Frage von annö:
So I got myself this Gerätschaft so I can save my collected works of vhs on computer and some on dvd.
but, unfortunately, does not want to pinnacle like me.
have thought of pressing in pinnacle studio recording easy at times.
it crashes. nich, I know why.
it is s.dem program? It is s.dem recorders?
I'm totally confused and somewhat synonymous pissed, because now I've spent money and the schnulli nichmal still works. grml
And if it should work at some times, I have before I start the video recording to the press, or is no preference? I mean I've tried both ... but has not achieved anything.
My recorders is quite old. But because it can not lie doer? I mean I can play videos without any problems. would be funny if it should be on one s.dem good piece ...
I need to do any settings?
eg video source I can zw pinnacle pctv stereo, select logitech quick cam chat (; more likely nich, because that's my webcam is), dv camcorder
ton, and when I select zw-wave realtek hd audio output, realtek hd audio input-cd-laudstörke and pinnacle pctv stereo bda analagen-analog ...
what it is for me and is relevant to the recorders at all here? So it will be recognized at all?
wär echt nice if I could Hefler and someone we could bring together the entire run to the ...
* sigh *
btw: I'm the creator dazzle Cideo 80 fusion
Antwort von annö:

achja .... 'm still a little research next.
've read that you should get nen patch. I think, clear why nich.
but for that you have to register there. (; site on the pinnacle). is not a problem ...
HA! denkste ... ne one have to enter serial number. I want my menu and click on the question mark and there is that then good. The stupid is that there is simply no question mark.
I am really very close to tears.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... click to enter serial number on the side ... ... at the pinnacle fragezeichen ... this is stupid, it just did not fragezeichen available ... Go times with a different browser to work: Maybe this Page can not correct your show.
Antwort von annö:

ne the fragezeichen should be somewhere in the studio 8 ...
I myself have been in internetgesucht whether one is what will be. Some serial numbers have probably entered the studio to be ... but not funzt ...
thus. how do I get out my Studio 8 serial number of nu .. because when I'm ready, I could avoid this vllt abstürze.
or is it really better to get nen newer studio program to 11 or so ...?
my video creator 80 would work with it?