Frage von tms:
So first time I have total Beginners, therefore, have no idea!
I have made with the Movie Maker 2, a movie (wmv file) and then converted them into a. Avi file. This I did with different programs, then re-converted and burned onto a CD-RW. Unfortunately, she has played my DVD player, a Panasonic DMR E55 before. Have you any idea with which program I get this done?
Antwort von tms:

Correction: It is a Panasonic DMR E53!
Antwort von tms:

And another thing: It should be freeware!
Antwort von Nightfly!:

1.) A blank CD detects your Panasonic with a RW you should again look in the manual.
2.) Only the VCD or SVCD format of a CD are played on video. The Video-DVD format only as DVD (in the special case when miniDVD).
3.) so choose in your burning program SVCD (or miniDVD) to burn your CD-RW with a video that can be played on your DVD Plazer. (the firing of each program, eg Nero) can
4.) QUESTION: Why do not you will walk right into an AVI file but only in wmv. Convert multiple reduces its quality.
PS: Why Freeware? If you have a burner, you have a burning program designed synonymous here.
Antwort von MiXMaster:

3.) so choose in your burning program SVCD (or miniDVD) to burn your CD-RW with a video that can be played on your DVD Plazer. (the firing of each program, eg Nero) can
Where can I find it?