Frage von BillBo:
When I finally with DVD Decrypter and AutoGK an. Avi file I had created was noted in the. Avi file the sound by about 8 seconds is shifted (ton runs before building).
Until now it had always done in this way, now comes this asynchronität but more often before, no idea why.
So then did a bit on forums and then trying rumgesucht VirtualDub with the ton to move, as is often the best option was mentioned. However happens to me nothing. After I Vdub with the sound had moved in the new. Avi is still all the same. Here's exactly what I did:
1. File Open
2. in Video -> Direct Stream Copy set
3. under Streams -> Stream List opens
4. right-click on the audio stream and then interleaving
5. Audio skew correction 80 ms entered and clicked on ok
6. The stream list with ok again closed and then simply save as. avi made
then he expects 5 minutes or so and the result is the same woe before. can someone help me?
gruß martin
Antwort von BillBo:

ahhhhh damn, very embarrassing. has done.
mann halt should not know the 8s are 80ms, but 8000ms. * g *