Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Plant Sonyden Blu-ray successor with 1TB disks?
Antwort von Alf_300:

Titanium disc?
Antwort von looplars:

why not on Venyl? Seriously, Solid State is the future.
Antwort von joe11:
Seriously, Solid State is the future. A 500 GB Solid State Disc is 1500 ¬. Here it goes, but takes a plastic disc, the 1000 GB and costs 20 cents to produce.
The reference in the article to 4k is nonsense. At 40 times the capacity of all the 12k would be there.
1000 GB / 25 GB = 40
Square root (40) = 6.32
6.32 * 12.64 = 2k k ~ 12k
1000 GB / 50 GB = 20
Square root (20) = 4.47
4.47 * 8.94 = 2k k ~ 9k
Antwort von lilbarby:

* Yawn * ... and snoring.