Frage von mark007:
Hello experts!
Following situation: I have let myself of a media market seller a SonyDVD into taking 202 E ... apparently a mistake :-(
I do not want to reprocess, but add only a very loose, watch on a DVD player and save a backup on my Samsung laptop. And that's what is coming to the median market message will no ...
When researching I got the Magix panel. Is it therefore be possible to view the movies on the calculator?
If I only have a film on the DVD and copy the files onto the laptop, I have a total of 6 files:
The last file is is the largest with 30 MB (all others have only a few kb). So I've just changed the extension to mpeg. Then I can watch them with Windows Media Player, but lacks the sound. And the quality is not synonymous as sparkling.
Has anyone any idea how I get on the films reasonably Calculator?
Thank you!
Antwort von grovel:

The easiest way is if you copy all the files and then open a program, what the DVD files of the hard drive may show off with. Eg VideoLan or PowerDVD.
If you want to make a copy, you can either do this directly with the copy function, or can use (but recommended) a burning program to create what VideoDVD (eg Nero).
SeeYa grovel