Frage von Paukerhund:
I have a created video with Nero Vision 4 CD get (slideshow).
Unfortunately sind'die Oroginalbilder no longer exists. Is there a way to restore images from the slideshow??
Or is it not at all.?
Greeting Pauker dog
Antwort von Markus:

if you mean by disappointing the extraction of images obtained Resolutionwieder to the original, then I need you. The VCD delivers only 352 × 288 pixels, then what is true synonymous to the pictures.
Greetings from the digital Datensterben! - Has someone perhaps prematurely deleted something? Maybe the originals are still in the trash?
Antwort von Paukerhund:

Hi Markus,
I sensed it. :-( So it is not possible. Detach you speak of. I have tried in Nero with the snapshot - function to get the pictures. Elider not work. Is there anything else an opportunity, the pictures despite poor Resolutioneinzeln get?
Greeting Pauker dog
Antwort von steveb:

Still images (of videos) can also be copied in full screen via the print / print to the clipboard and be stored there.
Antwort von Paukerhund:

Hi stefan,
with the clipboard, I have tried synonymous. If I then want to paste the clipboard into Word, Power Point or an image editing program that initially appear synonymous with the picture of a black outline. After saving and re-open the appropriate file, only to still see a black picture. What should I do?
Greeting Pauker dog
Antwort von steveb:

what editing program did you use it?
Antwort von Paukerhund:

Hi Stefan,
The VCD was produced with Nero Vision.
Greeting Pauker dog