So I do some of "favor" for companies Präsos .... I do not know what it may take as long `!?
But that's beside the erstmal.
Time, a few tips
- Effect scenes, especially in AE as short as mäglich
that refers to creation, edit, and render.
- As much as goes into Layer (; split levels)
- Issue of securities as (and at least with) multilayer aka Film File and once again Pictures
- Aka sleep at night when rendering ;-))
If you have found a rhythm in there times when you can work much faster.
No idea but the subsequent aggregation is much safer and faster than all at once or edit render.
This is actually the most important in the rendering.
No clue to the question .... Calculator
Purchase your 2x400Euro Calculator and hang the s.das network and is good. Or 6 Via EPIA (; less power consumption), or a bankruptcy Server Rack .... important is that you network with them in the respective Render Progis as "clusters" and scolded them can run to render only.
If you want to be very horny just going to buy this motherboard and processor and RAM (power supply; evtuell nor IDE controller cards aka Flash)
Schrraub them in a wooden cabinet boards 3-4 aka router with Splitter jump purely a mini ITX board, or EPIA nen as a terminal control mini mouse and TFT Keyaboard nen few billigBoxen.
This ne SREV 2000 or 2003 and is ready your little server aka RenderFarm .... in combination with day # owned GraKas the GPU is a 'killer' wardrobe ;-) And synonymous only costs about 3500 euros, or 5 000 but rockkt more than any standalone computer unit.
Purchase all of Ebay in the Pentium 4 class, and you only pay 1,000 euros (; for 4 processor motherboards and expected p.120 per P4 a 3 MgHz)
No plan, but one gets truly out s.meisten day when it comes to the rendering of EFX. As the benchmark of a single machine is actually erstmal no preference.
Sure, everyone should be a 10 if he can afford high-end machine that's obviously better than old P4 rer we say .... but I'm currently running as the last 2 years 16 700mgHz Xeons ... Hey this is sufficient for me at the moment over. The P4rer to 3.2, we have now by Duo 2.8 it replaces as a working unit .... I do not know what you want to see some magic miracle effects, but so what is more than ok to create.
Sure I have friends who have 3 graphics cards in the calculator and super high end processors clocked up in the calculator and and and ... but what do they do, the zocken. But I not been playing so I do not need and what others make with their earned money to me ;-) But make no preference for synonymous to synonymous, there are no Macs and no PC gamers ;-)
B. DeKid
Sorry did not come as too harsh over yesterday, but with "benchmarks" that balk at my hair.
10 years ago, I have the synonymous s.Anfang times, so 4 disks in the 100s made Raaid run multiprocessor board latest graphics card .... And I will tell you something is not until I mastered it right out, I thought it not at the customer wants to have more than what at that time already "old" technology spat ... Quasi money thrown out the window - I am just too honest than that I did not want to admit - on the other make the mistake of not synonymous ;-)
Antwort von Jake the rake:

Na, na, na,;)
Sun benchmarks already have a right to exist apart from consumer-to-tail comparison ...
There are not synonymous in vain for Various Superkomputer aka rendering or computing farms, better written ...
If you want to be sure that the hardware-software combination used normally "works" is a benchmark no sense, right?
I also find it in a forum such as Slashcam synonymous with interesting to see what the "colleagues" as they work and what rausholen possibly out of their crates.
And for small cock gabs always pumps.
Btw: Instead of spending 2 times to 400 ¬ to 800 ¬ for scrap a current quad certainly more sense ... Especially for someone who simply tinker times for his club "something will ...
The tip with the computational servants in all honor, but we are talking about a hobby!
Your Calculator is certainly in order. What's missing is the experience, or possibly your workflow (; see BdK Post)