Frage von Besucher:
After installing the Quicktime player I have to. mpg files (which could easily be played before) is no more picture but only sound in Windows Media Player (XP / V. 10).
Google has not helped ... but at least I've found here this Page. Can someone help me? It's getting pretty annoying always conjured up 'ne new Quicktime instance on the screen!
Best regards,
Antwort von Gast1:

The QT Player has probably taken over the preference for MPEG video.
The Media Player on share options / settings for MPEG video, the check mark will probably solve your problem.
Antwort von Besucher:

Nope, as I said, the WMP opens and plays the video very much the sound ... but shows no picture!
Best regards,
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Probably the Q-Player when you install DirectShow existing Merits and has changed his or her own highly rated.
If you like this says nothing, sometimes read
Show in Gspot (, which graphs are available on your system: (Instructions: and change the Merits in accordance with either Gspot or Radlight with the Filter Manager (, which I personally would prefer.
Incidentally, it is still synonymous Quicktime Alternative (, what is going not quite as aggressive as the original player ...
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Besucher:

heyho, yoh it all:)
for clueless: I'm with the under-RadLight dingens the Merit:
FiltersMPEG DirectShow Video Decoder (quartz.dll of which was registered as Quicktime) of the Merit 40000001 (impudence!! Merit Preferred is 00800000 registered as synonymous for the entire MS stuff. Apples are probably harder than softs) on Merit unlikely (00400000) reset.
Now I have my Filmse again in WMP ... And only if I really want in QT:)
1000 thanks to 'host 0815'!
Antwort von MarrientesAD:

um. I thought at first that I have the same problem, so I've done what Thomas has written (RadLight drawn, and Merit worth decoder for MPEG video set to unlikely 00400000)
hmm just now is nothing more> _>
I've made smarter as a backup, I wanted to ask whether one can somehow reversed MACHNE.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

If you have changed nothing else, set the Merit Simply back up to its original value;
Otherwise Gspot will help you begin with such problems.
Upload an appropriately encoded file in Gspot and look over there at MS M / V with the "1", which curve is preferred by the system. Go with the mouse on the individual "stations" of this path and you will get the exact name of the splitter / decoder, etc.
Whether the graph is suitable for playing, you see it with the "2" (the play was to begin). Then go to Gspot vid press 1 and 2 and you see what other opportunities exist to play the file on your system, with 3 each then you can again try to play the file to (Audio works alongside analog) to do so. One of these options better results than MS should show investigating the differences (other splitter, filter, ect.) Liegts s.Directshowfilter, then adjust the values accordingly ie (the displayed under MS down and / or other hochsetzten).
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von lyCan:

Good day, I had exactly the same problem and have tried to synonymous runterzusetzen Merits of QuickTime that has seemingly synonymous works, but is now falling as soon as I was (any movie file to avi, mpeg, or other) with no preference to which player, the tasks : drwtsn32.exe, explorer.exe, and the respective player.exe (BSplayer.exe, wmplayer.exe, ... ab). In GSpot, I'm also trying find out what there, but the only says Can not write: Render the avi, and above: codec not installed.
Now, when I eg install the Nimo Codec Pack or the DivX Codec Pack download, and will, comes in different. S.and. Dll files error: can not install .... .... s.oder dll, and there as a possibility To continue: Abort, Retry and Ignore at. If the error occurs just retry again, and when he goes Ignore next, install different files until the next error occurs.
I honestly do not know more next, because I can afford a remedy please?
Thanks in advance, Lycan aka Daniel from Luxembourg.
Antwort von lyCan:

Good evening once again. I would have found a solution to the problem of what you might save some. An update of XP was the NVidia or ATI Control Center, the video setting is set to Custom, which has the consequence that one has when watching videos just a black picture. Just open Control Center and put the settings back to Home or so, then it works again. Now I just have to try all the error messages again set aside. Furthermore XviD was broken for me, and I had to reinstall.
I hope this will help some.
MfG, lycan from Luxembourg
Antwort von Pantherro:

Hey, great tip! It's true, open the Control Center and then continued at home .... ta-da! Everything is back again!
Since you only have to get on it right? Merit and renderer Tips are very helpful but now a solution was easier to solve than usual! Booyah!
Thank you very much!
Antwort von DANKE!!!:

Hey thanks supa funzt now synonymous with me everything again ^ ^ who are genuinely so ...... of windows with their sch .... updates: (